agricultural chemistry, food security, chemical and biochemical technologies
Its mission is to publish scientific articles in areas of plant and animal sciences including Agronomy, Food Science and Technology, Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Rural Engineering, Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnology.
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (CRFSFS) is one of the peer-reviewed on-line journals of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). It has been published quarterly since 2002 ( Review papers provide in-depth coverage of a narrowly defined topic on any food science or food safety aspect, including nutrition, engineering, microbiology, sensory evaluation, physiology, genetics, economics, regulations, and history. A typical review embodies careful assessment of all pertinent studies (weaknesses, strengths, discrepancies in findings) so that insightful, integrative interpretations, summaries, and conclusions are presented. For either an unsolicited or an invited manuscript authors should submit to the Scientific Editor a suitable title, a brief outline, and a short statement describing the importance of the topic and how the presentation will advance food science and food technology. AIM of IFT Peer-Reviewed Publications The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), the professional society of food science and technology, is committed to the continued improvement and accessibility of its peer-reviewed journals. Collectively, the IFT believes that peer-reviewed journals must have a high priority in any scientific society, and specifically for IFT in order for the society to remain a credible source of science-based information. IFT publishes scientific journals to provide its members and the larger scientific community with scientific information that is important and of current interest. This is done in accord with the highest standards of professional ethics. Research papers serve to convey the results of original work that has a clear relationship to human foods or the teaching of food science. Review papers serve to convey in-depth interpretive coverage of topics of current importance. Acceptability of articles for publication is carefully considered, with quality of the science, appropriateness, and importance weighing heavily in the final decision.
The objective of Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition is to present critical viewpoints of current technology, food science, and human nutrition. Also, the application of scientific discoveries and the acquisition of knowledge, as they relate to nutrition, functional foods, food safety, and food science and technology are thoroughly addressed in this comprehensive and authoritative information source. Reviews include issues of national concern, especially to food scientists, nutritionists, and health professionals, including: * Diet and disease * Antioxidants * Allergenicity * Microbiological concerns * New technologies * Flavor chemistry * New ingredients * Food colors * The role of nutrients and their bioavailability * Pesticides * Toxic chemicals * Regulation * Risk assessment * Food safety * Food processing * Government regulation and policy * Nutrition * Fortification * New food products * Food and behavior * Effects of processing on nutrition * Food labeling * Functional/Bioactive Foods * Diet and Health Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The journal focuses on functional foods with emphasis on food chemistry technology, nutrition and health. Reviews and research papers with an interdisciplinary approach are welcomed. The journal covers the fields of bioactive plants used for nutrition, dietary fiber, probiotics; functional lipids; bioactive peptides; vitamins, minerals and botanicals and other dietary supplements. Experimental works dealing with food digestion, bioavailability of food bioactives and the mechanisms by which foods and their components are able to modulate physiological parameters connected with disease prevention of dysmetabolism will be considered for publication. The areas covered include new food bioactives, efficacy and toxicology of bioactive compounds, and other healthy food constituents. The use of genomic, chemical and biochemical technologies for study of such materials is included.
“Current Nutraceuticals” publishes original research articles, mini- and full-length reviews, feature articles, technical notes and thematic issues covering all aspects of nutraceuticals, from the isolation and comprehensive characterization of secondary metabolites and their synthesis to the biological activity of nutritional constituents and antioxidants, clinical, population, ethnological and agricultural studies. The journal also explicitly welcomes interdisciplinary contributions considering wider social, cultural, ethical and applied aspects of nutraceuticals and nutrition in modern society.
Current Nutrition & Food Science publishes frontier research on advances in food and nutrition pertaining to their nutrition value, their impact on health and disease and their molecular and biochemical actions. The journal aims to publish high quality original research and review articles, and thematic issues. The journal is essential reading for all nutrition and food scientists.
The subject of food science is divided into themed sections, each of which is reviewed once a year.
Authors write short review articles in which they present recent developments in their subject, emphasizing the aspects that, in their opinion, are most important. In addition, they provide short annotations to the papers that they consider to be most interesting from all those published in their topic over the previous year.
Editorial Overview
Section Editors write a short overview at the beginning of the section to introduce the reviews and to draw the reader's attention to any particularly interesting developments.
Invited authors are encouraged to visit our Guide for Authors for information on article submission.
The Food Additives and Contaminants - Surveillance Database is a searchable database containing all the surveillance data published in Food Additives and Contaminants Part B (FAC B) since its launch in June 2008. Search results may be viewed on screen. or downloaded into standard reports or spreadsheets by simply clicking a button. You may search the entire database by following the linkVisit FAC B Database. or alternatively you may choose to move from a FAC B article through to the specific dataset that corresponds to the article you are viewing. There are links to the relevant datasets from all FAC B articles. All subscribers to the FAC B journal will be granted access to the entire database. Pay-per-view customers will be granted access to the datasets corresponding to the articles that they have purchased. but they will not be able to search the full database. Please follow the link if you wish to visit the database now.
Ecology of Food and Nutrition is an international journal of food and nutrition in the broadest sense. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of food and nutrition -- ecological, biological, and cultural. Ecology of Food and Nutrition strives to become a forum for disseminating scholarly information on the holistic and cross-cultural dimensions of the study of food and nutrition. It emphasizes foods and food systems not only in terms of their utilization to satisfy human nutritional needs, but also to promote and contest social and cultural identity. The content scope is thus wide -- articles may focus on the relationship between food and nutrition, food taboos and preferences, ecology and political economy of food, food marketing and transportation, food and identity, agriculture and sustainability, ethnobotany, the evolution of human nutrition and food technology. Questions of the relationship between food/nutrition and culture are as germane to the journal as analyses of the interactions among nutrition and environment, infection, physical fitness, pregnancy, and health. Articles that use non-human primate or other animal models in nutrition-related research that have clear applications to human food behavior and/or biology are also welcome.Peer Review Policy: All research articles in the Ecology of Food and Nutrition have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and reviewing by three anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Energy Advances is a multidisciplinary journal that features cutting-edge science at the forefront of energy technology. The journal brings together research in chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering, computer science, and techno-economical/ecological evaluation, with a particular focus on emerging materials and methods. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Batteries, supercapacitors, hybrid devices and other energy storage technologies • Bioenergy, biofuels and the biorefinery • Carbon capture, storage or utilisation • Catalysis and chemical engineering for energy applications • Fuel cells • Hydrogen production and storage • Modelling, machine learning and characterisation for energy materials & systems • Solar energy conversion and photovoltaics