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3D Printing in Medicine

eISSN: 2365-6271
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ASAIO Journal

ISSN: 1058-2916eISSN: 1538-943X
JUFO Level 1

ASAIO Journal is the primary source for timely and authoritative updates in the field of bionic technologies research and development. In the forefront of the field, ASAIO Journal highlights state-of-the-art investigations in biological, tissue, and genetic engineering and other biometric substitutes, laboratory and clinical trials, as well as discussion and opinions from experts around the world. Cardiovascular surgeons, transplant physicians, nephrologists, and biomedical engineers look to the ASAIO Journal for the very latest research and upcoming developments in the field.Published BimonthlyWebsite:

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Acta Biomaterialia

ISSN: 1742-7061eISSN: 1878-7568
JUFO Level 2

Acta Biomaterialia is an international journal that publishes peer-reviewed original research reports, review papers and communications in the broadly defined field of biomaterials science. The emphasis of the journal is on the relationship between biomaterial structure and function at all length scales. The journal is committed to rapid peer-review and publication.The scope of Acta Biomaterialia includes:Hypothesis-driven design of biomaterialsBiomaterial surface science linking structure to biocompatibility, including protein adsorption and cellular interactionsBiomaterial mechanical characterization and modeling at all scalesMolecular, statistical and other types of modeling applied to capture biomaterial behaviorInteractions of biological species with defined surfacesCombinatorial approaches to biomaterial developmentStructural biology as it relates structure to function for biologically derived materials that have application as a medical material, or as it aids in understanding the biological response to biomaterialsMethods for biomaterial characterizationProcessing of biomaterials to achieve specific functionalityMaterials development for arrayed genomic and proteomic screeningBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Acta Ophthalmologica

ISSN: 1755-375XeISSN: 1755-3768
JUFO Level 2

Acta Ophthalmologica is the official scientific publication of the five Nordic ophthalmological societies: The Danish Ophthalmological Society, The Finnish Ophthalmological Society, The Icelandic Ophthalmological Society, The Norwegian Ophthalmological Society and The Swedish Ophthalmological Society, and also the European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER).

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Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics

ISSN: 1509-409X
JUFO Level 1

Additive Manufacturing

ISSN: 2214-7810eISSN: 2214-8604
JUFO Level 3

Additive Manufacturing is the peer-reviewed journal that provides academia and world-leading industry with high quality research papers and reviews in additive manufacturing. The journal aims to acknowledge the innovative nature of additive manufacturing and its broad applications to outline the current and future developments in the field.

Additive manufacturing technologies are positioned to provide a disruptive transformation in how products are designed and manufactured. From this, there was a need to create a fast-publication journal which provides a unique publication outlet for engineers, materials scientists and practitioners in academia and virtually any industry as these technologies are incorporated in new product and medical implant design and manufacturing.

The journal covers a wide scope, comprising new technologies, processes, methods, materials, systems, and applications in the field of additive manufacturing. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

Design and Modeling
• Multiple material components and devices Heterogeneous Design
• Heterogeneous Design
• Modeling from concept to manufacture to implementation to disposal - the entire product life cycle

Additive manufacturing processes and process enhancements
• Advancements in additive manufacturing processes
• Multi-technology (hybrid) systems
• Enhanced closed-loop control of additive manufacturing systems

Multiple and novel materials
• Characterization and performance - mechanical, electrical, chemical, biological, opticals
• New material formulations and composite materials
• Processing of materials in additive manufacturing and for use in additive manufacturing

Special applications with multi-functionality
• Medical additive manufacturing and bio-printing
• Optimized configurations such as topology optimization
• Additive manufacturing for space and in-space additive manufacturing
• Improved energy utilization in and using additive manufacturing
• Nano-additive manufacturing
• Electromechanical and robotic systems
• 3D electronics, electromagnetics, and metamaterials
• Other novel applications of additive manufacturing

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Advanced Biomedical Engineering

ISSN: 2187-5219eISSN: 2187-5219

Advanced Healthcare Materials

ISSN: 2192-2640eISSN: 2192-2659
JUFO Level 2

Advanced Healthcare Materials is an international, interdisciplinary forum for peer-reviewed papers on materials science aimed at promoting human health. Advanced Healthcare Materials was first published as a special focus section in Advanced Materials in 2011 and launched as a journal at the start of 2012. Advanced Healthcare Materials, which is listed in three ISI categories (Materials Science - Biomaterials, Engineering - Biomedical, and Nanoscience & Nanotechnology), received an impact factor of 5.609 in 2018.

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Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine

ISSN: 2164-6627eISSN: 2164-6635
JUFO Level 1

Analytical Methods

eISSN: 1759-9679
JUFO Level 1

Analytical Methods welcomes early applications of new analytical and bioanalytical methods and technology demonstrating the potential for societal impact. We require that methods and technology reported in the journal are sufficiently innovative, robust, accurate, and compared to other available methods for the intended application. Developments with interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. Systems should be proven with suitably complex and analytically challenging samples. We encourage developments within, but not limited to, the following technologies and applications: global health, point-of-care and molecular diagnostics; biosensors and bioengineering; drug development and pharmaceutical analysis; applied microfluidics and nanotechnology; -omics studies, such as proteomics, metabolomics or glycomics; environmental, agricultural and food science; neuroscience; biochemical and clinical analysis; forensic analysis; industrial process and method development.

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Annals of Biomedical Engineering

ISSN: 0090-6964eISSN: 1573-9686
JUFO Level 2

Annals of Biomedical Engineering is an interdisciplinary, international journal which presents original and review articles in the major fields of bioengineering and biomedical engineering.A major aim of bioengineering is to provide integrated approaches to the solutions of biological and biomedical problems. The philosophy is to provide engineering approaches to enhance the power of the scientific method, and to maintain a balance between experimental observation and quantitative analyses. While the development of theory and of mathematical models is strongly endorsed, these should be evaluated wherever possible using biological data from experiments that test specific hypotheses. This is the official journal of the Biomedical Engineering Society. The average time from submission to first decision is three weeks. After acceptance, articles are published online in about two weeks.

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Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering

ISSN: 1523-9829
JUFO Level 2

The Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, in publication since 1999, covers the significant developments in the broad field of Biomedical Engineering, including biomechanics, biomaterials, computational genomics and proteomics, tissue engineering, biomonitoring, health care engineering, drug delivery bioelectrical engineering, biochemical engineering, and biomedical imaging topics.

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Applied Bionics and Biomechanics

ISSN: 1176-2322eISSN: 1754-2103
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Applied Medical Informatics

ISSN: 1224-5593eISSN: 2067-7855

Artificial Cells Nanomedicine and Biotechnology

ISSN: 2169-1401eISSN: 2169-141X

Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology covers the frontiers of interdisciplinary research and application, combining artificial cells, nanotechnology, nanobiotechnology, biotechnology, molecular biology, bioencapsulation, novel carriers, stem cells and tissue engineering. Emphasis is on basic research, applied research, and clinical and industrial applications of the following topics:.

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Artificial Organs

ISSN: 0160-564XeISSN: 1525-1594
JUFO Level 1

Artificial Organs is the official peer reviewed journal of the International Federation for Artificial Organs, the International Faculty for Artificial Organs, and the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps. Artificial Organs publishes original research articles dealing with research, developments, and clinical applications of artificial organs including organ replacement, recovery, and regeneration. Membership in the organizations listed above is not a prerequisite for publication. Articles are published without charge to the author except in certain circumstances such as color figures.

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BME Frontiers

eISSN: 2765-8031
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Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering

ISSN: 0959-2989eISSN: 1878-3619
JUFO Level 1

The aim of Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering is to promote the welfare of humans and to help them keep healthy. This international journal is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes original research papers, review articles and brief notes on materials and engineering for biological and medical systems. Articles in this peer-reviewed journal cover a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to: Engineering as applied to improving diagnosis, therapy, and prevention of disease and injury, and better substitutes for damaged or disabled human organs; Studies of biomaterial interactions with the human body, bio-compatibility, interfacial and interaction problems; Biomechanical behavior under biological and/or medical conditions; Mechanical and biological properties of membrane biomaterials; Cellular and tissue engineering, physiological, biophysical, biochemical bioengineering aspects; Implant failure fields and degradation of implants. Biomimetics engineering and materials including system analysis as supporter for aged people and as rehabilitation; Bioengineering and materials technology as applied to the decontamination against environmental problems; Biosensors, bioreactors, bioprocess instrumentation and control system; Application to food engineering; Standardization problems on biomaterials and related products; Assessment of reliability and safety of biomedical materials and man-machine systems; and Product liability of biomaterials and related products.

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BioChip Journal

ISSN: 1976-0280eISSN: 2092-7843
JUFO Level 1

BioChip Journal publishes original research and reviews in all areas of the expanding field of biochip technology. Coverage spans a broad range of disciplines and topics, including protein chip, DNA chip, cell chip, lab-on-a-chip, bio-MEMS, biosensor, micro/nano mechanics, microfluidics, high-throughput screening technology, medical science, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring and micro/nanotechnology. The editors of BioChip Journal are committed to rapid peer review, to ensure the timely publication of the highest quality original research, news and review articles.

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BioMedical Engineering OnLine

eISSN: 1475-925X
JUFO Level 1

BioMedical Engineering OnLine is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of biomedical engineering.

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