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AIDS Research and Therapy

eISSN: 1742-6405
JUFO Level 1

AIDS Research and Therapy is an open access, peer reviewed journal publishing basic science and clinically important research articles to help abate the spread of AIDS. The journal is edited by Kailash C. Gupta with the assistance of an expert Editorial Board, including Deputy Editor Greg T. Spear, and Section Editors Edward A. Berger (Basic Science), Genoveffa Franchini (Vaccines), Magnus Gisslen (Neuro-AIDS), Richard Koup (Therapeutics), and John J. Rossi (Novel treatment strategies).

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ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies

ISSN: 1540-658XeISSN: 1557-8127
JUFO Level 1

ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies is the only authoritative, peer-reviewed journal that provides early-stage screening techniques and tools that enable you to optimize and identify novel leads and targets for new drug development.Each issue includes: Assay design and target development High throughput technologies and chemistry Technology reviews Lab automation and sample management Data analysis and information management Bioinformatics, data mining, and virtual screening Biosensors and detection technologies Miniaturization, microfluidics, and nanotechnology Novel screening methods with high information content Metabolically engineered cells and organisms Imaging technologies for live cells, tissues, and small animals.

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Acta Naturae

ISSN: 2075-8251
JUFO Level 1
Publisher: Park Media Ltd.

Advances in Biological Regulation

eISSN: 2212-4926
JUFO Level 1

Advances in Biological Regulation (formerly Advances in Enzyme Regulation) reports cutting edge scientific progress on regulation at the molecular level, covering:The molecular biology of control of gene expression by hormones, drugs and growth factors in cancer cells and in clinical situations of metabolic diseases, inborn errors of metabolism and neoplasia.Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine issuesRegulatory networks, mainly in cellular signalling, differentiation, cell cycle & growth control, structure-function relationships, cell fate and lineage commitment or assembly mechanisms in cellsViruses, or supramolecular constructs, and signaling mechanisms mediating transcriptionGenomic, proteomic, bioinformatics and systems biology approaches to identify and characterize steps of biological control in a cellular context.Complex cellular, pathogenic, clinical, or animal model systems studied by biochemical, molecular, genetic, epigenetic or quantitative ultrastructural approachesBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences

ISSN: 2633-4682eISSN: 2633-4690

Advances in Pharmacological Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles and review articles in all areas of pharmacological sciences.

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American Journal of Translational Research

eISSN: 1943-8141
JUFO Level 1
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Analytical Cellular Pathology

ISSN: 2210-7177eISSN: 2210-7185
JUFO Level 1

Analytical Cellular Pathology provides a forum for pathologists and medical practitioners working in the cellular pathology field. Topics covered include cytology, carcinogenesis, cell receptors, biomarkers, diagnostic pathology, and immunopathology.

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Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry

ISSN: 1871-5206
JUFO Level 1

Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments in medicinal chemistry and rational drug design for the discovery of anti-cancer agents.

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Archives of Pharmacal Research

ISSN: 0253-6269eISSN: 1976-3786
JUFO Level 1

Archives of Pharmacal Research is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of original scientific research papers and reviews in the fields of drug discovery, drug development, and drug actions with a view to providing fundamental and novel information on drugs and drug candidates.

Manuscripts will be considered for publication on the condition that the results reported are based on original research that has not been published elsewhere in any journal.

Upon acceptance for publication of an article in Archives of Pharmacal Research, the author tacitly agrees to make available any materials used in the published experiments, or novel or natural products disclosed in the article that are not commercially available, so that other researchers may confirm the observations.

For the studies using natural extract, the journal will determine the acceptability of such papers on an individual basis. Natural product contribution must meet the following specific criteria: a) any n

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BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease

ISSN: 0925-4439
JUFO Level 1

BBA Molecular Basis of Disease addresses the biochemistry and molecular genetics of disease processes and models of human disease. This journal covers aspects of aging, cancer, metabolic-, neurological-, and immunological-based disease. Manuscripts focused on using animal models to elucidate biochemical and mechanistic insight in each of these conditions, are particularly encouraged. Manuscripts should emphasize the underlying mechanisms of disease pathways and provide novel contributions to the understanding and/or treatment of these disorders. Highly descriptive and method development submissions may be declined without full review. The submission of uninvited reviews to BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease is strongly discouraged, and any such uninvited review should be accompanied by a coverletter outlining the compelling reasons why the review should be considered.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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ISSN: 0951-6433eISSN: 1872-8081
JUFO Level 1

BioFactors is an international journal aimed at identifying and increasing our understanding of the precise biochemical effects and roles of the large number of trace substances that are required by living organisms. These include vitamins and trace elements, as well as growth factors and regulatory substances made by cells themselves. The elucidation, in a particular organism or cell line, of the roles of substances active in trace quantities, is frequently applicable directly to many other forms of life.

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Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry

ISSN: 1990-7508eISSN: 1990-7516

This Journal covers all major aspects of Biomedical chemistry and related areas, including proteomics and molecular biology of (patho) physiological processes, biochemistry, neurochemistry, immunochemistry and clinical chemistry, bioinformatics, gene therapy, drug design and delivery, biochemical pharmacology, introduction and advertisement of new (biochemical) methods into experimental and clinical medicine. The Journal also publish review articles. All issues of journal usually contain invited reviews.

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Bioinspiration & Biomimetics

ISSN: 1748-3182eISSN: 1748-3190
JUFO Level 1

Bioinspiration and Biomimetics publishes research involving the study and distillation of principles and functions found in biological systems that have been developed through evolution, and application of this knowledge to produce novel and exciting basic technologies and new approaches to solving scientific problems. It provides a forum for interdisciplinary research which acts as a conduit to facilitate the two-way flow of ideas and understanding between the extensive bodies of knowledge of the different disciplines. It has two principal aims: to draw on biology to enrich engineering and to draw from engineering to enrich biology.The journal aims to include input from across all intersecting areas of both fields. In biology, this would include work in all fields from physiology to ecology, with either zoological or botanical focus. In engineering, this would include both design and practical application of biomimetic or bioinspired devices and systems. Typical areas of interest include: systems, designs and structure communication and navigation cooperative behaviour self-organizing biological systems self-healing and self-assembly aerial locomotion and aerospace applications of biomimetics biomorphic surface and subsurface systems marine dynamics: swimming and underwater dynamics applications of novel materials biomechanics; including movement, locomotion, fluidics cellular behaviour sensors and senses biomimetic or bioinformed approaches to geological exploration.

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Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry

ISSN: 2069-5837
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Biomarker Insights

eISSN: 1177-2719
JUFO Level 1
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Biomarker Research

eISSN: 2050-7771
JUFO Level 1

drug discovery, imaging, therapeutic intervention, personalised medicine

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Biomolecular Detection and Quantification

ISSN: 2214-7535eISSN: 2214-7535

Biomolecular Detection and Quantification (BDQ) is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to championing excellence in molecular study design, measurement, data analysis and reporting. Its focus is on the application of qualitative and quantitative molecular methodologies to all areas of clinical and life sciences. The journal has two main aims:to provide a forum for discussion and recommendation of guidelines designed to improve the accuracy of molecular measurement, its data analysis and the transparency of its subsequent reporting;to publish molecular biology based studies that adhere to best practice guidelines, both current and future.BDQ was established by a group of scientists based on their experience developing and publishing the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time (and Digital) PCR Experiments (the MIQE and digital MIQE guidelines). The deliberately broad scope of the journal covers clinical areas such as cancer, epigenetics, metagenomics, and infectious diseases as well non clinical subjects including environmental, microbiology and food science. BDQ revolves around the common theme of promoting excellence in molecular measurement and its data analysis. It will serve as a repository for sharing key findings across what may otherwise be disparate specialties.BDQ is distinguished by its three highly respected founding editors and molecular methodology pioneers Carl Wittwer, Michael W. Pfaffl and Ron Cook, and an international editorial board comprised of experienced scientists with broad expert interest.BDQ is published quarterly and includes:original research articles (both methodological and applied)short communicationsreviewseditorials and commentspoints of view and perspective articlesIn conjunction to scientific meetings in the field special extra issues can be released.All submitted manuscripts must present original contributions and contain no data that have been published elsewhere. Please note that BDQ operates with a so-called double blind peer-review policy which means that both the author and the reviewer remain anonymous to each other to avoid reviewer bias.The journal has an international audience and we particularly welcome submissions from younger scholars and researchers and those from developing countries.Scope:GeneticsEpigeneticsTranscriptomicsProteomicsMetabolomicsCancerInfectious diseases/microbiology/virologyDiagnosticsKeywords: molecular quantification, molecular diagnostics, standardization, standardization, metrology, dpcr, qpcr, ngs, rnaseq, biomarkers, microbiome, metagenomics, epigenetics, infectious disease

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Biomolecules and Therapeutics

ISSN: 1976-9148eISSN: 2005-4483
JUFO Level 1

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry

ISSN: 0968-0896
JUFO Level 1

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry provides an international forum for the publication of full original research papers and critical reviews on molecular interactions in key biological targets such as receptors, channels, enzymes, nucleotides, lipids and saccharides.The aim of the journal is to promote a better understanding at the molecular level of life processes, and living organisms, as well as the interaction of these with chemical agents. A special feature will be that colour illustrations will be reproduced at no charge to the author, provided that the Editor agrees that colour is essential to the information content of the illustration in question.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters

ISSN: 0960-894X
JUFO Level 1

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters presents preliminary experimental or theoretical research results of outstanding significance and timeliness on all aspects of science at the interface of chemistry and biology and on major advances in drug design and development. The journal publishes articles in the form of communications reporting experimental or theoretical results of special interest, and strives to provide maximum dissemination to a large, international audience.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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