Thermochimica Acta publishes original research contributions covering all aspects of thermoanalytical and calorimetric methods and their application to experimental chemistry, physics, biology and engineering. The journal aims to span the whole range from fundamental research to practical application.The journal particularly welcomes papers from newly emerging areas as well as from the traditional strength areas:- New and improved instrumentation and methods- Thermal properties and behavior of materials- Kinetics of thermally stimulated processesEach paper submitted for publication should clearly present:a) Scientific motivation (i.e., why this study is of interest);b) Relevance to the stated scope of Thermochimica Acta (i.e., why thermal methods play a crucial role in the study, or why this study is important for the use and development of thermal methods);c) General significance of the obtained results (i.e., how this study contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the general area of the study). Note that novelty of a study does not necessarily imply general significance of the results.Manuscripts reporting kinetic calculations are expected to follow the ICTAC Kinetics Committee recommendations, Thermochim. Acta 520 (2011) 1-19The journal publishes regular full-length articles, short communications (either novel, unexpected theoretical or experimental results or short reports of collections of new data), and reviews (usually invited by an Editor, but proposals from authors are welcome).
The award-winning WIREs (Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews) series combines some of the most powerful features of encyclopedic reference works and review journals in an innovative online format. They are designed to promote a cross-disciplinary research ethos while maintaining the highest scientific and presentational standards, but should be viewed first and foremost as evolving online databases of cutting-edge reviews.
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Founded in 1887 Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie covers the main developments in physical chemistry with emphasis on experimental research.It represents a combination of reaction kinetics and spectroscopy, surface research and electrochemistry, thermodynamics and structure analysis of matter in its various conditions. .
The main scope of eXPRESS Polymer Letters (Express Polym Lett; ISSN 1788-618X) is to provide a very fast first publication possibility related to the following topics: polymers; polymer composites; blends and alloys; nanomaterials; molecular engineering; tailor-made polymers; biodegradable and biocompatible polymers; smart materials; polymer gels and membranes; reinforcements and fillers; polymer processing technologies; rubbers and rubber technologies; interfaces, interphases and adhesion; thin layer technologies; material testing and properties; recycling; modeling and simulation. We are ready to publish any short original publication, new research result as well as review articles covering broader topics. The strict peer reviewing and editing process is very short, the publication may appear even within 3-4 months after submitting the manuscript. The journal is electronically published and indexed, is printed at the end of every year, and the printed version can be found in several libraries all over the world. eXPRESS Polymer Letters is an open access journal, the published articles can be downloaded free of charge. eXPRESS Polymer Letters is, however, not only a journal, it contains data related to other periodicals dealing with similar topics, as well as announcements of planned conferences. Therefore this journal is recommended to researchers, teachers and students active in the field of polymer science and related multidisciplinary topics. The journal is published at latest on the 1st of each month.