The scope of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems includes the fields of systems engineering. It includes issue formulation, analysis and modeling, decision making, and issue interpretation for any of the systems engineering lifecycle phases associated with the definition, development, and deployment of large systems. In addition, it includes systems management, systems engineering processes, and a variety of systems engineering methods such as optimization, modeling and simulation.
The IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications publishes high-quality manuscripts on advances in the state-of-the-art of wireless communications. Both theoretical contributions (including new techniques, concepts, and analyses) and practical contributions (including system experiments and prototypes, and new applications) are encouraged. The general scope of the Transactions includes, but is not limited to, the following: Modulation and coding , Detection and estimation, Diversity techniques and equalization, Propagation and channel characterization, Fading countermeasures, Multiuser detection, Signal separation and interference rejection, DSP applications to wireless systems, Broadband wireless communications, Network architectures and protocols, with an emphasis on physical and link layer communication, Adaptive antennas for wireless systems, Multiple access techniques, Space-time processing , Synchronization techniques, Software radio, Resource allocation and interference management, Multirate and multicarrier communications, Security, privacy, and authentication, Experimental and prototype results, Systems and services including mobile satellites, wireless local loops, wireless LANs, wireless PBX, and PCS/cellular.
In addition, papers on specific topics or on more non-traditional topics related to specific application areas, are encouraged. Examples include Simulation tools and methodologies for design, analysis, rapid prototyping, performance prediction, and cellular system engineering; Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing; MIMO systems, and Wireless over optical.
IEEE Wireless Communications is designed for individuals working in the communications and networking communities. It covers technical and policy issues relating to personalized, location-independent communications in all media (and combinations of media), and at all protocol layers. Both wired and wireless communications are covered as well as computing, the mobility of people, communicating devices, and personal services. Each issue of this interdisciplinary magazine provides articles of high quality and depth concerning the revolutionary technological advances in personal, location-independent communications and computing.
The IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking’s high-level objective is to publish high-quality, original research results derived from theoretical or experimental exploration of the area of communication/computer networking, covering all sorts of information transport networks over all sorts of physical layer technologies, both wireline (all kinds of guided media: e.g., copper, optical) and wireless (e.g., radio-frequency, acoustic (e.g., underwater), infra-red), or hybrids of these. The journal welcomes applied contributions reporting on novel experiences and experiments with actual systems.
Published jointly by the IEEE and ASME. It encompasses all practical aspects of the theory and methods of mechatronics, the synergetic integration of mechanical engineering with electronic and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacture of industrial products and processes. The ten technical areas included are: Modeling and Design, Manufacturing, Motion Control, System Integration, Vibration and Noise Control, Actuators and Sensors, Micro Devices and Opto-Electronics Systems, Intelligent Control, Automotive Systems, Robotics, and Other Applications.
lET Communications covers the theory and practice of systems, networks and applications involving line, mobile radio, satellite and optical technologies for telecommunications, and internet and multimedia communications. Topics include: • Coding and communication theory • Modulation and signal design • Applications of signal processing, equalisation, coding, error detection and error correction • Video-telephony, videoconferencing and multimedia communications • Optical communications, services and applications • Fading channel, mobile systems, wireless transmission, services and applications • Indoor communications, WPAN and WLANi cross layer design
IET Control Theory & Applications is dedicated to control systems in the broadest sense, and publishes theoretical papers which discuss the applications of new and established control methods. Most of its papers represent original research from industrial and government laboratories and universities. However it also covers subject reviews and tutorial expositions of current methods and correspondence discussing published papers. Topics covered include system modelling, identification and simulation, the analysis and design of control systems (including computer-aided design), and practical implementation. The scope encompasses technological, economic, physiological (biomedical) and other systems, including man–machine interfaces.
IETE Journal of Research is a Bimonthly journal published by the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), India. It publishes scientific and technical papers describing original research work or novel product/process development. Occasionally special issues are brought out on new and emerging research areas. IETE Journal of Research is useful to researchers, engineers, scientists, teachers, managers and students who are interested in keeping a track of original research and development work being carried out in the broad area of electronics, telecommunications, computer science and engineering and information technology.
The INFORMS Journal on Computing (JOC) is a quarterly that publishes papers in the intersection of operations research (OR) and computer science (CS). Most papers contain original research, but we also welcome special papers in a variety of forms, including Feature Articles on timely topics, Expository Reviews making a comprehensive survey and evaluation of a subject area, and State-of-the-Art Reviews that collect and integrate recent streams of research. All papers are refereed.
The topics of measurement include: sensors, perception systems, analyzers, signal processing, filtering, data compression, data rectification, fault detection, inferential measurement, soft sensors, hardware interfacing, etc.; and any of the techniques that support them such as artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, communication systems, and process analysis. The topics of automation include: statistical and deterministic strategies for discrete event and continuous process control, modelling and simulation, event triggers, scheduling and sequencing, system reliability, quality, maintenance, management, loss prevention, etc.; and any equipment, techniques and best practices that support them such as optimization, learning systems, strategy development, security, and human interfacing and training.
The intended audience is research and development personnel from academe and industry in the field of process instrumentation, systems, and automation.
The journal seeks to bridge the theory and practice gap. This balance of interests requires simplicity of technique, credible demonstration, fundamental grounding, and connectivity to the state of the art in both theory and practice.
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ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (P&RS) is the official journal of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). The journal is to provide a channel of communication for scientists and professionals in all countries working in the many disciplines employing photogrammetry, remote sensing, spatial information systems, computer vision, and other related fields. The Journal is designed to serve as a source reference and archive of advancements in these disciplines.The P&RS objective is to publish high quality, peer-reviewed, preferably previously unpublished papers of a scientific/research, technological development or application/practical nature. P&RS will publish papers, including those based on ISPRS meeting presentations, which are regarded as significant contributions in the above-mentioned fields. We especially encourage papers: of broad scientific interest; on innovative applications, particularly in new fields; of an interdisciplinary nature; on topics that have not been dealt with (or to a small degree) by P&RS or related journals; and on topics related to new possible scientific/professional directions. Preferably, theoretical papers should include applications, and papers dealing with systems and applications should include theoretical background.The scope of the journal is extensive and covers sensors, theory and algorithms, systems, experiments, developments and applications.Topics include:• Sensor characterisation• Calibration and standardisation• Preprocessing and archiving of image data• Sensors and platforms for topographic surveys• Sensors for geosphere-biosphere studies• Advanced platforms and sensors• Real-time mapping technologies• Spatial data handling technologies• Systems for SAR processing• Digital photogrammetric systems• Practical issues in digital mapping• Integration of image analysis and GIS/cartographic systems• Integrated sensor calibration and orientation• Feature extraction and grouping• Surface and object reconstruction• Object and scene modelling and interpretation• Theory and algorithms for SAR• GIS data modelling, representation and structures• Database systems• DTMs and orthoimages• 3-D urban GIS• Temporal aspects and data revision• Mapping from high resolution imagery• Global databases and environmental monitoring• Close-range imaging and metrology• Integration of photogrammetric systems with CAD/CAM• Visualisation, animation and virtual reality• Medical image analysis• Architectural & archaeological photogrammetry• Image sequence analysis• Physical measurements and spectral signatures• Applications for sustainable development• Thematic applications and image classification• Global monitoring• Resource and environmental modelling using radar• Nonrenewable resources and geotechnical applications• Education, tutorials and spatial data sharing.Submitted articles may be:Papers (detailed discussions involving new research, technological developments or applications)Review Papers (extensive state-of-the-art surveys of established or emerging topics or application areas)Tutorial Papers (on new topics, sufficiently broad themes, at an introductory to intermediate level and easy to understand, with main aim education and training)Contributions for special Journal columns (letters to the Editor about the journal or to authors commenting on previously published papers; new useful ideas and brief pertinent comments of a technical nature; editorials, mainly after an invitation by the Editorial Advisory Board)NOTE: All articles, except correspondence, will be reviewed and should be of high scientific level.P&RS issues may be devoted to specific scientific topics of high or increasing importance (Theme Issues), especially in relation to one or more ISPRS Working Groups, as well as to special events, geographic regions, professional activities etc. (Special Issues). The number and topics of Theme and Special Issues will be such, that the P&RS still remains of interest to the majority of its subscribers.For more details on the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, visit their homepage at
IT Professional is a technical magazine of the IEEE Computer Society. It publishes peer-reviewed articles, columns and departments written for and by IT practitioners and researchers covering:
IT Professional’s goal is to inform the broad spectrum of IT executives, IT project managers, IT researchers, and IT application developers from industry, government, and academia.
The interdisciplinary journal IMDS brings operations management and information systems research together. Focusing on the impact of new technology within businesses it covers; green information systems, sustainable supply chains, big data and social media.
Industrial Robot publishes high quality research on the latest developments relating to the use of robotic technology, both in the present and future.