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ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems

ISSN: 1550-4832eISSN: 1550-4840
JUFO Level 1

The ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems invites submissions of original technical papers describing research and development in emerging technologies in computing systems. Major economic and technical challenges are expected to impede the continued scaling of semiconductor devices. This has resulted in the search for alternate mechanical, biological/biochemical, nanoscale electronic, green and sustainable computing, asynchronous and quantum computing, and sensor technologies. As the underlying nanotechnologies continue to evolve in the labs of chemists, physicists, and biologists, it has become imperative for computer scientists and engineers to translate the potential of the basic building blocks (analogous to the transistor) emerging from these labs into information systems. Their design will face multiple challenges ranging from the inherent (un)reliability due to the self-assembly nature of the fabrication processes for nanotechnologies, from the complexity due to the sheer volume of nanodevices that will have to be integrated for complex functionality, and from the need to integrate these new nanotechnologies with silicon devices in the same system.

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ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization

ISSN: 1544-3566eISSN: 1544-3973
JUFO Level 1

The ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization focuses on hardware, software, and system research spanning the fields of computer architecture and code optimization. Articles that appear in TACO present new techniques and concepts or report on experiences and experiments with actual systems. Insights useful to architects, hardware or software developers, designers, builders, and are emphasized.

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ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems

ISSN: 1539-9087eISSN: 1558-3465
JUFO Level 1

A special issue serves several purposes: it provides a well-defined location for papers that relate to a common theme; it can serve as a catalyst for an emerging field by providing that highly-visible forum for the topic; and it encourages authors to submit high-quality work by providing them with a focused review process and publication schedule. TECS is committed to providing adequate space to regular submissions to the transactions, but TECS is also happy to provide room for special issues of interest to the embedded systems community.A special issue may be instigated by the TECS editorial staff or may be proposed by potential guest editor(s). The special issue associate editor works with the TECS editorial staff to refine the special issue's call for papers and set a timetable for submission and review. The call for papers is then publicized through a variety of mechanisms: notices in TECS and other publications, Web sites, flyers at conferences etc.Authors submit their special issue contributions to the TECS Web site. Authors must be sure to use the Web site's mechanism to mark the contribution as a special issue submission; as a safety measure, authors should also put the special issue name on the first page of the submission.Submissions to the special issue must be accepted on the first round of review; the special issue associate editor may request minor changes to the paper before publication. Since journal articles typically go through two rounds of review before publication, the special issue process offers quick archival publication for papers that meet the highest standards.

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ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications

ISSN: 1551-6857eISSN: 1551-6865
JUFO Level 2

The ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications is the flagship publication of the ACM Special Interest Group in Multimedia (SIGMM). It focuses on multimedia computing (I/O devices, OS, storage systems, streaming media middleware, continuous media representations, media coding, media processing, etc.), multimedia communications (real-time protocols, end-to-end streaming media, resource allocation, multicast protocols, etc.), and multimedia applications (databases, distributed collaboration, video conferencing, 3D virtual environments, etc.).

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Ad Hoc Networks

ISSN: 1570-8705
JUFO Level 2

The Ad Hoc Networks is an international and archival journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in ad hoc and sensor networking areas. The Ad Hoc Networks considers original, high quality and unpublished contributions addressing all aspects of ad hoc and sensor networks. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:Mobile and Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksSensor NetworksWireless Local and Personal Area NetworksHome NetworksAd Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent SystemsNovel Architectures for Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksSelf-organizing Network Architectures and ProtocolsTransport Layer ProtocolsRouting protocols (unicast, multicast, geocast, etc.)Media Access Control TechniquesError Control SchemesPower-Aware, Low-Power and Energy-Efficient DesignsSynchronization and Scheduling IssuesMobility ManagementMobility-Tolerant Communication ProtocolsLocation Tracking and Location-based ServicesResource and Information ManagementSecurity and Fault-Tolerance IssuesHardware and Software Platforms, Systems, and TestbedsExperimental and Prototype ResultsQuality-of-Service IssuesCross-Layer InteractionsScalability IssuesPerformance Analysis and Simulation of ProtocolsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advanced Robotics

ISSN: 0169-1864eISSN: 1568-5535
JUFO Level 1

© Nicolas Brodu. 2003 The astrolabe is an ancient astronomical computer for solving problemsrelating to time and the position of the sun and stars in the sky.Historians credit the invention of the astrolabe to classical Greece.Brass astrolabes were highly developed in the Islamic world of the 8thcentury and later. chiefly as an aid to navigation and as a way offinding the direction of Mecca. In the Middle Ages it found its wayback to Europe and became the chief navigational instrument until theinvention of the sextant in the 18th century.

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Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

ISSN: 0925-1030eISSN: 1573-1979
JUFO Level 1

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing is an archival peer reviewed journal dedicated to the design and application of analog, radio frequency (RF), and mixed signal integrated circuits (ICs) as well as signal processing circuits and systems. It features both new research results and tutorial views and reflects the large volume of cutting-edge research activity in the worldwide field today. A partial list of topics includes analog and mixed signal interface circuits and systems; analog and RFIC design; data converters; active-RC, switched-capacitor, and continuous-time integrated filters; mixed analog/digital VLSI systems; wireless radio transceivers; clock and data recovery circuits; and high speed optoelectronic circuits and systems.

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Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

ISSN: 2089-3191eISSN: 2302-9285

Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ISSN: 0840-8688eISSN: 2694-1783

The Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, issued quarterly, has been publishing high-quality refereed scientific papers in all areas of electrical and computer engineering since 1976.
Sponsored by IEEE Canada (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Canada) as a part of its role to provide scientific and professional activity for its members in Canada, the CJECE complements international journals and will be of particular interest to anyone involved in research and development activities in the field of electrical and computer engineering.

Content Announcements: IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference 2013, Halifax, Canada. Find Out More

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Computer Physics Communications

ISSN: 0010-4655eISSN: 1879-2944
JUFO Level 1

Computer Physics Communications publishes research papers and computer program descriptions in computational physics and physical chemistry: the focus is on computational methods and techniques rather than results. All contributions are peer reviewed. Special issues are published on an occasional basis; enquiries should be directed to a member of the Editorial Board. Some papers describe computer programs that are deposited in the CPC Program Library which, with over 2,000 programs contributed since 1969, is a major computational resource for the community. Programs are available at and are free to members of institutions with an institutional journal subscription.Articles cover:• computational models and programs in physics and physical chemistry;• computational models and programs associated with the design, control and analysis of experiments;• numerical methods and algorithms; • algebraic computation;• the impact of advanced computer architecture and special purpose computers on computing in the physical sciences; and• software topics related to the physical sciences.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Computer Standards & Interfaces

ISSN: 0920-5489eISSN: 1872-7018
JUFO Level 1

The quality of software, well-defined interfaces (hardware and software), the process of digitalisation, and accepted standards in these fields are essential for building and exploiting complex computing, communication, multimedia and measuring systems. Standards can simplify the design and construction of individual hardware and software components and help to ensure satisfactory interworking.Computer Standards & Interfaces is an international journal dealing specifically with these topics.The journal• Provides information about activities and progress on the definition of computer standards, software quality, interfaces and methods, at national, European and international levels• Publishes critical comments on standards and standards activities• Disseminates user's experiences and case studies in the application and exploitation of established or emerging standards, interfaces and methods• Offers a forum for discussion on actual projects, standards, interfaces and methods by recognised experts• Stimulates relevant research by providing a specialised refereed medium.Computer Standards & Interfaces is concerned with the specification, development and application of standards and with high-level publications of developments and methods in the following areas:• Standards, Information Management, Formal Methods - Computers, Processors, Storage, Operating systems, Languages, Databases, Graphics, User interface, Multimedia, Information security, Office automation, Development of standards and instruments, Applications• Software Quality, Software Process - Languages, Operating systems, Programming, Requirements specification, Design & implementation, Inspection & test, Maintenance, Product and process evaluation, Performance, Tools, Metrics, Embedded systems, Software in measurement and technical systems including real-time aspects, Development of International Standards in Software Engineering• Distributed Systems, Open Systems, E-Topics - Digital interfaces, System and device buses, Fieldbuses, Data communication, Distributed computing, Protocols, Open systems interconnection, Local and wide area networks, Internet, Worldwide Web, Network security, Cryptology, E-services, E-business, E-commerce• Data Acquisition - Analog-to-digital conversion, Specification, Modelling, Industrial electronics, Real-time systems, Laboratory automation, Automatic measurement, Process control, Electromagnetic compatibility• Digital Instruments Standardisation - Forum of EUPAS, European Project for ADC-based devices, Standardisation (IMEKO TC-4 Working Group on A/D and D/A Converter Metrology), IEEE TC-10, IEC TC-42-WG8, IEC TC-85-WG16; Standardi-sation of specifications, modelling, testing, and analog and digital processing for digital instrumentsThe last issue of a volume includes an author index and a subject index.CS&I also covers general topics concerning the standardisation process, such as technical, political and commercial aspects of standards, their impact on the marketplace, cost/benefit analyses, legislative issues, and relationships among national and international standards bodies.

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Computing and Informatics

ISSN: 1335-9150
JUFO Level 1

Design Automation for Embedded Systems

ISSN: 0929-5585eISSN: 1572-8080
JUFO Level 2

Design Automation for Embedded Systems is a multidisciplinary journal addressing the systematic design of embedded systems. It offers a forum for scientists and engineers to report their latest work and results on algorithms, tools, architectures, case studies, and actual design examples. The journal focuses primarily on tools, methodologies and architectures for embedded systems, including HW/SW co-design, simulation and modeling approaches, synthesis techniques, architectures, and design exploration.

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Digital Discovery

eISSN: 2635-098X
JUFO Level 1

Digital Discovery welcomes both experimental and computational work on all topics related to the acceleration of discovery such as screening, robotics, databases and advanced data analytics, broadly defined, but anchored in chemistry. The journal welcomes Artificial intelligence and data science methodologies for chemical, materials science, biochemical, biomedical or biophysical sciences including Computer-assisted retrosynthesis, Generative models for scientific design, Machine learning classification and regression models, Modern molecular, materials, and biological representations, Methods for Bayesian optimization and design of experiments, Advances and applications of interpretable models, Image recognition, Natural language processing, Literature mining tools, Advanced data workflows, Advances in robotics for science, Experimental control software, Databases, New robotic setups, New automated sensors, Novel synthetic methodologies and workflows, High-throughput computational science, Directed or accelerated evolution, DNA Encoded Library Technology, Cryptochemistry, and Blockchain-enabled science.

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ISSN: 0141-9382
JUFO Level 1

Displays is the international journal covering the research and development of display technology, its effective presentation and perception of information, and applications and systems including display-human interface.Technical papers on practical developments in Displays technology provide an effective channel to promote greater understanding and cross-fertilization across the diverse disciplines of the Displays community. Original research papers solving ergonomics issues at the display-human interface advance effective presentation of information. Tutorial papers covering fundamentals intended for display technologies and human factor engineers new to the field will also occasionally featured.Coverage includes:Technology: display devices including emissive displays; such as OLEDs/ELs and PDPs, and non-emissive displays; such as LCDs and electro-phoretic/chromic displays, projection displays/tiled screens, new display technologies and applications to the flexible displays and E-papers, materials/components and drive-electronics for displays, displays for extreme environments, 3-D displays and virtual environment, auditory and tactile displays.Display-human systems: examples include TV/smart TVs and mobile instruments, display electronics, image/signal processing, color coding and reproduction, display-human interface, user interfaces for multimedia systems, graphical user interface design, image/graphic design guidelines and standards, extreme environments.Human Factors: perception and its cortical representation; universal access, extreme environments, measurements and assessments of visual performance, image quality, and color appearance/reproduction, human factors for virtual environment.Index bound in last issue of calendar year.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Distributed Computing

ISSN: 0178-2770eISSN: 1432-0452
JUFO Level 2

The international journal Distributed Computing provides a forum for original and significant contributions to the theory, design, specification and implementation of distributed systems. Topics covered by the journal include but are not limited to: design and analysis of distributed algorithms; multiprocessor and multi-core architectures and algorithms; synchronization protocols and concurrent programming; distributed operating systems and middleware; fault-tolerance, reliability and availability; architectures and protocols for communication networks and peer-to-peer systems; security in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols; mobile, sensor, and ad hoc networks; internet applications; concurrency theory; specification, semantics, verification, and testing of distributed systems. In general, only original papers will be considered. By virtue of submitting a manuscript to the journal, the authors attest that it has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. H

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Distributed and Parallel Databases

ISSN: 0926-8782eISSN: 1573-7578
JUFO Level 1

Distributed and parallel database technology has been the subject of intense research and development effort. Numerous practical application and commercial products that exploit this technology also exist. Since the mid-1990s, web-based information management has used distributed and/or parallel data management to replace their centralized cousins. The maturation of the field, together with the new issues that are raised by the changes in the underlying technology, requires a central focus for work in the area. Distributed and Parallel Databases provides such a focus for the presentation and dissemination of new research results, systems development efforts, and user experiences in distributed and parallel database systems. Distributed and Parallel Databases publishes papers in all the traditional as well as most emerging areas of database research, including: Data Integration, Data Sharing, Security and Privacy, Transaction Management, Process and Workflow Management, Information Extraction, Query Processin

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eISSN: 2079-9292

Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science of electronics and its applications. It publishes reviews, research articles, short communications and letters. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Full experimental and/or methodical details must be provided. There are, in addition, unique features of this journal: manuscripts regarding research proposals and research ideas will be particularly welcomed electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculation and experimental procedure - if unable to be published in a normal way - can be deposited as supplementary material

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Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal

eISSN: 2215-0986
JUFO Level 2

Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (JESTECH) (formerly Technology), a peer-reviewed quarterly engineering journal, publishes both theoretical and experimental high quality papers of permanent interest, not previously published in journals, in the field of engineering and applied science which aims to promote the theory and practice of technology and engineering. In addition to peer-reviewed original research papers, the Editorial Board welcomes original research reports, state-of-the-art reviews and communications in the broadly defined field of engineering science and technology.

The scope of JESTECH includes a wide spectrum of subjects including

Electrical/Electronics and Computer Engineering (Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation; Coding, Cryptography, and Information Protection; Communications, Networks, Mobile Computing and Distributed Systems; Compilers and Operating Systems; Computer Architecture, Parallel Processing, and Dependability; Computer Vision and Robotics; Control Theory; Electromagnetic Waves, Microwave Techniques and Antennas; Embedded Systems; Integrated Circuits, VLSI Design, Testing, and CAD; Microelectromechanical Systems; Microelectronics, and Electronic Devices and Circuits; Power, Energy and Energy Conversion Systems; Signal, Image, and Speech Processing)

Mechanical and Civil Engineering (Automotive Technologies; Biomechanics; Construction Materials; Design and Manufacturing; Dynamics and Control; Energy Generation, Utilization, Conversion, and Storage; Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics; Heat and Mass Transfer; Micro-Nano Sciences; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies; Robotics and Mechatronics; Solid Mechanics and Structure; Thermal Sciences)

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Advanced Materials Science; Biomaterials; Ceramic and Inorgnanic Materials; Electronic-Magnetic Materials; Energy and Environment; Materials Characterizastion; Metallurgy; Polymers and Nanocomposites)

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Formal Methods in System Design

ISSN: 0925-9856eISSN: 1572-8102
JUFO Level 2

Formal Methods in System Design reports on the latest formal methods for designing, implementing, and validating the correctness of hardware (VLSI) and software systems. Readers will find high quality, original papers describing all aspects of research and development. Contributions to the journal serve its goal of developing an important and highly useful collection of commonly applicable formal methods that will strongly influence future design environments and design methods.

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