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Acta Cybernetica

ISSN: 0324-721X
JUFO Level 1

Advanced Biomedical Engineering

ISSN: 2187-5219eISSN: 2187-5219

Algorithmic Finance

ISSN: 2158-5571eISSN: 2157-6203
JUFO Level 1
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Cognitive Computation

ISSN: 1866-9956eISSN: 1866-9964
JUFO Level 2

Cognitive Computation is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that publishes cutting-edge articles describing original basic and applied work involving bio-inspired computational accounts of all aspects of natural and artificial cognitive systems. It provides a new platform for the dissemination of research, current practices and future trends in the emerging discipline of cognitive computation that bridges gap between life sciences, social sciences, engineering, physical and mathematical sciences, and humanities.

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Computational Visual Media

ISSN: 2096-0433eISSN: 2096-0662
JUFO Level 1
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Computer Science Journal

ISSN: 1508-2806

Computer Vision and Image Understanding

ISSN: 1077-3142eISSN: 1090-235X
JUFO Level 2

The central focus of this journal is the computer analysis of pictorial information. Computer Vision and Image Understanding publishes papers covering all aspects of image analysis from the low-level, iconic processes of early vision to the high-level, symbolic processes of recognition and interpretation. A wide range of topics in the image understanding area is covered, including papers offering insights that differ from predominant views.Research Areas Include:• Theory• Early vision• Data structures and representations• Shape• Range• Motion• Matching and recognition• Architecture and languages• Vision systemsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics

ISSN: 0895-6111eISSN: 1879-0771
JUFO Level 2

The purpose of the journal Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics is to act as a source for the exchange of information concerning the medical use of new developments in imaging diagnosis, intervention, and follow up. Included in the journal will be articles on new medical scanning techniques, image-guided therapy, computer-aided diagnosis, robotic surgery and imaging, augmented-reality medical visualization, imaging genomics, reports of new advances in imaging modalities, and all other information related to the application of computerized radiology, oncology, and surgery. In addition, information on non-medical modes of imaging that have medical applications such as confocal and multi-photon microscopy, optical microendoscope, photoacoustic imaging, infra-red radiation, and other imaging modalities would be welcomed.The journal is a vehicle for the rapid publication of original research papers and review articles in the field of computerized medical imaging and graphics. Papers published in the journal will be of interest to computer scientists, medical physicists, bioengineers, imaging specialists, medical informaticians, computational biologists, radiologists, oncologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, surgeons, cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, nuclear medicine physicians, pathologists, ophthalmologists, proctologists, nephrologists, gastroenterologists, and internists interested in imaging applications.Please note this Journal accepts neither Case Reports nor preliminary publications.

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Computing and Visualization in Science

ISSN: 1432-9360eISSN: 1433-0369
JUFO Level 1

Devoted to computational sciences - a field of a major and continually growing importance for both research and applications, this journal provides the ideal platform for scientists eager to cooperate in solving scientific and technological challenges. The aim is to link professionals from the diverse fields of mathematics computer science physics chemistry environmental sciences biosciences engineering. The rapid development of computer technology has opened up new perspectives, increased the importance of mathematical models and created an urgent need for efficient algorithms. Reflecting these trends, the journal has set itself the goal of publishing pioneering methods and applications which precipitate the solution of complex problems - or even make such solutions possible at all. Since visualization has become an important scientific tool, especially in the analysis of complex situations, it is treated in close connection with the other areas covered by the journal. These areas include: - mathematical modeling and analysis of model systems - numerical methods and algorithms - development of simulation software - optimization and control - parallel computing - visualization and image analysis - computational physics and chemistry - structural mechanics - fluid dynamics - environmental sciences - computation in biosciences and medicine - modeling and computation in engineering As well as publishing this exciting material in print form, Computing and Visualization in Science will also make the documents available to subscribers electonically via a server.

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Cybernetics and Physics

ISSN: 2223-7038eISSN: 2226-4116

Digital Discovery

eISSN: 2635-098X
JUFO Level 1

Digital Discovery welcomes both experimental and computational work on all topics related to the acceleration of discovery such as screening, robotics, databases and advanced data analytics, broadly defined, but anchored in chemistry. The journal welcomes Artificial intelligence and data science methodologies for chemical, materials science, biochemical, biomedical or biophysical sciences including Computer-assisted retrosynthesis, Generative models for scientific design, Machine learning classification and regression models, Modern molecular, materials, and biological representations, Methods for Bayesian optimization and design of experiments, Advances and applications of interpretable models, Image recognition, Natural language processing, Literature mining tools, Advanced data workflows, Advances in robotics for science, Experimental control software, Databases, New robotic setups, New automated sensors, Novel synthetic methodologies and workflows, High-throughput computational science, Directed or accelerated evolution, DNA Encoded Library Technology, Cryptochemistry, and Blockchain-enabled science.

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Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis

eISSN: 1577-5097
JUFO Level 1
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Evolutionary Intelligence

ISSN: 1864-5909eISSN: 1864-5917
JUFO Level 1

Evolutionary Intelligence is an international journal devoted to the publication and dissemination of theoretical and practical aspects of the use of population-based search for artificial intelligence. Techniques of interest include evolving rule-based systems, evolving artificial neural networks, evolving fuzzy systems, evolving Bayesian and statistical approaches, artificial immune systems, and hybrid systems which combine evolutionary computation with other A.I. techniques in general. The journal contains research papers, review articles, short notes and letters to the editor. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, memory, vision, planning, knowledge representation and construction, robotics, neuroscience, language, development and learning, and all aspects of cognitive science. Papers describing applications in areas such as data mining, adaptive control, medical and bio-informatics, games and multi-media, agent-based computing and modelling, complex systems, and chemical and biological systems are also welcomed. The journal intends to capture and archive the advancement in the field of evolutionary intelligence in a timely manner and in one place.

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Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision

ISSN: 1572-2740eISSN: 1572-2759
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IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

eISSN: 2377-3766
JUFO Level 2

The IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) publishes peer-reviewed articles that provide a timely and concise account of innovative research ideas and application results, reporting significant theoretical findings and application case studies in areas of robotics and automation.

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IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

ISSN: 0162-8828eISSN: 1939-3539
JUFO Level 3

The IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence publishes articles on all traditional areas of computer vision and image understanding, all traditional areas of pattern analysis and recognition, and selected areas of machine intelligence, with a particular emphasis on machine learning for pattern analysis. Areas such as techniques for visual search, document and handwriting analysis, medical image analysis, video and image sequence analysis, content-based retrieval of image and video, face and gesture recognition and relevant specialized hardware and/or software architectures are also covered.


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IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

ISSN: 1077-2626eISSN: 1941-0506
JUFO Level 3

TVCG is a scholarly, archival journal published monthly. Its Editorial Board strives to publish papers that present important research results and state-of-the-art seminal papers in computer graphics, visualization, and virtual reality.  Specific topics include, but are not limited to: rendering technologies; geometric modeling and processing; shape analysis; graphics hardware; animation and simulation; perception, interaction and user interfaces; haptics; computational photography; high-dynamic range imaging and display; user studies and evaluation; biomedical visualization; volume visualization and graphics; visual analytics for machine learning; topology-based visualization; visual programming and software visualization; visualization in data science; virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality; advanced display technology, (e.g., 3D, immersive and multi-modal displays); applications of computer graphics and visualization.

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IET Biometrics

ISSN: 2047-4938eISSN: 2047-4946
JUFO Level 1

The field of biometric recognition - automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioural and biological characteristics - has reached a level of maturity where viable practical applications are both possible and increasingly available. Since the engineering of effective biometric systems requires integration of image analysis, pattern recognition, sensor technology, database engineering, security design and many other strands of understanding, the technological focus of the journal is diverse. IET Biometrics has a wide scope to account for the interdisciplinary nature of the field. While focusing on the core technological issues it also encompasses human factors, data security and database technologies, and takes into consideration the associated psychological and physiological issues. IET Biometrics includes papers that increase our understanding of biometric systems, signal future developments and applications for biometrics, and/or promote greater practical uptake for relevant technologies. Some of the topics covered include: • Development and enhancement of individual biometric modalities including established and traditional modalities (e.g. face, fingerprint, iris, signature and handwriting recognition) and also newer or emerging modalities (gait, ear-shape, and neurological patterns) • Multibiometrics, theoretical and practical issues, implementation of practical systems, multiclassifier and multimodal approaches • Soft biometrics and information fusion for identification, verification and trait prediction • Human factors and the human–computer interface issues for biometric systems, exception handling strategies • Position papers on technology or on the industrial context of biometric system development • Adoption and promotion of standards in biometrics, improving technology acceptance, deployment and interoperability, avoiding cross-cultural and cross-sector restrictions • Relevant ethical and social issues

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IET Computer Vision

ISSN: 1751-9632eISSN: 1751-9640
JUFO Level 1

IET Computer Vision publishes original research papers in a wide range of areas of electronic visual interpretation and recognition, including reconstruction of 3D depth information, estimation of object motion, attribute-based recognition, and high-level scene understanding. It publishes the most relevant and topical research in its field, explores new horizons, and aims to set the agenda for future research in computer vision. Some of the topics covered are: • Biologically and perceptually motivated approaches to low level vision (e.g. feature detection) • Object recognition • Image understanding • Motion analysis and object tracking • Control in vision systems

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IET Image Processing

ISSN: 1751-9659eISSN: 1751-9667
JUFO Level 1

The IET Image Processing journal encompasses research related to the generation, processing and communication of visual information. The focus of the journal is the coverage of the latest research results in image and video processing, including image generation and display, enhancement and restoration, segmentation, colour and texture analysis, coding and communication, implementations and architectures as well as innovative applications. Principal topics include: • Generation and Display: Imaging sensors and acquisition systems, illumination, sampling and scanning, quantisation, colour reproduction, image rendering, display and printing systems, evaluation of image quality • Processing and Analysis: Image enhancement, restoration, segmentation, registration, multispectral, colour and texture processing, multiresolution processing and wavelets, morphological operations, stereoscopic and 3-D processing, motion detection and estimation, video and image sequence processing • Implementations and Architectures: Image and video processing hardware and software, design and construction, architectures and software, neural, adaptive, and fuzzy processing • Coding and Transmission: Image and video compression and coding, compression standards, noise modelling, visual information networks, streamed video • Retrieval and Multimedia: Storage of images and video, database design, image retrieval, video annotation and editing, mixed media incorporating visual information, multimedia systems and applications, image and video watermarking, steganography • Applications: Innovative application of image and video processing technologies to any field, including life sciences, earth sciences, astronomy, document processing and security

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