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Antike Kunst

ISSN: 0003-5688
JUFO Level 2
Publisher: Francke Verlag

Antiquaries Journal

ISSN: 0003-5815eISSN: 1758-5309
JUFO Level 1
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Anuario Musical

ISSN: 0211-3538eISSN: 1988-4125
JUFO Level 1
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ISSN: 0003-6420
JUFO Level 1
Publisher: Minor White


ISSN: 0003-6536
JUFO Level 1

Applied Theatre Research

ISSN: 2049-3010eISSN: 2049-3029
JUFO Level 2
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eISSN: 2309-0103
JUFO Level 1


ISSN: 1935-7001

Architectual Review

eISSN: 0003-861X

Now, a decade into the new century, pluralism, parametricism and plagiarism reign, though the AR is still sceptical of fashions and fads, believing architecture to be, at its core, a socially responsible art. As with all media, it becomes impossible to tell how far the AR has accurately recounted the preoccupations and ideals of several generations, and how far it has defined and shaped them. Yet though over time it has (sometimes often radically) changed in format, design and personnel, it still maintains a spirit of constancy and continuity. As the AR's immense archive is gradually digitised, its deep historical roots will hopefully inform, enlighten and reconnect with new generations of readers. .

Architectural Design

ISSN: 0003-8504eISSN: 1554-2769

Provocative and inspirational, AD inspires theoretical, creative and technological advances. It questions the outcome of technical innovations as well as the far-reaching social, cultural and environmental challenges that present themselves today.

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Architectural Digest

ISSN: 0003-8520

Architectural Histories

eISSN: 2050-5833
JUFO Level 2

Architectural Histories is the international, blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal of the EAHN that creates a space where historically grounded research into all aspects of architecture and the built environment can be made public, consulted, and discussed. The journal is open to historical, historiographic, theoretical, and critical contributions that engage with architecture and the built environment from a historical perspective. For more information and how to submit a paper click here.

The journal is indexed in CrossRefJISC KB+SHERPA RoMEODirectory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCOHost, and Google Scholar. In addition, Architectural Histories is available for harvesting via OAI-PMH and is in the Emerging Sources Citation Index.

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Architectural History

ISSN: 0066-622XeISSN: 2059-5670
JUFO Level 2
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Architectural Record

ISSN: 0003-858X
Publisher: Mcgraw Hill

Architectural Theory Review

ISSN: 1326-4826eISSN: 1755-0475
JUFO Level 2

Architectural Theory Review is an international forum for generating, exchanging and reflecting on architectural theory. It is a review in the sense of a periodical publication containing articles, discussions, and review essays concerned with the contemporary state of architectural theory. But more than this, it uses the notion of review as a verb, to forge a distinct approach to architectural theory and discourse. The journal investigates relationships between current critical issues, the legacy of past debates, and the continued reconfiguration of enduring concerns in architectural theory. ATR values the untimely as well as the propitious - attending to the overlooked and unrealised as well as the projective, and thus allows for critical and even subversive readings of what architectural theory has been, can be and will be. The underpinning for ATR's editorial approach is thus not a disciplinary field or ideological position, but rather a formal strategy. Each special issue of ATR concentrates on reviewing a particular object 8211; whether a text, a drawing, a building, or otherwise 8211; the implications and legacies of which are addressed by the contributors to that special issue. The selected object is thus a catalyst: a point of departure or contention; of revision, re-evaluation, and review. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Architecture and Culture

ISSN: 2050-7828eISSN: 2050-7836
JUFO Level 2

Architecture and Culture, the international award winning, peer-reviewed journal of the Architectural Humanities Research Association, investigates the relationship between architecture and the culture that shapes and is shaped by it. Whether culture is understood extensively, as shared experience of everyday life, or in terms of the rules and habits of different disciplinary practices, Architecture and Culture asks how architecture participates in and engages with it – and how both culture and architecture might be reciprocally transformed.

Architecture and Culture publishes exploratory research that is purposively imaginative rigorously speculative, visually and verbally stimulating. From architects, artists and urban designers, film-makers, animators and poets, from historians of culture and architecture, from geographers, anthropologists and other social scientists, from thinkers and writers of all kinds, established and new, it solicits essays, critical reviews, interviews, fictional narratives in both images and words, art and building projects, and design hypotheses. Architecture and Culture aims to promote a conversation between all those who are curious about what architecture might be and what it can do.

Peer Review Statement

All articles published undergo rigorous blind peer review. After initial screening by the editors they are reviewed anonymously by at least two referees. Our reviewing is attentive to interdisciplinary practice and knowledge through referee selection, and criteria for review.

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Architecture d'Aujourd Hui

ISSN: 0003-8695

Archives of American Art Journal

ISSN: 0003-9853eISSN: 2327-0667
JUFO Level 1
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Archives of Asian Art

ISSN: 0066-6637eISSN: 1944-6497
JUFO Level 1

Archives of Asian Art is an annual journal devoted to the arts of South, Southeast, Central, and East Asia. Each issue presents articles by leading scholars and a selection of outstanding works of Asian art acquired by North American museums during the previous year. The editors attempt to maintain a balanced representation of regions and types of art, as well as a variety of scholarly perspectives.

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Archives of Design Research

ISSN: 1226-8046eISSN: 2288-2987
JUFO Level 1