The Journal of Industrial Relations is an ISI-ranked, peer-reviewed international journal administered by the Industrial Relations Society of Australia (IRSA) and currently based at the University of Sydney. The editors invite scholarship from a range of disciplinary perspectives, examining any aspect of employment relations. Contributions exploring the traditional concerns of industrial relations as well as studies addressing the intersection of workplace, family and community are welcome. We publish rigorous qualitative and multi-method analyses, including theoretically-informed case studies and international and comparative papers.
JIMO is covered in Science Citation Index Expanded, CompuMath Citation Index, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology ISI Alerting Services. JIMO is an international journal devoted to publishing peer-reviewed, high quality, original papers on the non-trivial interplay between numerical optimization methods and practically significant problems in industry or management so as to achieve superior design, planning and/or operation. Its objective is to promote collaboration between optimization specialists, industrial practitioners and management scientists so that important practical industrial and management problems can be addressed by the use of appropriate, recent advanced optimization techniques. It is particularly hoped that the study of these practical problems will lead to the discovery of new ideas and the development of novel methodologies in optimization. JIMO is published by AIMS and sponsored by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University and the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University.
The Journal of Interactive Marketing, published on behalf of Marketing EDGE, serves as a catalyst for identifying issues and shaping ideas associated with the expanding electronic, interactive, and direct marketing environments. We publish leading-edge, high-quality and original results, methodologies, theories, concepts, models and applications on any aspect of interactive marketing. The journal has no preferred or disallowed methodologies but is open to conceptually rigorous approaches of any type. Manuscripts should address current or emerging managerial problems and have the potential to impact practice and theory in digital marketing and related areas.A partial list of topics suitable for publication in the journal might include, but not be limited to:• Electronic retail• Interactive advertising• Clickstream modeling• Browsing and buying behavior• E-service and self-service technology • Online branding• Direct marketing• Database marketing• Customer relationship management• Strategic use of IT• E-business strategy• Multichannel marketing• Social media and social networks• Network effects and markets• Two-sided platform management• Mobile marketing• Search engines• Viral marketing• User-generated content• Privacy, trust and ethical issues• Online pricing and auctions• Recommendor systems • Direct and interactive B2B marketingA more detailed presentation of the full scope of the journal is available in Malthouse and Hofacker (2010).In summary, we invite researchers and thought leaders to submit their best work, on what has become the most dynamic and challenging part of contemporary marketing practice, to the Journal of Interactive Marketing.ReferenceMalthouse, Edward and Charles F. Hofacker (2010), "Looking Back and Looking Forward with Interactive Marketing," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24 (3), 181-184.
Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) is a refereed journal that publishes the results of social science research and other types of articles that advance the understanding of business. JIBS' audience consists of scholars in universities and research institutes, as well as officials in private sector and public sector organizations. It is published jointly by the Academy of International Business, Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen Denmark), and the McDonough School of Business (Georgetown University).
The Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing is a timely journal that serves as a forum for the exchange and dissemination of food and agribusiness marketing knowledge and experiences on an international scale. Designed to study the characteristics and workings of food and agribusiness marketing systems around the world, the journal critically examines marketing issues in the total food business chain prevailing in different parts of the globe by using a systems and cross-cultural/national approach to explain the many facets of food marketing in a range of socioeconomic and political systems. Scholars, practitioners, and public policymakers share up-to-date and insightful information-both descriptive and analytical-on international food and agribusiness marketing theory and practice. In particular, they place a special emphasis on the exporting and importing of food products between developed and developing countries. Methods for improving food and agribusiness marketing practices in developing countries and the transfer of food marketing technology from advanced countries are discussed.Practical and informative, the Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing enables food marketing specialists from both developed and developing countries to make informed decisions by providing them with nuts and bolts information of doing business in a variety of targeted foreign markets. To this end, the journal enhances our understanding of the functions, institutions, and environment of the food and agribusiness system members and processes as well as the interaction among them in multiple country environments.The Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing is an indispensable source of reference for all those involved in the planning and implementation of food and agribusiness marketing policy and practice, such as food business firms, government food departments, and agencies and institutions related to food marketing internationally. The journal will also be valuable to professionals in many other roles-executives from international food companies and agribusiness industries; policymakers from government; officials of international food agencies; administrators from public and cooperative sectors; financial institutions and monetary agencies; insurance company officials; transportation industry executives; and academicians, researchers, and consultants of food and agricultural marketing, economics, business administration, food science, nutrition, and home economics. A managerially oriented publication, the Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing examines contemporary food and agribusiness marketing issues at cross-national/cultural levels from the perspectives of the two types of active participants-micro and macro-in a food and agribusiness marketing system of a country as well as its relationship with other countries from the first, second, and third world. The micro (firm level) approach examines the behavior of participants in the international food production and distribution systems whereas the macro (country level) approach studies the consequences of a particular food marketing system that occur over time and affect the well-being of various participants in the system-consumers, retailers, wholesalers, processors, assemblers, and farmers.Peer Review Policy: All articles published in Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees who are subject experts. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Journal of International Logistics and Trade (JILT) is housed within Jungseok Research Institute (JRI) at Inha university. JILT aims to improve our understanding of logistics and trade practices between firms, industries and countries in the global economy, and to disseminate new knowledge to international scholars and existing literature. The journal is international in scope, and submissions from all countries are welcomed.
The Journal of International Management is devoted to advancing an understanding of issues in the management of global enterprises, global management theory, and practice; and providing theoretical and managerial implications useful for the further development of research.It is designed to serve an audience of academic researchers and educators, as well as business professionals, by publishing both theoretical and empirical research relating to international management and strategy issues. JIM publishes theoretical and empirical research addressing international business strategy, comparative and cross-cultural management, risk management, organizational behavior, and human resource management, among others. JIM also solicits literature reviews and critiques that include a guide for improved theory and international management research as well as contributions that advances educational methodology in the range of international management fields.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
JIABR is recognised as an important platform for those interested in gaining knowledge and finding alternative solutions to protect society from unethical business conducts and to uphold justice based on the precepts of Islamic philosophy and practice.
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies (JLOS), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, seeks to advance the theory, research and practice of all aspects of leadership and organizations. Research results are preferred, but theoretical contributions and new applications are also appropriate. Although leadership topics are emphasized, any area of interest in organizational behavior, human resource management, strategy, international management, or entrepreneurship is also encouraged.
Consistently highly ranked in the Management section ISI Journal Citation Reports, the Journal of Management Studies (JMS) is a globally respected journal with a long established history of innovation and excellence in management research. International in scope and readership, the JMS is a multidisciplinary journal, publishing articles on organization theory and behaviour, strategic and human resource management - from empirical studies and theoretical developments to practical applications. In recent years, Journal of Management Studies has enhanced its reputation as a vibrant, cutting-edge, high quality international journal. JMS has an inclusive ethos seeking innovative and novel papers and is open to a wide range of methodological approaches and philosophical underpinnings. The journal provides: in-depth coverage of organizational problems and organization theory; reports on the latest developments in strategic management and planning; cross-cultural comparisons of organizational effectiveness; and concise reviews of the latest publications in management studies as well as lively debate in topical and important issues on management.
The Journal of Management and Governance (JMG) is an international journal dedicated to advancing the understanding of corporate governance issues within and throughout privately-held firms, publicly-held corporations and government-controlled organizations. The journal is devoted to exploring the links between management and governance through both theoretical analyses and empirical investigations to improve the understanding of all the rules, codes, principles, practices, processes, mechanisms, structure and relationships, as well as institutions, networks and individuals affecting the way firms and organizations are managed, administered and controlled. Since corporate governance is a multi-faceted subject, the journal aims to analyze a broad spectrum of topics and issues related to the management and governance of firms and organizations: strategies and decision-making: accounting, reporting and information control: measurement issues in governance: relational, cognitive and behavioural based: institutional economics. JMG intends to act as an arena of scientific debate within and among academic and professional networks of researchers with a strong interest in investigating how knowledge, preferences and performance are formed and how they influence governance and management practices and policies. Contributions from all areas of business administration (accounting and control, general and strategic management, organizational theory and behaviour, finance and banking) and manuscripts concerning both the private and the public sectors are welcome to the extent that they contribute to these general issues and to the understanding of governance thus broadly defined. JMG is international in authorship and editorship. It follows the internationally shared norms of blind review and research quality standards, but it distinctively and deliberately adheres to a constructive rather than destructive review process approach. The j, ournal has various paper formats and methods. Any research strategy is recognised, as long as it effectively addresses the issue at hand and rigorously adheres to the methodology adopted, in survey research or simulation, a case study or a statistical analysis. Officially cited as: J Manag Gov
Articles in Journal of Marketing are peer reviewed by an experienced and highly respected editorial review board, guaranteeing thought-provoking, in-depth articles that cover the marketing arena. The journal is designed to bridge the gap between theory and application. The journal is widely circulated with a diverse readership that includes both practitioners and academics, including leading scholars who work in universities, profit and nonprofit organizations, and government institutions. It is read internationally by marketers in education, manufacturing, finance, health care, and other industries.By design, Journal of Marketing publishes articles on a variety of topics contributing to the advancement of the science and/or practice of marketing. As a literature-based scholarly journal, Journal of Marketing is committed to publishing a broad spectrum of conceptual and empirical articles that make a new theoretical and/or substantive contribution to the field.Articles in Journal of Marketing furnish information on marketing needs and trends that: demonstrate new techniques for solutions to marketing problems. review those trends and developments by reporting research. contribute generalizable, validated findings. present new ideas, theories, and illustrations of marketing thought and practice.
The Journal of Marketing Communications is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing research papers and information concerning all aspects of marketing and corporate communication, branding both corporate and product-related, and promotion management. It is a channel for discussing issues such customer relationship management, integrated marketing communication, together with behavioural foundations of marketing communications and promotion management. The Journal will also consider papers in internal marketing and in the corporate communications domain.Issues that the journal covers include:Marketing communications - communications via any or all of the marketing mix elements. The way(s) marketing mix elements are interrelated and operationalised for communication purposes in the marketing planning process The general area of corporate communication as it relates to the development of communication programs designed to influence the support of, and relationships with, various stakeholder groups. Promotional elements - this not only includes the disciplines of advertising, sales promotion, marketing public relations, and personal selling, but also includes direct marketing, sponsorship, and Internet communications. Promotional management in terms of strategy development, implementation, and evaluation. The mechanism or process of developing effective communication strategies via specific case studies. Behavioural foundations of marketing communications and promotion management including semiotics, consumer behaviour, attitudes and persuasion, source and message factors, diffusion of innovation, and adoption. Effects of changing environmental circumstance on marketing communications and promotional strategy - budget allocation, messages, and media vehicles adopted. Issues such as brand equity, brand investment, brand marketing and performance, marketing communications ROI, the role of research in marketing communications, integrated marketing communication, relationship marketing, and on- and off-line marketing activities. Examples of sound or innovative company or teaching practice in relation to marketing communication activities or promotional management. Corporate communication and its interface with marketing communication. Peer Review PolicyAll papers in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening, and double blind review by two anonymous reviewers.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
JMR is written for those academics and practitioners of marketing research who need to be in the forefront of the profession and in possession of the industry's cutting-edge information. JMR publishes articles representing the entire spectrum of research in marketing.The editorial content is peer-reviewed by an expert panel of leading academics. Articles address the concepts, methods, and applications of marketing research that present new techniques for solving marketing problems; contribute to marketing knowledge based on the use of experimental, descriptive, or analytical techniques; and review and comment on the developments and concepts in related fields that have a bearing on the research industry and its practices.In each issue, the articles pertain to new marketing research-related methods and techniques, clarifications of marketing research methodology and practice, and the state of the art in marketing research.
The Journal of Media Business Studies (JOMBS) publishes original scholarly articles that apply business theories to the examination of media and the media industries. JOMBS focuses on the dynamics of media businesses broadly defined. It has a particular interest in the creation, operation, marketing, distribution and consumption of media businesses and their products, including newspapers, magazines, television, music, film, videogames, literature, advertising, digital/social/new media among others.
Review policy:
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the one of the journal editors. If the manuscript is found suitable for further consideration, it is subsequently reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. All reviews are double-blinded. Submissions are made via Editorial Manager. Please see the Instructions for Authors page for more details.