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ACM Transactions on Internet Technology

ISSN: 1533-5399eISSN: 1557-6051
JUFO Level 3

The Association for Computing Machinery's Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) is a scholarly, scientific journal that publishes original research papers in all areas of network and web systems, digital public policy, and other technically oriented issues on the design, use, and services of the Internet. Established in the Summer of 2001, the journal has emerged as one of the premier venues in networking, web, security, and public policy research. TOIT is part of the family of journals produced by the ACM.

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ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications

ISSN: 1551-6857eISSN: 1551-6865
JUFO Level 2

The ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications is the flagship publication of the ACM Special Interest Group in Multimedia (SIGMM). It focuses on multimedia computing (I/O devices, OS, storage systems, streaming media middleware, continuous media representations, media coding, media processing, etc.), multimedia communications (real-time protocols, end-to-end streaming media, resource allocation, multicast protocols, etc.), and multimedia applications (databases, distributed collaboration, video conferencing, 3D virtual environments, etc.).

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ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

ISSN: 1550-4859eISSN: 1550-4867
JUFO Level 2

The ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) publishes high-quality papers reporting significant results in the research and applications of distributed, wireless or wireline sensor and actuator networks. As an interdisciplinary field, sensor networks draw upon many disciplines including signal processing, networking and protocols, embedded systems, information management, and distributed algorithms. Potential synergies among these fields are expected to open up new research directions.

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ACM Transactions on the Web

ISSN: 1559-1131eISSN: 1559-114X
JUFO Level 2

ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) is a journal publishing refereed articles reporting the results of research on Web content, applications, use, and related enabling techologies.The scope of TWEB is described on the Call for Papers page. Authors are invited to submit original research papers for consideration by following the directions on the Information for Authors page.

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Acta Informatica

ISSN: 0001-5903eISSN: 1432-0525
JUFO Level 2

The journal provides international dissemination of contributions on the art, discipline and science of informatics. Its scope covers design, description, presentation and analysis of programs, information structures, computing systems and interaction between components thereof.

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Ad Hoc Networks

ISSN: 1570-8705
JUFO Level 2

The Ad Hoc Networks is an international and archival journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in ad hoc and sensor networking areas. The Ad Hoc Networks considers original, high quality and unpublished contributions addressing all aspects of ad hoc and sensor networks. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:Mobile and Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksSensor NetworksWireless Local and Personal Area NetworksHome NetworksAd Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent SystemsNovel Architectures for Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksSelf-organizing Network Architectures and ProtocolsTransport Layer ProtocolsRouting protocols (unicast, multicast, geocast, etc.)Media Access Control TechniquesError Control SchemesPower-Aware, Low-Power and Energy-Efficient DesignsSynchronization and Scheduling IssuesMobility ManagementMobility-Tolerant Communication ProtocolsLocation Tracking and Location-based ServicesResource and Information ManagementSecurity and Fault-Tolerance IssuesHardware and Software Platforms, Systems, and TestbedsExperimental and Prototype ResultsQuality-of-Service IssuesCross-Layer InteractionsScalability IssuesPerformance Analysis and Simulation of ProtocolsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advanced Healthcare Materials

ISSN: 2192-2640eISSN: 2192-2659
JUFO Level 2

Advanced Healthcare Materials is an international, interdisciplinary forum for peer-reviewed papers on materials science aimed at promoting human health. Advanced Healthcare Materials was first published as a special focus section in Advanced Materials in 2011 and launched as a journal at the start of 2012. Advanced Healthcare Materials, which is listed in three ISI categories (Materials Science - Biomaterials, Engineering - Biomedical, and Nanoscience & Nanotechnology), received an impact factor of 5.609 in 2018.

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Advances in Mathematics of Communications

ISSN: 1930-5346eISSN: 1930-5338
JUFO Level 1

Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC) publishes original research papers of the highest quality in all areas of mathematics and computer science which are relevant to applications in communications technology. For this reason, submissions from many areas of mathematics are invited, provided these show a high level of originality, new techniques, an innovative approach, novel methodologies, or otherwise a high level of depth and sophistication. Any work that does not conform to these standards will be rejected.Areas covered include coding theory, cryptology, combinatorics, finite geometry, algebra and number theory, but are not restricted to these. This journal also aims to cover the algorithmic and computational aspects of these disciplines. Hence, all mathematics and computer science contributions of appropriate depth and relevance to the above mentioned applications in communications technology are welcome.More detailed indication of the journal's scope is given by the subject interests of the members of the board of editors.All papers will undergo a thorough peer reviewing process unless the subject matter of the paper does not fit the journal; in this case, the author will be informed promptly. Every effort will be made to secure a decision in three months and to publish accepted papers within six months.AMC publishes four issues in 2013 in February, May, August and November and is a joint publication of the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Shandong University.

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African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development

ISSN: 2042-1338eISSN: 2042-1346
JUFO Level 1

African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation & Development (AJSTID) is a multidiscipline journal covering economics, science, engineering, and technology, but with the core focus on economics of innovation and development. AJSTID provides an important outlet to research on process and impact of science, technology and innovation at two levels: the narrow objective of achieving industrial growth, and the broader objective of achieving socio-economic development, particularly in Africa and other developing economies.

AJSTID aims to undertaking and promoting the scientific research in a broader sense. It provides an outlet for research works by scientists, academia, engineers, practitioners, doctoral scholars and post graduate students concerned with the impact of science, technology and innovation process on industrial, economic, and social development. AJSTID brings Publishing to the doorstep of every emerging researcher in Africa and other developing countries.

All submitted manuscripts should be original and previously unpublished and are subject to initial appraisal. If found suitable for further consideration, manuscripts will be sent for peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. AJSTID follows the double blind review system. However, peer review is single blind in some exceptional cases, such as highly specialized scientific papers. 

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Animal Biotelemetry

eISSN: 2050-3385
JUFO Level 1

Animal Biotelemetry is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes the results of studies utilizing telemetric techniques (including biologgers) to understand physiological, behavioural, and ecological mechanisms in a broad range of environments (e.g. terrestrial, freshwater and marine) and taxa. The journal also welcomes descriptions and validations of newley developed tagging techniques and tracking technologies, as well as methods for analyzing telemetric data.

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Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing

ISSN: 1687-9724eISSN: 1687-9732

Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing will focus on the disciplines of computer science, engineering, and mathematics. The scope of the journal includes developing applications related to all aspects of natural and social sciences by employing the technologies of computational intelligence and soft computing. The new applications of using computational intelligence and soft computing are still in development. Although computational intelligence and soft computing are established fields, the new applications of using computational intelligence and soft computing can be regarded as an emerging field, which is the focus of this journal.The application areas of interest include, but are not limited to:Interval Analysis(Real Interval Arithmetics, Complex Interval Arithmetics, Interval Equations, etc.)Interval Mathematics(Metric Topology for Intervals, Interval Integrals, Interval Differential Equations, etc.)Interval Computation (Matrix Computation with Intervals, Systems of Interval Equations, etc.)Fuzzy Sets (Fuzzy Numbers, Extension Principle, Fuzzy Rough Sets, Fuzzy Competence Sets, etc.)Fuzzy Systems (Fuzzy Control, Fuzzy Neural Networks, Genetic Fuzzy Systems, Hybrid Intelligent Systems, etc.)Fuzzy Logics(Many-Valued Logics, Type-2 Fuzzy Logics, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logics, etc.)Fuzzy Mathematics (Fuzzy Differential Equations, Fuzzy Real Analysis, Fuzzy Topology, Fuzzy Algebra, etc.)Fuzzy Optimization(Possibilistic Programming, Fuzzy Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization, etc.)Fuzzy Statistical Analysis (Fuzzy Random Variables, Fuzzy Regression Analysis, Fuzzy Reliability Analysis, Fuzzy Times Series, etc.)Operations Research (Fuzzy Games, Fuzzy Inventory Models, Fuzzy Queueing Theory, Fuzzy Scheduling Problems, etc.)Heuristics(Ant Colony Optimization, Artificial Immune Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Intelligence, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search, etc.)Hybrid Systems (The fusion of Fuzzy Systems and Computational Intelligence)Approximate Reasoning(Possibility Theory, Mathematical Theory of Evidence, Fuzzy Common Knowledge, etc.)Miscellaneous (Fuzzy Data Mining, Fuzzy Biomedical Systems, Pattern Recognition, Fuzzy Clustering, Information Retrieval, Chaotic Systems, etc.).

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Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy

ISSN: 2203-1693

BIT Numerical Mathematics

ISSN: 0006-3835eISSN: 1572-9125
JUFO Level 2

BIT was started by Carl Erik Fröberg in 1961. The name is an acronym for 'Tidskrift för Informationsbehandling' read backwards. From the outset, a wide area of computer science and technology was covered, but since 1992 the focus has been on Numerical Mathematics.

Editors in chief
1961-1992 Carl Erik Fröberg
1993-2002 Åke Björck
2003 -        Axel Ruhe

BIT foundation, Lund, Sweden

Appointed by the Academies of (Engineering) sciences in the Nordic Countries for 3 year periods. The editor in chief is a member ex officio. The members 2010-2012 are

Olavi Nevanlinna, Aalto University, appointed by STA, Suomalainen Tiedakatemia, Finland, chairman
Jens Hugger, University of Copenhagen, appointed by ATV, Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber, Denmark
Bo Kågström, Umeå University, appointed by IVA, Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, Sweden
Tom Lyche, University of Oslo, appointed by DNVA, Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, N

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Beijing Youdian Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts And Telecommunications

ISSN: 1000-5145

Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

ISSN: 2089-3191eISSN: 2302-9285

China Communications

ISSN: 1673-5447
JUFO Level 1

China Communications, published in English and in conformance with IEEE editorial standards, covers innovative technologies and systems in the broad field of Information- Communication Technology (ICT). This scope includes communication theory and techniques, systems and networks, applications, development and regulatory policies, standards, and management techniques.  It also reports experiences and experiments, best practices and solutions, lessons learned, and case studies.


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Cluster Computing

ISSN: 1386-7857eISSN: 1573-7543
JUFO Level 1

Cluster Computing addresses the latest results in these fields that support High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC). In HPDC environments, parallel and/or distributed computing techniques are applied to the solution of computationally intensive applications across networks of computers. The journal represents an important source of information for the growing number of researchers, developers and users of HPDC environments.Cluster Computing: the Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications provides a forum for presenting the latest research and technology in the fields of parallel processing, distributed computing systems and computer networks.

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Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina

ISSN: 1335-4205

Computer Communications

ISSN: 0140-3664eISSN: 1873-703X
JUFO Level 1

Computer and Communications networks are key infrastructures of the information society with high socio-economic value as they contribute to the correct operations of many critical services (from healthcare to finance and transportation). Internet is the core of today's computer-communication infrastructures. This has transformed the Internet, from a robust network for data transfer between computers, to a global, content-rich, communication and information system where contents are increasingly generated by the users, and distributed according to human social relations. Next-generation network technologies, architectures and protocols are therefore required to overcome the limitations of the legacy Internet and add new capabilities and services. The future Internet should be ubiquitous, secure, resilient, and closer to human communication paradigms.Computer Communications is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes high-quality scientific articles (both theory and practice) and survey papers covering all aspects of future computer communication networks (on all layers, except the physical layer), with a special attention to the evolution of the Internet architecture, protocols, services, and applications. Topics include, but are not limited to:Emerging technologies for next generation networkLAN/WAN/MANFuture Internet architecture, protocols and servicesContent- and service-centric architectureMobile and ubiquitous networksSelf organizing/autonomic networkingGreen networkingInternet content searchQoS and multimedia networkingOpportunistic networkingOn-line social networksInternet of thingsPublic safety communication networksNetwork applications (web, multimedia streaming, VoIP, gaming, etc.)Trust, security and privacy in computer and communication networksModeling, measurement and simulationComplex network modelsInternet socio-economic modelsExperimental test-beds and research platformsAlgorithmic aspects of communication networksNetwork scaling and limitsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Computer Graphics Forum

ISSN: 0167-7055eISSN: 1467-8659
JUFO Level 1

Computer Graphics Forum is the leading journal for in-depth technical articles on computer graphics. The rapid publication of articles allows readers to keep up to date with new debates and topics of research. The journal features a lively mix of original research, computer graphics applications, conference reports, state-of-the-art surveys and workshops. An annual 500-page special issue contains all the papers presented each year at the Eurographics conference, providing subscribers with unequalled coverage of one of the major international events in computer graphics.

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