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Cahiers de Psychologie Clinique

ISSN: 1370-074XeISSN: 1782-1401

Calcified Tissue International and Musculoskeletal Research

ISSN: 0171-967XeISSN: 1432-0827
JUFO Level 1

Calcified Tissue International was founded in 1967 under the name Calcified Tissue Research. Vols. 1-19 were edited by B.E.C. Nordin, F.G.E. Pautard, D. B. Scott, B.A. Friedman; Vols. 20-22 by B.E.C. Nordin, F.G.E. Pautard, B.A. Friedman, L. Klein; Vols. 23-24 by W.D. Armstrong. Beginning with Vol. 27 in 1979, the journal was renamed Calcified Tissue International and was edited by L. V. Avioli until 1999. Vols. 66-75, were then co-edited by Drs. R. Civitelli, K.A. Hruska, and S. Ralston. Vols. 76-92, were co-edited by Drs. R. Civitelli and S.H. Ralston. Since Vol. 93 the journal, which was renamed Calcified Tissue International and Musculoskeletal Research has been co-edited by Drs. S.H. Ralston and R. Rizzoli.The Journal serves as a forum to explore the biochemical, biophysical, molecular, and genetic determinants of the structure, function, and metabolism of bone, and other musculoskeletal  tissues in living organisms. It publishes preclinical and translational research on these topics as well as clinical

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Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics

ISSN: 0963-1801eISSN: 1469-2147
JUFO Level 1
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Canadian Family Physician

ISSN: 0008-350XeISSN: 1715-5258
JUFO Level 1

Mission: Canadian Family Physician (CFP), a peer-reviewed medical journal, is the official publication of the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Our mission is to ensure that practitioners, researchers, educators and policy makers are informed on current issues and in touch with the latest thinking in the discipline of family medicine; to serve family physicians in all types of practice in every part of Canada in both official languages; to advance the continuing development of family medicine as a discipline; and to contribute to the ongoing improvement of patient care.Mission : Le Médecin de famille canadien (MFC), une revue médicale évaluée par des pairs, est la publication officielle du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada. Notre mission est d’informer les praticiens, les chercheurs, les enseignants et les décideurs au sujet des questions d’actualité et des courants de pensée les plus récents dans la discipline de la médecine familiale; d’être au service des médecins de famille dans les deux langues officielles, quel que soit leur genre de pratique, dans toutes les régions du Canada; de promouvoir le perfectionnement continu de la médecine familiale en tant que discipline; et de contribuer à l’amélioration constante des soins aux patients. .

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Canadian Journal of Addiction

ISSN: 2368-4720

Canadian Journal of Anesthesia

ISSN: 0832-610XeISSN: 1496-8975
JUFO Level 1

Each issue of the CJA gives readers access to the latest advances in anesthesia. The CJA publishes peer-reviewed, high-profile clinical research, basic research with an impact apparent to clinicians, and expert reviews and opinions to assist the anesthesiologist in the field. Excellence in clinically related research and knowledge, the Journal's mission statement, clearly reaffirms the Editorial Board's commitment to produce an excellent, clinically oriented journal. Mission:
Excellence in research and knowledge translation in anesthesia, pain, perioperative medicine, and critical care
L'excellence en recherche et en transfert des connaissances en anesthésie, en douleur, en médecine périopératoire et en soins critiques

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Canadian Journal of Cardiology

ISSN: 0828-282XeISSN: 1916-7075
JUFO Level 1

The Canadian Journal of Cardiology (CJC) is the official journal of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS). The CJC is a vehicle for the international dissemination of new knowledge in cardiology and cardiovascular science, particularly serving as the major venue for Canadian cardiovascular medicine.The CJC publishes original reports of clinical and basic research relevant to cardiovascular medicine, as well as editorials, review articles, and case reports. Papers on health outcomes, policy research, ethics, medical history, and political issues affecting practice, as well as letters to the editor, are welcomed. The CJC accepts and publishes articles in the English language only. Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they are submitted solely to the Canadian Journal of Cardiology and that none of the material contained in the manuscript has been published previously or is under consideration for publication elsewhere, with the exception of abstracts. Redundant or duplicate publications will not be considered. All statements and opinions are the responsibility of the authors. The CCS reserves copyright on all published material, and reproduction of the material, even by the authors, requires written permission. With submission of a manuscript, a letter of transmittal must indicate that all authors have participated in the research and that they have reviewed and agree with the content of the article.

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Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health

eISSN: 1929-7084
JUFO Level 1
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Canadian Journal of Diabetes

ISSN: 1499-2671eISSN: 1499-2671
JUFO Level 1

Canadian Journal of Diabetes is Canada's only diabetes-oriented, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal for diabetes healthcare professionals.Published bimonthly, Canadian Journal of Diabetes contains original articles, resource reviews, a journal watch, shorter articles such as Perspectives in Practice and Diabetes and Society, and news from the Clinical and Scientific Section and the Diabetes Educators Section of the Canadian Diabetes Association. Canadian Journal of Diabetes is distributed as a benefit of membership to all members of the Professional Sections of Canadian Diabetes Association.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research

ISSN: 1486-3847
JUFO Level 1

Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology

ISSN: 1196-1961eISSN: 1878-7290
JUFO Level 1

The Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology publishes original research papers that advance understanding of the field of experimental psychology, broadly considered. This includes, but is not restricted to, cognition, perception, motor performance, attention, memory, learning, language, decision making, development, comparative psychology, and neuroscience.The journal publishes papers reporting empirical results that advance knowledge in a particular research area; papers describing theoretical, methodological, or conceptual advances that are relevant to the interpretation of empirical evidence in the field; brief reports (less than 2,500 words for the main text) that describe new results or analyses with clear theoretical or methodological import.Occasionally, the Journal publishes book reviews judged to be of broad interest to the experimental psychology research community.

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Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

ISSN: 2291-2789eISSN: 2291-2797
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Canadian Journal of Health History

ISSN: 0823-2105eISSN: 2371-0179
JUFO Level 1
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Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy

ISSN: 0008-4123

Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology

ISSN: 1712-9532eISSN: 1918-1493
JUFO Level 1

Pulsus Group Inc, the medical peer review publisher, publishes the work of medical researchers in a manner that exemplifies the highest standards in research integrity. Main specialty areas include cardiology, gastroenterology, paediatric health, respiratory health, pain, infectious diseases and plastic surgery. Endorsed by Canadian medical societies, Pulsus Group Inc is an ardent supporter of Canadian and international medical research, and publishes journals, supplements and conference reports directed at a broad range of physician specialties. Beyond the print medium, Pulsus Group Inc delivers its content through CD-ROM projects, sponsorship programs and on-line publication.This site has been customized to meet the needs of both health care professionals and non-health care professionals.If you would like to continue, please click the appropriate link below.

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Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease

eISSN: 2054-3581

kidney disease, dialysis, transplantation, organ donation

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Canadian Journal of Microbiology

ISSN: 0008-4166eISSN: 1480-3275
JUFO Level 1

Published since 1954, this monthly journal contains new research in the field of microbiology, including applied microbiology and biotechnology; microbial structure and function; fungi and other eucaryotic protists; infection and immunity; microbial ecology; physiology, metabolism and enzymology; and virology, genetics, and molecular biology. It also publishes review articles and notes on an occasional basis, contributed by recognized scientists worldwide.

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Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences

ISSN: 0317-1671eISSN: 2057-0155
JUFO Level 1
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Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy

ISSN: 0008-4174eISSN: 1911-9828
JUFO Level 1

The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists provides services, products, events and networking opportunities to assist occupational therapists achieve excellence in their professional practice. In addition CAOT provides national leadership to actively develop and promote the client-centred profession of occupational therapy in Canada and internationally.

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Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology

ISSN: 0008-4182eISSN: 1715-3360
JUFO Level 1

The Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology (CJO) is the official journal of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society and is committed to timely publication of original, peer-reviewed ophthalmology and vision science articles.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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