Management Communication Quarterly (MCQ), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is an essential resource for scholars of organizational and managerial practice and offers valuable and timely insights for professionals, consultants, and trainers. MCQ publishes conceptually rigorous, empirically-driven, and practice-relevant research from across the organizational and management communication fields and has strong appeal across all disciplines concerned with organizational studies and the management sciences.
MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL REVIEW is a double-blind refereed journal that aims at the advancement and dissemination of research in the fields of International Management. The scope of the journal comprises International Business, Cross-Cultural Management, and Comparative Management. The journal publishes research that builds or extends International Management theory so that it can contribute to International Management practice.
Management Learning is a fully peer-reviewed international quarterly journal that publishes original research and review articles on learning and knowing in management and organizations. Management Learning addresses fundamental issues in management and organizational learning and to advance theory and practice through publication of creative enquiry. The Journal is: inclusive, innovative, international and integrative.
Management Matters is multidisciplinary open access journal committed towards publishing original theoretical, conceptual, applied, empirical and fundamental contributions both qualitative and quantitative in all the major fields of management.
Publishing high-quality research in the field of general management and surrounding fields with a viewpoint on management.
Management Science is a scholarly journal that publishes scientific research on the practice of management. Within our scope are all aspects of management related to strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, information technology, and organizations as well as all functional areas of business, such as accounting, finance, marketing, and operations. We include studies on organizational, managerial, and individual decision making, from both normative and descriptive perspectives. Our articles are primarily based on the foundational disciplines of economics, mathematics, psychology, sociology, and statistics, and we encourage cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the diversity of the management science professions. Our interest extends to managerial issues in diverse organizational forms, such as for-profit and nonprofit firms, private and public sector institutions, and formal and informal networks of individuals. We welcome both empirical (field or lab) and theoretical contributions.
Management & Organizational History is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish high quality, original, academic research concerning historical approaches to the study of management, organizations and organizing. M&OH addresses issues from all areas of management, organization studies, and related fields.
Management in Education (MIE) provides a forum for debate and discussion covering all aspects of educational management. Our peer review policy helps to enhance the range and quality of the articles accepted supporting those new to publication and those that are more experienced authors. MIE is a quarterly journal and edited by Linda Hammersley-Fletcher, Manchester Metropolitan University.
M&SOM is the INFORMS journal for operations management (OM). The purpose of the journal is to publish high-impact manuscripts that report relevant research on important problems in operations management. This research can be prescriptive or descriptive, but in either case the intent of the research is to develop enduring knowledge that can lead to more efficient and effective processes for the creation and delivery of goods and services.
MABR is a peer-reviewed journal on maritime business environment, covering maritime business and uses multi-disciplinary approach. Published in association with Pacific Star Group Educational Foundation.
Negotiation Journal is committed to the development of better strategies for resolving differences through the give-and-take process of negotiation. Guided by Kurt Lewin's principle that there is nothing so practical as good theory, the content published in the Journal includes reports on cutting-edge research, a wide range of case studies, teacher's reports about what does and doesn't work in the negotiations classroom, essays on best practices, and integrative book reviews. The Journal's eclectic, multidisciplinary approach reinforces its reputation as an invaluable international resource for anyone interested in the practice and analysis of negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution including educators, researchers, diplomats, lawyers, business leaders, labor negotiators, government officials, and mediators.
NCMR publishes fundamental research that focuses on theory and research on negotiation and conflict management across levels, including organizational conflict, interpersonal conflict and inter-group conflict, and across a range of domains including environmental conflict, crisis negotiations, political conflict and cross-cultural conflict, as well as formal and informal third party intervention, including mediation and arbitration.