Calcified Tissue International was founded in 1967 under the name Calcified Tissue Research. Vols. 1-19 were edited by B.E.C. Nordin, F.G.E. Pautard, D. B. Scott, B.A. Friedman; Vols. 20-22 by B.E.C. Nordin, F.G.E. Pautard, B.A. Friedman, L. Klein; Vols. 23-24 by W.D. Armstrong. Beginning with Vol. 27 in 1979, the journal was renamed Calcified Tissue International and was edited by L. V. Avioli until 1999. Vols. 66-75, were then co-edited by Drs. R. Civitelli, K.A. Hruska, and S. Ralston. Vols. 76-92, were co-edited by Drs. R. Civitelli and S.H. Ralston. Since Vol. 93 the journal, which was renamed Calcified Tissue International and Musculoskeletal Research has been co-edited by Drs. S.H. Ralston and R. Rizzoli.The Journal serves as a forum to explore the biochemical, biophysical, molecular, and genetic determinants of the structure, function, and metabolism of bone, and other musculoskeletal tissues in living organisms. It publishes preclinical and translational research on these topics as well as clinical
Canadian Journal of Diabetes is Canada's only diabetes-oriented, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal for diabetes healthcare professionals.Published bimonthly, Canadian Journal of Diabetes contains original articles, resource reviews, a journal watch, shorter articles such as Perspectives in Practice and Diabetes and Society, and news from the Clinical and Scientific Section and the Diabetes Educators Section of the Canadian Diabetes Association. Canadian Journal of Diabetes is distributed as a benefit of membership to all members of the Professional Sections of Canadian Diabetes Association.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Cancer & Metabolism welcomes studies on all aspects of the relationship between cancer and metabolism, including:Molecular biology and genetics of cancer metabolismWhole-body metabolism, including diabetes and obesity, in relation to cancerMetabolomics in relation to cancerMetabolism-based imagingPreclinical and clinical studies of metabolism-related cancer therapies
Cardiovascular Diabetology is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of the diabetes/cardiovascular interrelationship and the dysmetabolic syndrome: this includes genetic, experimental, clinical, pharmacological, epidemiological, molecular biology and laboratory research.
Each issue of Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism is devoted to a single theme aimed at integrating new information, both basic and clinical science, into the context of clinical practice. For each review article, there is an interval of 6-9 months between invitation to authors and publication. Each issue features guest editors recognized for their own contributions to the field, thereby ensuring that the right colleagues have been invited to review the most current information.
The mission of Clinical Diabetes is to provide primary care providers and all clinicians involved in the care of people with diabetes with information on advances and state-of-the-art care for people with diabetes. Clinical Diabetes is also a forum for discussing diabetes-related problems in practice, medical-legal issues, case studies, digests of recent research, and patient education materials.
Diabetes, Endocrinology, Endocrine Disease
Clinical Endocrinology publishes papers and reviews which focus on the clinical aspects of endocrinology, including the clinical application of molecular endocrinology. It features reviews, original papers, commentaries, cases of the month, book reviews and letters to the editor. Clinical Endocrinology is essential reading not only for those engaged in endocrinological research but also for those involved primarily in clinical practice.
Nutrition and nutritional care have gained wide clinical and scientific interest during the past decades. The increasing knowledge of metabolic disturbances and nutritional assessment in chronic and acute diseases has stimulated rapid advances in design, development and clinical application of nutritional support. The aims of ESPEN are to encourage the rapid diffusion of knowledge and its application in the field of clinical nutrition and metabolism.
Published bimonthly,
Authors from ESPEN Block members have the opportunity to directly submit their paper to the Section Associate Editor of the respective country. These papers will be published in a country-specific section of the journal.
Current Diabetes Reports provides in-depth review articles contributed by international experts on the most significant developments in the field. By presenting clear, insightful, balanced reviews that emphasize recently published papers of major importance, the journal elucidates current and emerging approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of diabetes.
Current Diabetes Reviews publishes frontier reviews, original research articles, drug clinical trial studies and guest edited issues on all the latest advances on diabetes and its related areas dedicated to clinical research e.g. pharmacology, pathogenesis, complications, epidemiology, clinical care and therapy.
Current Drug Metabolism aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments in drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and drug disposition. The journal serves as an international forum for the publication of full-length/mini review, research articles and guest edited issues in drug metabolism. Current Drug Metabolism is an essential journal for academic, clinical, government and pharmaceutical scientists who wish to be kept informed and up-to-date with the most important developments. The journal covers the following general topic areas: pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, and most importantly drug metabolism.
More specifically, in vitro and in vivo drug metabolism of phase I and phase II enzymes or metabolic pathways; drug-drug interactions and enzyme kinetics; pharmacokinetics, pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling, and toxicokinetics; interspecies differences in metabolism or pharmacokinetics, species scaling and extrapolations; drug transporters; target organ toxicity and interindividual variability in drug exposure-response; extrahepatic metabolism; bioactivation, reactive metabolites, and developments for the identification of drug metabolites. Preclinical and clinical reviews describing the drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics of marketed drugs or drug classes.