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Management in Education

ISSN: 0892-0206eISSN: 1741-9883
JUFO Level 1

Management in Education (MIE) provides a forum for debate and discussion covering all aspects of educational management. Our peer review policy helps to enhance the range and quality of the articles accepted supporting those new to publication and those that are more experienced authors. MIE is a quarterly journal and edited by Linda Hammersley-Fletcher, Manchester Metropolitan University.

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Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research

ISSN: 0973-8010eISSN: 0973-8029
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Marketing Theory

ISSN: 1470-5931eISSN: 1741-301X
JUFO Level 2

Marketing Theory is a fully peer reviewed specialised academic medium and main reference for the development and dissemination of alternative and critical perspectives on marketing theory. Marketing Theory publishes articles covering any aspect of theory, including strategy, consumer behaviour, new product development and more. The journal is now indexed by ISI - Impact Factor pending.

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Materials Science and Technology

ISSN: 0267-0836eISSN: 1743-2847
JUFO Level 1
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

MORE (Maney Online Research E-journal) Collections represent real value for money.The licensing options have been designed to suit the differing needs of academic institutions worldwide. They aim to reduce the unit cost of information whilst at the same time expand access to a wider range of electronic content.Licensing the Full Collection of electronic journals represents the best value of money for multidisciplinary universities wishing to provide the greatest breadth of content to their users. We also deliver subject-specific and tailor-made packages. See the right-hand links for more information.

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Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids

ISSN: 1081-2865eISSN: 1741-3028
JUFO Level 1

Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original innovative research in solid mechanics and materials science.The central aim of MMS is to publish original, well-written and self-contained research that elucidates the mechanical behaviour of solids with particular emphasis on mathematical principles.

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Measurement and Control

ISSN: 0020-2940eISSN: 2051-8730
JUFO Level 1

The Institute’s Journal, Measurement + Control, publishes practical technical articles from industry and academia, product and business news and information on technical advances. We welcome and encourage submission of papers and articles on relevant subjects. Please see the authors’ notes for further information and advice on style and content.

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Media International Australia

ISSN: 1329-878XeISSN: 2200-467X
JUFO Level 1
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Media Watch

ISSN: 0976-0911eISSN: 2249-8818
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Media, Culture and Society

ISSN: 0163-4437eISSN: 1460-3675
JUFO Level 3

Media, Culture & Society provides a major peer-reviewed, international forum for research and discussion on the media, including the newer information and communication technologies, within their political, economic, cultural and historical contexts. It regularly engages with a wider range of issues in cultural and social analysis. Its champions research on substantive topics and critique and innovation in theory and method.

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Media, War & Conflict

ISSN: 1750-6352eISSN: 1750-6360
JUFO Level 1

Media, War & Conflict is a major new international, peer-reviewed journal that maps the shifting arena of war, conflict and terrorism in an intensively and extensively mediated age. It explores cultural, political and technological transformations in media-military relations, journalistic practices, and new media, and their impact on policy, publics, and outcomes of warfare. The journal bridges communications, political science, sociology, history, and other disciplines.

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Medical Care Research and Review

ISSN: 1077-5587eISSN: 1552-6801
JUFO Level 1

Medical Care Research and Review provides essential information about the field of health services to researchers, policy makers, managers, and practitioners. MCR&R publishes peer-reviewed articles synthesizing empirical and theoretical research on health services, examining such issues as organization, financing, health care reform, quality of care, and patient-provider relationships. The journal seeks three kinds of manuscripts: review articles that synthesize previous research in several disciplines and therewith provide guidance to others conducting empirical research as well as to policy makers, managers, and/or practitioners; methodologically rigorous empirical research that provides a significant contribution to previous knowledge; and articles that present new data and trends in the health care area or help us better understand how data can be used by the field.

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Medical Decision Making

ISSN: 0272-989XeISSN: 1552-681X
JUFO Level 3

Medical Decision Making (MDM) offers rigorous and systematic approaches to decision making that are designed to improve the health and clinical care of individuals and to assist with health policy development. Published six times a year, the Journal presents theoretical, statistical, and modeling techniques and methods from a variety of disciplines including decision psychology, health economics, clinical epidemiology, and evidence synthesis. MDM promotes understanding of human decision-making processes so that individuals can make more informed and satisfying choices regarding their health.Medical Decision Making focuses on important topics such as: * Optimal strategies for patient care and policy decision making * Understanding individual and group decision-making processes * Outcomes of decisions, their measurement, and valuation * Risk communication, risk attitudes, and judgment * Methods to teach about and improve actual decisions * Methods for technology assessment, literature synthesis, comparative effectiveness research and evidence-based decision making.

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Medical Equipment Insights

eISSN: 1178-637X
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Medical Law International

ISSN: 0968-5332eISSN: 2047-9441
JUFO Level 2
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Medicine Access @ Point of Care

eISSN: 2399-2026
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Medicine, Science and the Law

ISSN: 0025-8024eISSN: 2042-1818
JUFO Level 1

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Medico-Legal Journal

ISSN: 0025-8172eISSN: 2042-1834
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Medieval History Journal

ISSN: 0971-9458eISSN: 0973-0753
JUFO Level 1
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Memory Studies

ISSN: 1750-6980eISSN: 1750-6999
JUFO Level 3

Memory Studies affords recognition, form and direction to work in this nascent field, and provides a critical forum for dialogue and debate on the theoretical, empirical, and methodological issues central to a collaborative understanding of memory today. Memory Studies examines the social, cultural, cognitive, political and technological shifts affecting how, what and why individuals, groups and societies remember, and forget.

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Men and Masculinities

ISSN: 1097-184XeISSN: 1552-6828
JUFO Level 2

Men and Masculinities (M&M) offers high-quality, interdisciplinary research in the emerging field of men and masculinities studies. M&M presents peer-reviewed empirical and theoretical scholarship grounded in the most current theoretical perspectives within gender studies, including feminism, queer theory and multiculturalism. Using diverse methodologies, M&M's articles explore the evolving roles and perceptions of men across society.

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