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Youth Theatre Journal

ISSN: 0892-9092eISSN: 1948-4798
JUFO Level 1

Youth Theatre Journal is a refereed journal which draws its contributions from a wide community of researchers, philosophers, educators, and performance theorists. Youth Theatre Journal welcomes 5,000-7,000 word articles which report on and discuss research and methodological issues from the point of view of philosophy, history, educational theory, sociology, critical theory, and comparative studies. The journal focuses of the dissemination of ideas relating to practical and theoretical developments in the field of theatre and performance by, with, and for children and youth and drama/theatre education.Peer Review Policy: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and double-blind peer review.

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a/b: Auto/Biography Studies

ISSN: 0898-9575eISSN: 2151-7290
JUFO Level 1

We are pleased to announce that, from 2016, a/b: Auto/Biography Studies will publish three issues a year.

a /b: Auto/Biography Studies enjoys an international reputation for publishing the highest level of peer-reviewed scholarship in the fields of autobiography, biography, life narrative, and identity studies. a/b draws from a diverse community of global scholars to publish essays that further the scholarly discourse on historic and contemporary auto/biographical narratives. The journal upholds its almost thirty-year legacy of publishing by pushing ongoing conversations in the field in new directions and charting an innovative path into interdisciplinary and multimodal narrative analysis.

The journal accepts submissions of scholarly essays, review essays, and book reviews of critical and theoretical texts as well as proposals for special issues and essay clusters. Submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is through our online digital submissions portal, accessible at

a/b is the official journal of The Autobiography Society and sponsors the annual meeting of the MLA Division on Biography, Autobiography, and Life Writing. The editors of a/b recently convened the “Auto/Biography across the Americas: Reading beyond Geographic and Cultural Divides” conference that led to the formation of the International Auto/Biography Association – Chapter of the Americas. The journal also awards an annual essay prize. 
Peer review policy
Articles in this journal are subject to double blind peer review by at least two referees.
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de arte

ISSN: 0004-3389eISSN: 2471-4100

De arte publishes articles on original research in the visual arts, art history, art criticism and related disciplines. This policy is aimed at making the journal representative of a variety of viewpoints and emphasises its interdisciplinary approach. Articles will be forwarded to two referees who must recommend publication in the journal. While the dominant style is of a scholarly nature, the journal also invites contributions for its rubric of Book Reviews. Letters to the Editor may be published. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Editorial Committee of de arte or the University of South Africa.

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disP - The Planning Review

ISSN: 0251-3625eISSN: 2166-8604
JUFO Level 1

disP – The Planning Rewiev is an interdisciplinary scientific journal, which addresses topics in the areas of Urban Development, City and Town Planning, Landscape and Environmental Planning, Landscape Architecture, Regional and Environmental Economics as well as Transportation Planing. It is published quarterly. Normally two disP issues a year are dedicated to a specific theme (Theme issues). The articles in disP are chosen using a panel procedure and an international advisory board supports the editorial staff. International orientation Authors from all nations can use disP as a vehicle to contribute their articles to the european planning forum. Articles are published in German, English, French or Italian. An english summary is provided for each article published in another language. .

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Ñawpa Pacha

ISSN: 0077-6297eISSN: 2051-6207
JUFO Level 1

Ñawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology ("antiquity" in the Inca language) is the oldest, most prestigious peer-reviewed journal in Andean studies. Founded in 1963 by John Rowe at University of California Berkeley, the journal has for four decades been publishing the most important and innovative research on the archaeology of the Andean region of South America. It is the official journal of the Institute of Andean Studies whose aim is " to organize, sponsor, and assist field, museum and library research and study in archaeology, history, linguistics, ethnology and biology of the native peoples of Colombia, and of that area of South America which was formerly the Inca Empire".

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