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European Addiction Research

ISSN: 1022-6877eISSN: 1421-9891
JUFO Level 1

European Addiction Research is a unique international scientific journal for the rapid publication of innovative research covering all aspects of addiction and related disorders. Representing an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of recent data and expert opinion, it reflects the importance of a comprehensive approach to resolve the problems of substance abuse and addiction in Europe. Coverage ranges from clinical and research advances in the fields of psychiatry, biology, pharmacology, and epidemiology to social and legal implications of policy decisions. The goal is to facilitate open discussion among those interested in the scientific and clinical aspects of prevention, diagnosis, and therapy as well as dealing with legal issues.

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European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity

eISSN: 1803-3857
JUFO Level 1

European Journal of Ageing: Social, Behavioural and Health Perspectives

ISSN: 1613-9372eISSN: 1613-9380
JUFO Level 2

The interdisciplinary European Journal of Ageing: Social, Behavioural and Health Perspectives (EJA) is devoted to the understanding of ageing around the world. Coverage includes original articles on the social, behavioral and health-related aspects of ageing, encouraging an integrated approach among these aspects. The editors emphasize empirical research, including meta-analyses, but also consider conceptual papers, including narrative reviews, and methodological contributions. By stimulating communication between researchers and those using research findings, EJA aims to contribute to the formulation of better policies and the development of better practice in serving older adults.

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European Journal of Bioethics

ISSN: 1847-6376eISSN: 1848-7874
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European Union Politics

ISSN: 1465-1165eISSN: 1741-2757
JUFO Level 2

European Union Politics is an international academic journal for advanced peer reviewed research and scholarship on all aspects of the process of government, politics and policy in the European Union. EUP aims to stimulate debate and provide a forum to bridge the theoretical and empirical analysis on the political unification of Europe.

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Fat Studies

ISSN: 2160-4851eISSN: 2160-486X
JUFO Level 1

Fat Studies is the first academic journal in the field of scholarship that critically examines theory, research, practices, and programs related to body weight and appearance. Content includes original research and overviews exploring the intersection of gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, age, ability, and socioeconomic status. Articles critically examine representations of fat in health and medical sciences, the Health at Every Size model, the pharmaceutical industry, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, legal issues, literature, pedagogy, art, theater, popular culture, media studies, and activism.

Fat Studies
is an interdisciplinary, international field of scholarship that critically examines societal attitudes and practices about body weight and appearance. Fat Studies advocates equality for all people regardless of body size. It explores the way fat people are oppressed, the reasons why, who benefits from that oppression and how to liberate fat people from oppression. Fat Studies seeks to challenge and remove the negative associations that society has about fat and the fat body. It regards weight, like height, as a human characteristic that varies widely across any population. Fat Studies is similar to academic disciplines that focus on race, ethnicity, gender, or age.
Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc.,  530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106 .

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Field Actions Science Reports

eISSN: 1867-8521

Food and Foodways

ISSN: 0740-9710eISSN: 1542-3484
JUFO Level 1

Food and Foodways is a refereed, interdisciplinary, and international journal devoted to publishing original scholarly articles on the history and culture of human nourishment. By reflecting on the role food plays in human relations, this unique journal explores the powerful but often subtle ways in which food has shaped, and shapes, our lives socially, economically, politically, mentally, nutritionally, and morally. Because food is a pervasive social phenomenon, it cannot be approached by any one discipline. We encourage articles that engage dialogue, debate, and exchange across disciplines. Food and Foodways publishes work by anthropologists, biologists, economists, ethnobotanists, historians, literary critics, nutritionists, psychologists, sociologists, and others who use food as a lens of analysis. We also seek review essays or short topical pieces that are provocative and problematic in nature.Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by three anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Future of Children

ISSN: 1054-8289eISSN: 1550-1558
JUFO Level 2

The Future of Children is a biannual publication of The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and The Brookings Institution. It seeks to promote effective policies and programs for children by providing policymakers, service providers, and the media with timely, objective information based on the best available research.

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Games for Health Journal

ISSN: 2161-783XeISSN: 2161-7856
JUFO Level 1

Games for Health Journal is the first peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the impact of game research, technologies, and applications on human health and well-being. This ground-breaking publication delivers original research that directly impacts this emerging, widely-recognized, and increasingly adopted area of healthcare.

Games are rapidly becoming an important tool for improving health behaviors ranging from healthy lifestyle habits and behavior modification, to self-management of illness and chronic conditions to motivating and supporting physical activity. Games are also increasingly used to train healthcare professionals in methods for diagnosis, medical procedures, patient monitoring, as well as for responding to epidemics and natural disasters. Games for Health Journal is a must for anyone interested in the research and design of health games that integrate well-tested, evidence-based behavioral health strategies to help improve health behaviors and to support the delivery of care.

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Geospatial Health

ISSN: 1827-1987eISSN: 1970-7096
JUFO Level 1

Geospatial Health is the official journal of the Global Network of Geospatial Health ( which was founded as the result at a Team Residency at the Rockefeller Foundation's Study and Conference Center Bellagio (Italy), April 10-14, 2000. The focus of the journal is on all aspects of the application of geographic information systems, remote sensing and other spatial analysis tools in human and veterinary health. For the first three years, there will be two issues per year. It will be published both printed as hard copy (ISSN 1827-1987) and on-line (ISSN 1970-7096).

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Geriatrics and Gerontology International

ISSN: 1444-1586eISSN: 1447-0594
JUFO Level 1
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HEC Forum

ISSN: 0956-2737eISSN: 1572-8498
JUFO Level 1

HEC Forum is an international, peer-reviewed publication featuring original contributions of interest to practicing physicians, nurses, social workers, risk managers, attorneys, ethicists, and other HEC committee members. Contributions are welcomed from any pertinent source, but the text should be written to be appreciated by HEC members and lay readers. HEC Forum publishes essays, research papers, and features the following sections:Essays on Substantive Bioethical/Health Law Issues
Analyses of Procedural or Operational Committee Issues
Document Exchange
Special Articles
International Perspectives
Mt./St. Anonymous: Cases and Institutional Policies
Point/Counterpoint Argumentation
Case Reviews, Analyses, and Resolutions
Chairperson's Section
`Tough Spot'
Critical Annotations
Health Law Alert
Network News
Letters to the Editors

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Health & Place

ISSN: 1353-8292
JUFO Level 2

The journal is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the study of all aspects of health and health care in which place or location matters.Recent years have seen closer links evolving between medical geography, medical sociology, health policy, public health and epidemiology. The journal reflects these convergences, which emphasise differences in health and health care between places, the experience of health and care in specific places, the development of health care for places, and the methodologies and theories underpinning the study of these issues.The journal brings together international contributors from geography, sociology, social policy and public health. It offers readers comparative perspectives on the difference that place makes to the incidence of ill-health, the structuring of health-related behaviour, the provision and use of health services, and the development of health policy.At a time when health matters are the subject of ever-increasing attention, Health & Place provides accessible and readable papers summarizing developments and reporting the latest research findings.

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Health & Social Work

ISSN: 0360-7283eISSN: 1545-6854
JUFO Level 1

For 20 years, human services professionals have relied on Health & Social Work for the latest advances in areas such as aging, clinical work, long-term care, oncology, substance abuse, depression, and maternal health. Articles also cover research, policy, specialized services, quality assurance, in-service training, and other topics that affect the delivery of health care services.

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Health Care Analysis

ISSN: 1065-3058eISSN: 1573-3394
JUFO Level 2

The journal Health Care Analysis promotes debate about the fundamental rationale of all aspects of health systems and health care provision, including public policy and health; health-related education; health services organization and decision-making; health care professional practice. The journal is committed to the view that all aspects of health systems are interrelated, and presents and papers which make links between some of these areas. As a journal for everyone interested in philosophical issues in health care, Health Care Analysis seeks to support the conversation between philosophy and policy. It publishes contributions from philosophers, social scientists, other health-related academics and policy analysts, health care educators, health care professionals and managers. 5 Year Impact Factor: 0.724 (2007)Section 'Health Policy & Services': Rank 40 out of 40

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Health Care Manager

ISSN: 1525-5794eISSN: 1550-512X
JUFO Level 1

The Health Care Manager (HCM) provides practical, applied management information for managers in institutional health care settings. This distinguished quarterly journal, written for every health care professional in a managerial or supervisory role, focuses on strengthening management and supervisory skills. The Health Care Manager cuts across interdisciplinary lines and offers proven approaches for motivating people more powerfully, getting them to work more productively, and enhancing your enjoyment of managing.Website:

Health Communication

ISSN: 1041-0236eISSN: 1532-7027
JUFO Level 1

As an outlet for scholarly intercourse between medical and social sciences, this noteworthy journal seeks to improve practical communication between caregivers and patients and between institutions and the public. Outstanding editorial board members and contributors from both medical and social science arenas collaborate to meet the challenges inherent in this goal. Although most inclusions are data-based, the journal also publishes pedagogical, methodological, theoretical, and applied articles using both quantitative or qualitative methods. Topics covered include provider-patient (or family) interaction, health campaigns, health information, health promotion, interviewing, health public relations, and gerontological concerns. Peer Review Policy: All articles have undergone anonymous double-blind review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Health Promotion International

ISSN: 0957-4824eISSN: 1460-2245
JUFO Level 1

Health Promotion International responds to the move for a new public health throughout the world and supports the development of action outlined in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. It is the official journal of the IUHPE, and is published in association with the WHO.Health Promotion International contains refereed original articles, reviews, and debate articles on major themes and innovations from various sectors including education, health services, employment, government, the media, industry, environmental agencies, and community networks. The journal provides a unique focal point for articles of high quality that describe not only theories and concepts, research projects and policy formulation, but also planned and spontaneous activities, organizational change, social and environmental development.The articles contained in this journal reflect the views of the authors, and do not necessarily coincide with those of the Editor, Editorial Board, Oxford University Press or the organization to which the authors are affiliated. Adaptation and use of the Health Promotion International logo for the cover design kindly granted by the World Health Organization.

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Health Security

ISSN: 2326-5094eISSN: 2326-5108
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