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The World Bank Research Observer

ISSN: 0257-3032eISSN: 1564-6971
JUFO Level 1

The World Bank journals enjoy the largest circulation of any economics title; the Research Observer is freely distributed to more than 9,100 subscribers in non-OECD countries.The World Bank Research Observer seeks to inform nonspecialist readers about research being undertaken within the Bank and outside the Bank in areas of economics relevant for development policy. Requiring only a minimal background in economic analysis, its surveys and overviews of key issues in development economics research are intended for policymakers, project officers, journalists keeping up to date, and teachers and students of development economics and related disciplines. Papers for the Observer are not sent out to referees, but all articles published are assessed and approved by the Editorial Board, which includes three to four distinguished economists from outside the Bank. The Observer has nearly 1,500 subscribers in OECD countries and nearly 10,000 subscribers in developing countries.The journal has an impact factor of 1.700 and is ranked 16/191 in the Economics category, and 3/38 in the Planning and Development category of the ISI Journal Citation Reports (2008).

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Third World Quarterly

ISSN: 0143-6597eISSN: 1360-2241
JUFO Level 2

Third World Quarterly (TWQ) is the leading journal of scholarship and policy in the field of international studies. For over three decades it has set the agenda on development discourses of the global debate. As the most influential academic journal covering the emerging worlds, TWQ is at the forefront of analysis and commentary on fundamental issues of global concern. TWQ examines all the issues that affect the many Third Worlds and is not averse to publishing provocative and exploratory articles, especially if they have the merit of opening up emerging areas of research that have not been given sufficient attention. TWQ is a peer-reviewed journal that looks beyond strict 'development studies', providing an alternative and over-arching reflective analysis of micro-economic and grassroot efforts of development practitioners and planners. It furnishes expert and interdisciplinary insight into crucial issues before they impinge upon media attention, as well as coverage of the very latest publications in its comprehensive book review section. TWQ acts as an almanac linking the academic terrains of the various contemporary area studies - African, Asian, Latin American and Middle Eastern - in an interdisciplinary manner with the publication of informative, innovative and investigative articles. Contributions are rigorously assessed by regional experts.

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Tourism Management

ISSN: 0261-5177eISSN: 1879-3193
JUFO Level 3

Tourism Management is the leading international journal for all those concerned with the planning and management of travel and tourism.Tourism comprises a multitude of activities which together form one of the world's fastest growing international sectors. The journal takes an interdisciplinary approach and includes planning and policy aspects of international, national and regional tourism as well as specific management studies.The journal's contents reflect its integrative approach - including primary research articles, discussion of current issues, case studies, reports, book reviews and forthcoming meetings. Articles are relevant to both academics and practitioners, and are the results of anonymous reviews by at least two referees chosen by the editor for their specialist knowledge.

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Tourism Planning and Development

ISSN: 2156-8316eISSN: 2156-8324
JUFO Level 1

Given the importance of planning and development issues in tourism, such as optimising the sector's contribution to socio-economic development, sustainability and resource-use planning, capacity planning, strategic infrastructure planning and forecasting, structural activity re-alignments, the implications of advances in information technology and the relationship between globalisation and tourism, this journal focuses on bringing together researchers and practitioners, individuals and organisations interested in both the theoretical and the practical aspects of planning and development. Tourism Planning & Development aims to provide a forum for the publication and dissemination of new and original theoretical and applied research on tourism planning and development issues through fully refereed research papers. At the same time, it also aims to encourage international dialogue through viewpoint articles or shorter pieces designed to stimulate ideas and discussion and/or to present work in progress that has not been developed to a stage suitable for publication as a fully refereed paper. In particular, it seeks to encourage contributions from new researchers and/or work new geographic or socio-cultural settings . The contextual scope for Tourism Planning & Development is considerable; planning and development issues extend from the macro to the micro level, from global concerns to those associated with the individual organisations, specific destinations or certain social groupings, while the conceptual scope encompasses issues and techniques from, for example, multivariate forecasting to the application of phenomenological research to particular tourism contexts. The unifying element of these two arenas is planning and development. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Transition Studies Review

ISSN: 1614-4007eISSN: 1614-4015

Transition Studies Network was founded in 2002 as CEEUN-Central Eastern European
University Cooperation, with the aim to connect a group of experts and university faculty
in a program of cooperation devoted to research programs and specialized international
postgraduate and doctoral courses. The Network has grown fast and soon after the scientific
“voice” had been established with the Journal Transition Studies Review, published by Spring
Wien-New York. At the beginning, it was focusing on transition in Central and Southeast
Europe, interpreting CEEUN purely as European network. Soon later, the EU enlargement
of the aims and scope to Russia, Ukraine, Caucasus, the Black Sea and Mediterranean
regions was achieved. From 2005, a worldwide regional approach looking to Asia,
Latin America, Eurasia and Great Middle East has been implemented. To the previous
CEEUN, TSN-Transition Studies Network had been taking the heritage and the “aims and
scope” were recently better integrated.Transition Studies Network has progressively involved in the last ten years more than 400
internationally well known members and 95 university departments, institutes and research
centres and is engaged in many areas and programs. The scientifi c interests and fi elds are
covering: Europe and the World, future approach to EU enlargement, the global governance
economic, fi nancial and policy framework and impact, where it focuses especially on growth
theories, innovation and human capital, main advanced industrial sectors technologies,
investments, international affairs, foreign policy choices and security, monetary policy and
main currency areas, banking and insurance, development and area studies, social policies,
environment and climate, culture and society, juridical and law studies, regional approach to
global governance, peculiarities and critical challenges.The future, transition to open economy and institutional reforms, political and strategic issues
and challenges, governance, European, Mediterranean, Asia-Pacifi c, Middle Eastern, Latin
America and Africa perspectives are key topics of this highranking journal. The Transatlantic
and Asia-Pacifi c relations, security and international order represent, together with applied
regional studies, another cornerstone of the Network’s activity and of Transition Studies
Review’s contents, where two other Journals will dedicated: the Journal of Global Policy and
Governance, based in Shanghai and in Rome: the International Journal of Euro Mediterranean
Studies based in Portorož, Slovenia. The Network is deeply committed to a wide range of transition
issues related to quantitative modeling and tools to analyzing and researching economic,
fi nancial, strategic studies, social, cultural, environmental, juridical main issues.

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ISSN: 0049-4488eISSN: 1572-9435
JUFO Level 2

The journal Transportation focuses on issues of relevance to the formulation of policy, the preparation and evaluation of plans, and the day-to-day operational management of transport systems. It concerns itself with the policies and systems themselves, as well as with their impacts on and relationships with other aspects of the social, economic and physical environment. Although the transportation needs of cities and nations around the world differ in detail, there is much benefit to be derived by sharing research findings and practical experience. Transportation lends itself to information exchange by publishing carefully selected papers which advance the international fund of knowledge. Transportation is relevant to all parts of the world: industrialized, newly industrialized or developing. Its mission is simply to help improve the transportation of people and goods by bringing an improved understanding of the subject to the theorists, practitioners and policy makers who study it.Officially cited as: Trans

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Tropical Agriculture

ISSN: 0041-3216
JUFO Level 1


ISSN: 0231-2522eISSN: 1588-2918
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Utilities Policy

ISSN: 0957-1787eISSN: 1878-4356
JUFO Level 1

Utilities Policy is the peer-reviewed journal for researchers, utility company professionals, financial analysts, and industry consultants. It publishes original research papers, review papers, viewpoints, as well as book reviews, about the entire range of utilities including coal, electricity, gas, oil, telecommunications, urban transport, water, waste, and renewable forms of energy.Utilities Policy is a unique international journal covering economic, development, environmental, institutional, legal, liberalization, management, organisation, performance, planning, policy, pricing, privatization, regulation, and strategic issues across the broad spectrum of utilities. The journal addresses utilities in developed and developing countries, and offers a leading forum for the dissemination of in-depth analysis of key trends to those concerned with the effective management and development of utilities.Submissions should consider the policy implications of the subject being written about. Specific policy-related suggestions, if relevant, are encouraged so as to provide policy makers firm ideas to consider for implementation. Utilities Policy welcomes submissions that assess and compare methodologies and novel approaches relating to two or more utility sectors.

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Water Resources and Rural Development

ISSN: 2212-6082

Much of the water diverted from streams and reservoirs, or pumped from aquifers, worldwide, is used in agriculture. And much of humanity earns its living through some connection with agriculture - either directly as a farmer or farm worker, or indirectly in one of the many endeavours that support farming activities. Thus, water plays a critical role in providing livelihood opportunities and sustaining the health and welfare of rural families around the world.Water resources and rural development publishes papers describing the role of water resources in supporting livelihood activities in rural areas. Our primary interest is in the impacts of water resources policy and management on rural livelihoods and household welfare. Thus, we welcome analyses of natural resource policies and other policies, outside the direct scope of natural resources, which influence the ways in which land, water, and other resources are allocated and used. We welcome also analyses of the importance of water resources in agriculture and in efforts to sustain or enhance environmental amenities. We recognize and encourage discussion also of the many ways in which water resources enhance rural livelihoods outside the scope of agriculture. For example, we welcome papers that describe issues pertaining to water's role in alleviating poverty and enhancing food security, drinking water supply, water quality, health impacts, wastewater reuse, multiple use systems, and other topics, provided there is an evident link to livelihoods.

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Women's Studies International Forum

ISSN: 0277-5395
JUFO Level 1

Women's Studies International Forum (formerly Women's Studies International Quarterly, established in 1978) is a bimonthly journal to aid the distribution and exchange of feminist research in the multidisciplinary, international area of women's studies and in feminist research in other disciplines. The policy of the journal is to establish a feminist forum for discussion and debate.The journal seeks to critique and reconceptualize existing knowledge, to examine and re-evaluate the manner in which knowledge is produced and distributed, and to assess the implications this has for women's lives.We seek contributions from people, individually or collectively, from different countries and different backgrounds, who are engaged in feminist research inside or outside formal educational institutions. We welcome a variety of approaches and resources through the whole range of disciplines: papers geared toward action-oriented research as well as those which address theoretical methodological issues; and we encourage historical reassessments of the lives and works of women. We urge all contributors both to acknowledge the cultural and social specifics of their particular approach, and to draw out these issues in their articles.We also invite conference reports and announcements, calls for papers, notices of new publications and reports, contacts, etc., sent in by individuals or groups in the international feminist community.

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Working Paper - Chr. Michelson Institute

ISSN: 0804-3639

World Development

ISSN: 0305-750XeISSN: 1873-5991
JUFO Level 3

World Development is a multi-disciplinary monthly journal of development studies. It seeks to explore ways of improving standards of living, and the human condition generally, by examining potential solutions to problems such as: poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, disease, lack of shelter, environmental degradation, inadequate scientific and technological resources, trade and payments imbalances, international debt, gender and ethnic discrimination, militarism and civil conflict, and lack of popular participation in economic and political life.Contributions offer constructive ideas and analysis, and highlight the lessons to be learned from the experiences of different nations, societies, and economies. World Development recognizes 'development' as a process of change involving nations, economies, political alliances, institutions, groups, and individuals. Development processes occur in different ways and at all levels: inside the family, the firm and the farm; locally, provincially, nationally, and globally. Our goal is to learn from one another, regardless of nation, culture, income, academic discipline, profession or ideology. We hope to set a modest example of enduring global cooperation through maintaining an international dialogue and dismantling barriers to communication.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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World Development Perspectives

ISSN: 2468-0532eISSN: 2452-2929
JUFO Level 1

World Development Perspectives is a multi-disciplinary journal of international development. It seeks to explore ways of improving human well-being by examining the performance and impact of interventions designed to address issues related to: poverty alleviation, public health and malnutrition, agricultural production, natural resource governance, globalization and transnational processes, technological progress, gender and social discrimination, and participation in economic and political life. Above all, we are particularly interested in the role of historical, legal, social, economic, political, biophysical, and/or ecological contexts in shaping development processes and outcomes.

We welcome contributions that offer constructive ideas and analysis, and highlight the lessons to be learned from the experiences of different nations, societies, and economies. World Development Perspectives recognizes 'development' as a process of change at and across multiple scales, involving a diverse range of actors at each scale. Keeping in mind this diversity, our objective is to build a rigorous understanding of the interactions between the relevant contextual factors and specific development interventions in explaining development outcomes. We aspire to create a forum that brings together development researchers, practitioners, and administrators from all domains, disciplines, and geographies.

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Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes

ISSN: 1755-4217eISSN: 1755-4225
JUFO Level 1

Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes provides thematic reviews of the major challenges facing the tourism and hospitality industry today.

portal: Libraries and the Academy

ISSN: 1531-2542eISSN: 1530-7131
JUFO Level 1

A journal that presents research findings and provides regular coverage of issues in technology, publishing, and periodicals, portal is written by librarians for librarians. Peer-reviewed articles address subjects such as library administration, information technology, and information policy. The journal examines the role of libraries in meeting institutional missions, explores how technology affects librarianship and scholarship, and conveys this research to academic librarians in a timely manner.

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