The last decade has seen the introduction of computers and information technology at many levels of human transaction. Information technology (IT) is now used for data collation, in daily commercial transactions like transfer of funds, conclusion of contract, and complex diagnostic purposes in fields such as law, medicine and transport. The use of IT has expanded rapidly with the introduction of multimedia and the Internet. Any new technology inevitably raises a number of questions ranging from the legal to the ethical and the social. Information & Communications Technology Law covers topics such as: the implications of IT for legal processes and legal decision-making and related ethical and social issues; the liability of programmers and expert system builders; computer misuse and related policing issues; intellectual property rights in algorithms, chips, databases, software etc; IT and competition law; data protection; freedom of information; the nature of privacy, legal controls in the dissemination of pornographic, racist and defamatory material on the Internet; network policing; regulation of the IT industry; problems of computer representation and the computational semantics of law; the role of visual or image-based legal 'mental models'; general public policy and philosophical aspects of law and IT. The journal invites articles, national reports and case notes on the above and related topics. All submissions are independently refereed. The journal is published three times a year with one issue a year devoted to a particular theme. Forthcoming special issues will focus on intellectual property issues and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Interchange, an externally refereed educational quarterly, embraces educational theory, research, analysis, history, philosophy, policy and practices. The journal seeks to foster exchanges among practitioners, policy-makers, and scholars and to provide a forum for comment on issues and trends in education. The journal specializes in frank argumentative articles on the fundamental purposes of education. Its articles typically challenge conventional assumptions about education and higher education and do so from perspectives in philosophy or the social sciences. A special feature is the publishing of responses, and frequently response to responses, in the same issue as the article which provoked them. Its authors are scattered throught the world. All contributions to this journal are peer reviewed.
“International law can only prosper if careful attention is given to all the voices expressing themselves on current legal issues […]. Any striving for hegemony threatens to undermine the legitimacy of international law.“.
International Criminal Justice Review (ICJR), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is dedicated to presenting system-wide trends and problems on crime and justice worldwide. ICJR provides a forum for social scientists to report research findings for policy making with respect to crime and justice through innovative and advanced methodologies. The journal provides a comparative and international overview of law, crime and justice from a cross-cultural perspective.
The practice at the ICTY and ICTR has shown that there is no real international criminal (customary) law, but only extrapolations from international public law, general principles of law and humanitarian law. The divide between.