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Internet Research

ISSN: 1066-2243eISSN: 2054-5657
JUFO Level 2

This wide-ranging interdisciplinary journal looks at the social, ethical, economic and political implications of the internet. Recent issues have focused on online and mobile gaming, the sharing economy, and the dark side of social media.

Javnost - The Public

ISSN: 1318-3222eISSN: 1854-8377
JUFO Level 1

Javnost—The Public, Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture was established in 1994 as a platform for social scientists all over the world to address, promote, share, and discuss problems, issues and developments of publicness on international and interdisciplinary levels, to stimulate the development of theory and research in the field, and to help understand and bridge the differences between cultures.

Javnost—The Public publishes original research papers on all aspects of publicness with strong theoretical foundations. The research presented must transcend the limits of single case studies. Nevertheless, both empirical and theoretical studies are accepted if they offer insights into issues related to the public sphere theories and debates, such as:

  • the role of (media) communication in fostering human freedom and social change;
  • public service broadcasting;
  • media democratization in East-Central Europe, South-East Asia and China;
  • digitization of broadcasting; new developments in journalism;
  • the importance of communication for class relationships;
  • public opinion and political representation;
  • perspectives of small-scale media and community media;
  • tabloidization of the media;
  • globalization of media and media policies;
  • popular culture as political communication; media (in) war and peace;
  • democratic rhetoric and duty of liberation;
  • transformations in the public sphere(s) and the development of a European public sphere;
  • E-networks and democratic life;
  • “forgotten” communication scholars, and many others.

Although the primary objective of the journal is to contribute to intellectual understanding of transformations in the democratic process, it is also meant to contribute to improved political practice, policy, and action.

Euricom’s quarterly is named after the Slovene noun “ javnost,” which has the same complex meaning(s) as the German concept, Öffentlichkeit (the Slovene language is one of not very many languages that have a perfect conceptual equivalent to the German term Öffentlichkeit). Due to the multi-dimensionality of the concept “javnost,” its comprehensive and all-embracing translation into English and many other languages is not possible. The conceptual capacity of the traditional English term, “the public”, the English co-title of the journal, is one of its meanings in English, much narrower than its German/Slovene counterpart Öffentlichkeit/javnost, which is deliberately used against its currently much more popular rival, “the public sphere”. By using the term “the public,” we want to emphasize fundamental ontological differences between “the public” and “the public sphere” as two distinct entities and concepts, and oppose the widespread conceptual substitution of “the public” by “the public sphere,” which may – paradoxically – even imply the disappearance of the body public through a discursive process, i.e. the existence of “the public sphere” without “the public.”

  Javnost—The Public is a peer-reviewed journal and all peer review is double blind.

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Jewish Film & New Media: An International Journal

ISSN: 2169-0324eISSN: 2169-0332
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Journal for the History of Rhetoric

ISSN: 2687-8003eISSN: 2687-8011

Advances in the History of Rhetoric (AHR), the annual research publication of the American Society for the History of Rhetoric, welcomes contributions from scholars who take a historical approach to the study of rhetoric. In particular, AHR publishes scholarship on all historical aspects of rhetoric, in all historical periods, and with reference to all intellectual, national, and cultural communities. The scope of AHR includes among other subjects the following matters of historical research:Rhetorical theoryRhetorical discourseRhetorical criticismRhetorical instruction in writing and speakingRelations of rhetoric with other disciplines or cultural institutions, processes, and events Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Advertising

ISSN: 0091-3367eISSN: 1557-7805
JUFO Level 2

The Journal of Advertising is the premier academic publication covering significant intellectual development pertaining to advertising theories and their relationship with practice. The goal of the Journal is to provide a public forum that reflects the current understanding of advertising as a process of communication, its role in the changing environment, and the relationships between these and other components of the advertising business and practice. All papers published in the Journal go through a rigorous, double-blind, peer review process. #!#!The Journal of Advertising provides an important publication outlet for papers in the specialization of advertising. Of the many academic journals with a primary focus on advertising theory and research, JA is by far the most widely respected and read.#!#! -David W. Stewart, University of California, Riverside #!#!The Journal of Advertising is the world's leading academic journal exclusively devoted to the field of advertising.#!#! -Roland T. Rust, University of Maryland #!#!The Journal of Advertising is the world's best journal because it houses academically rigorous, professionally salient, and globally relevant knowledge in advertising.#!#! -David K. Tse, Hong Kong University.

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Journal of African Cinemas

ISSN: 1754-9221eISSN: 1754-923X
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of African Media Studies

ISSN: 2040-199XeISSN: 1751-7974
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Applied Communication Research

ISSN: 0090-9882eISSN: 1479-5752
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Applied Communication Research publishes original scholarship that addresses or challenges the relation between theory and practice in understanding communication in applied contexts. JACR aims primarily to contribute to how people practice communication across multiple contexts. All theoretical and methodological approaches are welcome, as are all contextual areas. Of utmost importance is that an applied communication problem or issue is the motivation for the research. Submissions should be based securely in existing understandings of communication processes, informed by relevant theory, and should substantively advance our understanding of communication in practical settings. Of particular interest are studies that focus on contemporary social issues. Authors are encouraged to clearly and explicitly identify and describe the communication problem or issue early in the manuscript. Also welcome are reviews of recently published books, reports, or monographs relevant to applied communication and reviews of communication interventions or resources (particularly software and internet-based resources). Reviews should be 1,000-1,500 words in length. Those interested in reviewing should solicit the editor directly at About the National Communication Association (NCA): The National Communication Association is the world's largest professional association of scholars, educators, students and practitioners dedicated to studying and promoting effective and ethical communication. With more than 7,000 members representing every state in the U.S. and 25 other countries, NCA provides a wide variety of professional development opportunities, publishes and disseminates significant communication scholarship and advances the communication discipline through meaningful research, teaching, and service. NCA provides: * forums for professional interaction among members * publishing outlets in NCA journals and special publications * recognition of outstanding member achievements * submit memberships based on common interests and concerns * special projects to enhance effective and ethical communication in diverse communities and society at large * opportunities for professional development and service * a voice for the profession on timely issues affecting member and societal interests * cooperative relationships with other disciplinary and interdisciplinary associations * visibility for communication studies to a wide range of academic and public audience. NCA members receive one NCA journal, a monthly newsletter and access to a variety of other services and resources with their membership. For more information about NCA or to join the association, visit or call +1 202-464-4622. Disclaimer The Society (National Communication Association) and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies

ISSN: 2001-0818eISSN: 2049-9531
JUFO Level 1
Publisher: Intellect Ltd.

Journal of Argumentation in Context

ISSN: 2211-4742eISSN: 2211-4750
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Asian Pacific Communication

ISSN: 0957-6851eISSN: 1569-9838
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of British Cinema and Television

ISSN: 1743-4521eISSN: 1755-1714
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media

ISSN: 0883-8151eISSN: 1550-6878
JUFO Level 2

Published quarterly for the Broadcast Education Association, the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media contains timely articles about new developments, trends, and research in electronic media written by academicians, researchers, and other electronic media professionals. The Journal invites submissions of original research that examine a broad range of issues concerning the electronic media, including the historical, technological, economic, legal, policy, cultural, social, and psychological dimensions. Scholarship that extends a historiography, tests theory, or that fosters innovative perspectives on topics of importance to the field, is particularly encouraged. The Journal is open to a diversity of theoretic paradigms and methodologies.All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two or more anonymous referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Business and Technical Communication

ISSN: 1050-6519eISSN: 1552-4574
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, keeps you informed about the latest communication practices, problems and trends in both business and academic settings or sectors. It covers written, oral and electronic communication in all areas of business, science and government.

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Journal of Children and Media

ISSN: 1748-2798eISSN: 1748-2801
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Children and Media is an interdisciplinary and multi-method peer-reviewed publication that provides a space for discussion by scholars and professionals from around the world and across theoretical and empirical traditions who are engaged in the study of media in the lives of children and adolescents. It is a unique intellectual forum for the exchange of information about all forms and contents of media in regards to all aspects of children’s lives, and especially in three complementary realms: Children as consumers of media, representations of children in the media, and media organizations and productions for children as well as by them. It is committed to the facilitation of international dialogue among researchers and professionals, through discussion of interaction between children and media in local, national, and global contexts; concern for diversity issues; a critical and empirical inquiry informed by a variety of theoretical and empirical approaches; and dedication to ensuring the social relevance of the academic knowledge it produces to the cultural, political, and personal welfare of children around the world.

All articles in Journal of Children and Media have undergone editorial screening and double blind peer review.

Alongside the primary articles, Journal of Children and Media includes a regular ‘Review and Commentary’ section devoted to shorter pieces such as book reviews, suggestions for new directions in theory and research, notes on work-in-progress, commentary on developments within the field of children and media, responses to past journal articles, contributions to pedagogy and informal education practices, commentary on media production for children and media literacy programs, and reflections on ways to bridge the concerns of academia and activism.

Details on how to submit to the journal can be found here in the Instructions for Authors. 

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Journal of Chinese Cinemas

ISSN: 1750-8061
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Communication

ISSN: 0021-9916eISSN: 1460-2466

The Journal of Communication is the flagship journal of the International Communication Association and an essential publication for all communications specialists and policy makers. The Journal of Communication concentrates on communication research, practice, policy, and theory, bringing to its readers the latest, broadest, and most important findings in the field of communication studies. Journal of Communication also features an extensive book review section, and the symposia of selected studies on current issues. JoC publishes the best available scholarship on all aspects of communication. Since the journal seeks to be a general forum for communication scholarship, it is especially interested in research whose significance crosses disciplinary and sub-field boundaries.

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Journal of Communication Inquiry

ISSN: 0196-8599eISSN: 1552-4612
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Communication Inquiry (JCI) is a forward-thinking, interdisciplinary forum that explores communication and mass communication phenomena within cultural and historical perspectives. Publishing cutting-edge research and analysis, JCI emphasizes philosophical, evaluative, empirical, legal, historical and critical inquiry into relationships between mass communication and society across time and culture.

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Journal of Communication Management

ISSN: 1363-254XeISSN: 1478-0852
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Communication Management (JCOM) is the definitive international journal for research-oriented communication managers and professionals as well as for researchers who aim to develop or challenge practice.

Journal of Communication in Healthcare

ISSN: 1753-8068eISSN: 1753-8076
JUFO Level 1
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