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Water Resources

ISSN: 0097-8078eISSN: 1608-344X

Water Resources (Vodnye Resursy) was founded in 1972 to present materials on the assessment of water resources, integrated waterresource use, water quality, and environmental protection. The journal covers many areas of research, including prediction of variations in continental water resources and regime; hydrophysical and hydrodynamic processes; environmental aspects of water quality and protection; economic, social, and legal aspects of water-resource development; water resources outside Russia; and experimental methods of investigation.

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p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications

ISSN: 2070-0466eISSN: 2070-0474
JUFO Level 1

This is a new international interdisciplinary journal which contains original articles, short communications, and reviews on progress in various areas of pure and applied mathematics related with p-adic, adelic and ultrametric methods, including: mathematical physics, quantum theory, string theory, cosmology, nanoscience, life sciences: mathematical analysis, number theory, algebraic geometry, non-Archimedean and non-commutative geometry, theory of finite fields and rings, representation theory, functional analysis and graph theory: classical and quantum information, computer science, cryptography, image analysis, cognitive models, neural networks and bioinformatics: complex systems, dynamical systems, stochastic processes, hierarchy structures, modeling, control theory, economics and sociology: mesoscopic and nano systems, disordered and chaotic systems, spin glasses, macromolecules, molecular dynamics, biopolymers, genomics and biology: and other related fields.

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