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Accounting History Review

ISSN: 2155-2851eISSN: 2155-286X
JUFO Level 1

Journal Refocus in 2011 - Accounting History ReviewAccounting History Review is an international forum for the publication of scholarly articles on the history of accounting in diverse periods and places. Submissions are invited which investigate: 183; continuities and changes in accounting theories, practices and institutions; 183; the technological, economic, organisational, ideological, social, political and cultural contexts in which accounting has emerged and operated; 183; the impacts of accounting in these multiple arenas. The following are also within the scope of the journal: 183; histories of auditing, accountability and taxation; 183; investigations which reveal the interfaces between accounting, business, finance and management in the past;183; historical explorations of the relationship between accounting and other quantitative technologies;183; studies of the past which inform understandings of accounting in the present. Original studies emanating from any historiographical tradition or theoretical approach are invited as are papers which discuss methodologies and innovations in historical research. Reflective of its ecumenical intent, cross-disciplinary ethos and quest for engagement AHR also welcomes contributions from scholars operating in the wide range of subject areas with which accounting connects. The Journal offers an arena for scholarly discussion and argument in accounting history. With a view to constructively advancing research agendas the editor seeks shorter polemical pieces which encourage debate or explore controversies, as well as critical bibliographical reviews and surveys which focus on particular countries and themes in accounting history research.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Australasian Journal of Information Systems

ISSN: 1449-8618
JUFO Level 1

British Food Journal

ISSN: 0007-070XeISSN: 1758-4108
JUFO Level 1

For over 120 years, the British Food Journal (BFJ) continues to be highly respected worldwide for its broad and unique interdisciplinary coverage of the latest food-related double blind peer-reviewed research. It links all sectors of this dynamic industry, keeping abreast of emerging trends, topical and controversial issues and informing and stimulating debate.

Business & Society

ISSN: 0007-6503eISSN: 1552-4205
JUFO Level 3

Business & Society (BAS), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is the official journal of the International Association for Business and Society, the only independent professional association dedicated to business and society teaching and research. BAS focuses on original research, book reviews, and dissertation abstracts relating to business ethics, business-government relations, corporate governance, corporate social performance, and environmental-management issues. BAS was recently accepted in the Social Science Citation Index; the Impact Factor is pending.

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Business History

ISSN: 0007-6791eISSN: 1743-7938
JUFO Level 2

Fifty Years of Business History: Click here to read a special article by John Wilson Business History is an international journal concerned with the long-run evolution and contemporary operation of business systems and enterprises. Its primary purpose is to make available the findings of advanced research, empirical and conceptual, into matters of global significance, such as corporate organization and growth, multinational enterprise, business efficiency, entrepreneurship, technological change, finance, marketing, human resource management, professionalization and business culture. The journal has won a reputation for academic excellence and has a wide readership amongst management specialists, economists and other social scientists and economic, social, labour and business historians. Business History: The emerging agenda The core strategy of Business History is to promote business history as a sui generis scholarly discipline, engaging on an equal footing with mainstream history and the wider social sciences. To achieve this, the journal will continue to be international, comparative, thematic and theoretically informed. In the post-Chandler world, the agenda for business history is to extend its scale and scope specifically to: * widen its international scope: business activities in underrepresented regions, for example Latin America, Africa and Asia * go back beyond the 19th and 20th centuries to include ancient, medieval and early modern eras * inform the policy agenda; historical examples of regulatory success and faliure, nationalisations and privatisations * engage with the business and management agendas; entrepreneurship, competitive advantage, corporate governance * theoretical development; independent theory or theories of business history Peer Review Policy All research articles in this journal are rigorously peer reviewed, based on initial editor screening and anonymized reviewing by at least two referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Fnancis.

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Business History Review

ISSN: 0007-6805eISSN: 2044-768X
JUFO Level 3
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Business Information Review

ISSN: 0266-3821eISSN: 1741-6450

Business Information Review (BIR) is a quarterly journal publishing articles and updates on information and knowledge management within organisations. BIR is edited by Sandra Ward and Val Skelton.

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Business Process Management Journal

ISSN: 1463-7154eISSN: 1758-4116
JUFO Level 1

Business Process Management Journal (BPMJ) examines how a variety of business processes intrinsic to organizational efficiency and effectiveness are integrated and managed for competitive success and in so doing, disseminates best practice.

Business Strategy Review

ISSN: 0955-6419eISSN: 1467-8616
JUFO Level 1
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Business and Professional Communication Quarterly

ISSN: 2329-4906eISSN: 2329-4922
JUFO Level 1

Business Communication Quarterly (BCQ) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the teaching of business communication. It aims to present the many interdisciplinary, international, and organizational perspectives that characterize the field. It is an official journal of the Association for Business Communication (ABC).

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Business: Theory & Practice

ISSN: 1648-0627eISSN: 1822-4202

Clothing and Textiles Research Journal

ISSN: 0887-302XeISSN: 1940-2473
JUFO Level 1

Clothing and Textiles Research Journal (CTRJ), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, strives to strengthen the research base in clothing and textiles, facilitate scholarly interchange, demonstrate the interdisciplinary nature of the field, and inspire further research. It is the official publication of the International Textile & Apparel Association, Inc.

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Cogent Business & Management

eISSN: 2331-1975
JUFO Level 1


ISSN: 0010-1826

Corporate Governance

ISSN: 1472-0701eISSN: 1758-6054
JUFO Level 1

Providing a consistent source of in-depth information and analysis considering corporate governance on an international scale.

Critical Perspectives on International Business

ISSN: 1742-2043eISSN: 1758-6062
JUFO Level 1

CPOIB is the only journal that exclusively supports critically reflexive discussion of the nature and impact of international business activity around the globe from a number of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.

Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education

ISSN: 1540-4595eISSN: 1540-4609
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Education + Training

ISSN: 0040-0912eISSN: 1758-6127
JUFO Level 1

Education + Training addresses the increasingly complex relationships between education, training and employment and the impact of these relationships on national and global labour markets. The journal gives specific consideration to young people, looking at how the transition from school/college to employment is achieved and how the nature of partnerships between the worlds of education and work continues to evolve. The journal explores vocationalism in learning and efforts to address employability within the curriculum, together with coverage of innovative themes and initiatives within vocational education and training.

Enterprise & Society

ISSN: 1467-2227eISSN: 1467-2235
JUFO Level 2
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European Business Review

ISSN: 0955-534XeISSN: 1758-7107
JUFO Level 1

Publishing innovative, straightforward, challenging, thought-provoking quality articles - as well as insights and foresights - in management.