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Advances in Colloid and Interface Science

ISSN: 0001-8686eISSN: 1873-3727
JUFO Level 1

Review articles on any subject within the realm of colloid and interface science will be deemed appropriate for this journal. The subject matter should be treated in depth as a critical review of the current state of the subject area, and optimally, accepted articles will also contain new results and insights. Articles just reporting original research will not be accepted for publication.Both traditional topics and those of emerging science and technology are welcome. In particular, topics in nanoscience and nanotechnology, and those relating to interfacial and colloid aspects of the biosciences are encouraged. Areas of both theoretical or fundamental interest as well as those concerning industrial applications, emerging instrumental techniques, etc. are appropriate.Online article submission now available via: to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Chemical Communications

eISSN: 1364-548X
JUFO Level 2

ChemComm publishes urgent research which is of outstanding significance and interest to experts in the field, while also appealing to a broad chemistry readership. Our communication format is ideally suited to short studies that are of such importance that they require accelerated publication. Our scope covers all topics in chemistry, and research at the interface of chemistry and other disciplines (such as materials science, nanoscience, physics, engineering and biology) where there is a significant novelty in the chemistry aspects. Major topic areas covered include Analytical Chemistry, Catalysis, Chemical Biology, Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Machine Learning, Energy and Sustainable Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Nanoscience, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Supramolecular Chemistry.

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Chemical Society Reviews

eISSN: 1460-4744
JUFO Level 3

Chem Soc Rev is the Royal Society of Chemistry's leading reviews journal. We publish high-impact, authoritative and reader-friendly review articles covering important topics at the forefront of the chemical sciences. Reviews should be of the very highest quality and international impact. Our scope covers the breadth of the chemical sciences, including interdisciplinary topics where the article has a basis in chemistry. Topics include Analytical Chemistry, Catalysis, Chemical Biology, Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Machine Learning, Energy and Sustainable Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Nanoscience, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Supramolecular Chemistry.

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Colloid and Interface Science Communications

eISSN: 2215-0382
JUFO Level 1
Colloid and Interface Science Communications provides a forum for the highest visibility and rapid publication of short initial reports on new fundamental concepts, research findings, and topical applications at the forefront of the increasingly interdisciplinary area of colloid and interface science. The particular emphasis is given to novel experimental techniques and theoretical/computational methods for advanced studies of interfacial interactions and design of colloidal materials, including

• Colloidal solutions, self-assembly, surfactant and polymer mesophases
• Interfacial processes, adsorption, capillarity, wetting, and microfluidics
• Soft matter, membranes, coatings, films, gels, and foams
• Nanoparticles, nanotubes, and low dimensionality materials
• Colloidal nanostructures and micro-mesoporous materials
• Biointerfaces, biocolloids, biofilms, and biomembranes

The scope of applications include nanomaterials, energy production and storage, biotechnologies, nanomedicine, drug delivery, environmental sustainability, adsorption separations, catalysis, electrochemistry, food, pharmaceutical, personal care, and cosmetic products.

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Colloid and Polymer Science

ISSN: 0303-402XeISSN: 1435-1536
JUFO Level 1

Colloid and Polymer Science - a leading international journal of longstanding tradition - is devoted to colloid and polymer science and its interdisciplinary interactions. As such, it responds to a demand which has lost none of its actuality as revealed in the trends of contemporary materials science. To enable an effective and fast dissemination of scientific manuscripts, four categories of contributions are presented:- Invited review articles
- Perspectives
- Original contributions
- Short communications
The latter will be published with high priority, at least within two weeks after acceptance of the manuscript. (The usual time between acceptance and publishing OnlineFirst is typically three weeks.) With this immediacy, Colloid and Polymer Science serves as a reliable partner for an effective distribution of scientific results.

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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects

ISSN: 0927-7757eISSN: 1873-4359
JUFO Level 1

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects is an international journal devoted to the science underlying applications of colloids and interfacial phenomena.The journal aims at publishing high quality research papers featuring new materials or new insights into the role of colloid and interface science in (for example) food, energy, minerals processing, pharmaceuticals or the environment.Criteria for publication in Colloids and Surfaces A are novelty, quality and current interest. Manuscripts which only make routine use of or minor extensions to well established methodologies (e.g. fitting adsorption data to a Langmuir or Freundlich isotherm) are not appropriate for the journal.For online article submission please go to: to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces

ISSN: 0927-7765eISSN: 1873-4367
JUFO Level 2

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces is an international journal devoted to fundamental and applied research on colloid and interfacial phenomena in relation to systems of biological origin, having particular relevance to the medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, food and cosmetic fields.Each Editor of Colloids and Surfaces B has specific fields of expertise. To ensure a smooth and rapid refereeing process, please submit your article to the Editor related to the topic of your research (you can select the correct editor in the drop down menu in our online submission system: Brash•Interactions of biomolecules (proteins, enzymes, peptides, polysaccharides, DNA) at the solid-solution and air-solution interfaces;•Surface/interfacial interactions of tissue and blood; Biomaterials development and interfacial properties;•Drug delivery/controlled releaseHenk Busscher•Physico-chemical mechanisms of microbial adhesion, biofilm formation and tissue cell interaction to surfaces•Microbial adhesion and biofilm formation•Role of surface characteristics, surface modification and protein adsorption on microbial adhesion and biofilm formation•Physico-chemical mechanisms providing biolubrication to surfacesHong Chen•Surface modification including structured surfaces;•Biocompatible materials;•Anti-fouling materials;•Bio-detection/bio-imaging materials;•Interactions of biomolecules and cells at interfaces.Dganit Danino•Self-assembly and molecular assemblies (proteins, polymers, peptides, surfactants)•Structure of biological fluids•Drug delivery vehicles at nano and meso scales•1D structures - fibrils, ribbons, nanotubes•Milk proteinsSubmissions that: (1) deal solely with biological phenomena and do not describe the physico-chemical or colloid-chemical background and/or mechanism of the phenomena, and (2) deal solely with colloid/interfacial phenomena and do not have appropriate biological content or relevance, are outside the scope of the journal and will not be considered for publication.The journal publishes regular research papers, reviews, short communications and invited perspective articles, called BioInterface Perspectives. The BioInterface Perspective provide researchers the opportunity to review their own work, as well as provide insight into the work of others that inspired and influenced the author. Regular articles should have a maximum total length of 6,000 words. In addition, a (combined) maximum of 8 normal-sized figures and/or tables is allowed (so for instance 3 tables and 5 figures). For multiple-panel figures each set of two panels equates to one figure. Short communications should not exceed half of the above. It is required to give on the article cover page a short statistical summary of the article listing the total number of words and tables/figures.

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eISSN: 1466-8033
JUFO Level 1

CrystEngComm is the forum for the design and understanding of crystalline materials. It publishes studies on the investigation of molecular behaviour within crystals, control of nucleation and crystal growth, engineering of crystal structures, and construction of crystalline materials with tuneable properties and functions. All papers should involve the use or development of a design or optimisation strategy.

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Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science

ISSN: 1359-0294eISSN: 1879-0399
JUFO Level 1


Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science (COCIS) is an international journal focused on the science related to interfaces and on the behavior of colloids and amphiphiles (surfactants, polar lipids, polymers, and biopolymers) in solution.The journal also encompasses molecular and nanoscopic aspects of materials science, industrial applications of colloids, and biologically-relevant systems. COCIS is not a primary journal; rather it seeks to guide the researcher through the maze of current published literature and to highlight areas and papers which, in the opinion of the reviewers, are of special interest and significance.Topics covered include: Applications, Theories and Simulations, Microscopy Methods, NMR, X-ray and Neutron Scattering, Surface Analysis Techniques, Emulsions and Microemulsions, Liquid Crystals, Thin Films and Foams, Polyelectrolytes, Reactivity in Colloidal Systems and at Interfaces, Surfactants, Nanostructures, Food Colloids, Biological Colloids and Interfaces, Colloidal Dispersions, Self Assembly, Drug Delivery, Electrokinetics, Rheology, and, Wetting and Spreading.For each of the above areas, Section Editors have been appointed, who will commission expert scientists to write an informed and critical article on a topic within that general field. The article is not intended to be a comprehensive compilation of the recent relevant literature, but rather is a personal article by the contributor(s), which sets out to both inform the reader of the major developments in the area, and to identify those papers which in the opinion of the author(s), have made the greatest impact on the field. Normally, the period covered by the review will be the previous two to three years.

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Energy & Environmental Science

eISSN: 1754-5706
JUFO Level 3

Energy & Environmental Science is an international journal dedicated to publishing exceptionally important and high quality, agenda-setting research tackling the key global and societal challenges of ensuring the provision of energy and protecting our environment for the future. The scope is intentionally broad and the journal recognises the complexity of issues and challenges relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science. For work to be published it must be linked to the energy-environment nexus and be of significant general interest to our community-spanning readership. All scales of studies and analysis, from impactful fundamental advances, to interdisciplinary research across the (bio)chemical, (bio/geo)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines are welcomed.

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Faraday Discussions

ISSN: 1359-6640eISSN: 1364-5498
JUFO Level 1

Faraday Discussions covers a variety of topics in rapidly developing areas of the physical sciences, with a focus on physical chemistry and its interfaces with other scientific disciplines. The journal publishes the papers presented and a record of the questions, discussion and debate that took place at the corresponding Faraday Discussions meeting; and provides an important record of current international knowledge and opinions in the relevant field. Each Faraday Discussion covers a topic in a rapidly developing area of chemistry, and will be of interest to academic and industrial chemists across all areas of the chemical sciences. Topical coverage includes: • Spectroscopy • Dynamics • Kinetics • Statistical mechanics • Thermodynamics • Electrochemistry • Catalysis • Surface science • Quantum mechanics • Quantum computing • Machine learning • Polymers and soft matter • Materials • Quantum Materials • Nanoscience • Energy • Surfaces/interfaces • Biophysical chemistry • Atmospheric Chemistry • Astrochemistry

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Green Chemistry

eISSN: 1463-9270
JUFO Level 3

Green Chemistry provides a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the development of alternative green and sustainable technologies. Based on the, but not limited to, the twelve principles of green chemistry defined by Anastas and Warner (Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, P T Anastas and J C Warner, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998). Green chemistry is, by definition, a continuously-evolving frontier. Therefore, the inclusion of a particular material or technology does not, of itself, guarantee that a paper is suitable for the journal. To be suitable, the novel advance should have the potential for reduced environmental impact relative to the state of the art. Green Chemistry does not normally deal with research associated with 'end-of-pipe' or remediation issues.

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International Journal of Cosmetic Science

ISSN: 0142-5463eISSN: 1468-2494
JUFO Level 1

The Journal publishes original refereed papers, review papers and correspondence in the fields of skin and cosmetic research. It is read by practising cosmetic scientists and dermatologists, as well as specialists in more diverse disciplines that are developing new products which contact the skin. The aim of the Journal is to present current scientific research, both pure and applied, in: cosmetics, toiletries, perfumery and allied fields. Areas that are of particular interest include: human safety testing of skin, hair and oral products, physical chemistry and technology of emulsion and dispersed systems, theory and application of surfactants, new developments in olfactive research, aerosol technology and selected aspects of analytical chemistry.

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Journal of Coatings Technology and Research

ISSN: 1547-0091eISSN: 1935-3804
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Coatings Technology and Research (JCTR) is a forum for the exchange of research, experience, knowledge and ideas among those with a professional interest in the science, technology and manufacture of functional, protective and decorative coatings including paints, inks and related coatings and their raw materials, and similar topics. JCTR offers Research papers, describing investigations of chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering studies relevant to surface coatings; Applications papers on experimental solutions for technological problems in the design, formulation, manufacture, application, use and performance of surface coatings; Review articles offering broad, critical overviews of advances in coatings science; and Brief Communications, presenting notes and letters on research topics of limited scope or immediate impact. JCTR is published in cooperation with the American Coatings Association (ACA) and the Oil & Colour Chemists' Association (OCCA).

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Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

eISSN: 0021-9797

The Journal of Colloid and Interface Science publishes original research findings and insights regarding the fundamental principles of colloid and interface science, and conceptually novel applications of these principles in chemistry, chemical engineering, physics, applied mathematics, materials science, polymer science, electrochemistry, geology, agronomy, biology, medicine, fluid dynamics, and related fields.

The Journal of Colloid and Interface Science emphasizes fundamental scientific innovation within the following categories:

A. Colloidal Materials and Nanomaterials
B. Surfactants and Soft Matter
C. Adsorption, Catalysis and Electrochemistry
D. Interfacial Processes, Capillarity and Wetting
E. Biomaterials and Nanomedicine
F. Novel Phenomena and Techniques

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We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

Please see our for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Microencapsulation

ISSN: 0265-2048eISSN: 1464-5246
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Microencapsulation is a well-established, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of original research findings related to the preparation, properties and uses of individually encapsulated novel small particles, as well as significant improvements to tried-and-tested techniques relevant to micro and nano particles and their use in a wide variety of industrial, engineering, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and research applications. Its scope extends beyond conventional microcapsules to all other small particulate systems such as self assembling structures that involve preparative manipulation.The journal covers:*the chemistry of encapsulation materials;*the physics of release through the capsule wall and/or desorption from carrier;*the techniques of preparation;*content and storage;*the many uses to which microcapsules are put.Nanotechnology is now moving into medicine as nanomedicine; an emerging speciality with great potential in the development of unique opportunities for more refined targeting and for new therapeutic approaches to diagnose and treat life threatening diseases. Therefore, coverage also includes nanotechnological advances in the design and synthesis of these structures and their potential applications. Furthermore, there is an extensive information and reference section found in every issue of the journal comprising patent briefings. This publication is aimed at a broad, interdisciplinary audience of academic and industrial researchers actively engaged in basic and applied laboratory practice, related to engineering micro- and nano-structured particles, including pharmaceutical science, medicine, photographic and copying processes, food technology, agrochemicals, adhesives and all those interested in small particle science and technology.

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Materials Advances

eISSN: 2633-5409
JUFO Level 1

Materials Advances is an international, gold open access journal, publishing high-quality research across the breadth of materials science. The journal accepts experimental or theoretical studies that report new understanding, applications, properties and synthesis of materials, building on and complementing the materials content already published across the Royal Society of Chemistry journal portfolio. Submissions are handled by our high profile associate editors, all of whom also look after submissions to Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C. The Materials Advances publishing experience comes with the reputation, standards, commitment and expertise you would expect from an RSC journal, plus the visibility boost that comes from being open access and part of the Journal of Materials Chemistry family.

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Materials Chemistry Frontiers

eISSN: 2052-1537
JUFO Level 1

Materials Chemistry Frontiers is devoted to the publication of original contributions at the interface of chemistry and materials science, with topics spanning but not limited to energy materials, catalysis, biomaterials, nanoscience, polymers, luminescent materials, and sensors. The journal places an emphasis on original research that demonstrates conceptual advancements with emerging applications, rather than primarily reporting technological improvements. Together with Organic Chemistry Frontiers and Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, this suite of journals offers an authoritative portfolio that is jointly owned by the Chinese Chemical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and partner institutions.

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Materials Today Chemistry

eISSN: 2468-5194
JUFO Level 1

Materials Today Chemistry is a multi-disciplinary journal focused on all aspects of materials chemistry.

Materials chemistry is one of the fastest developing areas of science, covering the application of chemistry-based techniques to the study of materials; including materials synthesis and behavior, and the relationships between material structure and properties at the atomic and molecular scale. Materials Today Chemistry provides a high impact forum for the discussion of research that is helping advance the field through new discoveries and new techniques.

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eISSN: 2040-3372
JUFO Level 3

Nanoscale is a high-impact international journal, publishing high-quality research across nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanoscale publishes a full mix of research articles and reviews on experimental and theoretical work and is highly interdisciplinary, covering nanoscience, nanotechnology, quantum materials, quantum technology, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, materials, energy/environment, information technology, detection science, healthcare, drug discovery, and electronics. Topics covered in the journal include, but are not limited to: synthesis of nanostructured and nanoscale materials; quantum materials; 2D materials; layered materials; characterisation of functional nanoscale materials and bio-assemblies; properties of nanoscale materials; self-assembly and molecular organisation; complex hybrid nanostructures; nanocomposites, nanoparticles, nanocrystalline materials, and nanoclusters; nanotubes, nanowires and nanocrystals; molecular nanoscience; nanocatalysis; theoretical modelling; single-molecules; plasmonics; nanoelectronics and molecular electronics; nanophotonics; nanochips, nanosensors, nanofluidics and nanofabrication; carbon-based nanoscale materials and devices; biomimetic materials; nanobiotechnology and bionanomaterials; nanomedicine; regulatory approaches and risk assessment.

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