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ACM Transactions on Algorithms

ISSN: 1549-6325eISSN: 1549-6333
JUFO Level 3

ACM Transactions on Algorithms welcomes submissions of original research of the highest quality dealing with algorithms that are inherently discrete and finite, and having mathematical content in a natural way, either in the objective or in the analysis. Most welcome are new algorithms and data structures, new and improved analyses, and complexity results. Specific areas of computation covered by the journal include * combinatorial searches and objects; * counting; * discrete optimization and approximation; * randomization; * parallel and distributed computation; * algorithms for * graphs, * geometry, * arithmetic, * number theory, * strings; * on-line analysis; * cryptography; * coding; * data compression; * learning algorithms; * methods of algorithmic analysis; * discrete algorithms for application areas such as * biology, * economics, * game theory, * communication, * computer systems and architecture, * hardware design, * scientific computing This area list will evolve as the research community explores new areas. In addition to original research articles TALG will include special features appearing from time to time such as invited columns and a problems section.

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ANZIAM Journal

ISSN: 1446-1811eISSN: 1446-8735
JUFO Level 1
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Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze

ISSN: 0391-173XeISSN: 2036-2145
JUFO Level 2

Archive for History of Exact Sciences

ISSN: 0003-9519eISSN: 1432-0657
JUFO Level 2

The Archive for History of Exact Sciences casts light upon the conceptual groundwork of the sciences by analyzing the historical course of mathematical and quantitative thought and the precise theory of nature, embracing as well their connections to experiment in the physical and modern biological sciences. This journal nourishes historical research meeting the standards of the mathematical sciences. Its aim is to give rapid and full publication to writings of exceptional depth, scope, and permanence.

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Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

ISSN: 0003-9527eISSN: 1432-0673
JUFO Level 3

The Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis nourishes the discipline of mechanics as a deductive, mathematical science in the classical tradition and promotes analysis, particularly in the context of application. Its purpose is to give rapid and full publication to research of exceptional moment, depth and permanence.

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ISSN: 1122-1151
JUFO Level 1

Axiomathes: Where Science Meets PhilosophyResearch in many fields confirms that science is changing its nature. Natural science, cognitive and social sciences, mathematics and philosophy (i.e., the set of tools developed to understand and model reality) exceed the conceptual framework introduced by Galileo and Descartes. Complexity and chaos: network dynamics: anticipatory systems: qualitative aspects of experience (intentionality, for example): emergent properties and objects: forward, upward, and downward causation: all portend a new scientific agenda.Axiomathes publishes studies of evolving ideas, perspectives, and methods in science, mathematics, and philosophy. Many aspects of this dawning are unknown: there will be startlingly good ideas, and many blind-alleys. We welcome this ferment. While Axiomathes’ scope is left open, scholarly depth, quality and precision of presentation remain prerequisites for publication.Axiomathes welcomes submissions, regardless of the tradition, school of thought, or disciplinary background from which they derive. The members of the journal’s editorial board reflect this approach in the diversity of their affiliations and interests. All submissions are subjected to double-blind peer review, the average peer review time is 3 months.Axiomathes publishes:·       Research articles, presenting original ideas and results.·       Review articles, which comprehensively synthesize and critically assess recent, original works or a selected collection of thematically related books.·       Commentaries, brief articles that comment on articles published previously.·       Book symposia, in which commentators are invited to debate an influential book with the author, who answers with a concluding reply.·       Special issues, in which an expert collaborates with the journal as a guest editor,, in order to identify an interesting topic in science, mathematics or philosophy, and interacts with the selected contributors, being in charge of a whole issue of the journal. Axiomathes invites potential guest-editors, who might be interested in collecting and editing such special issue, to contact the Editor in order to discuss the feasibility of the project.·       Focused debates, collecting submissions and invited articles around a particular theme, as part of a normal issue of the journal.·       Authors wishing to submit a reply article, or a proposal for a review article, a book symposium, a special issue or a focused debate, are invited to contact the Editor for further information.

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BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics

ISSN: 1749-8430eISSN: 1749-8341
JUFO Level 1

BSHM Bulletin is the journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics (BSHM), whose aims are to promote research into the history of mathematics and to encourage its use at all levels of mathematics education. BSHM Bulletin publishes articles, reports, and book reviews on a range of historical topics. Articles on local mathematical history, the use of history of mathematics in education, and those reflecting individual interests and research are particularly encouraged.DisclaimerThe British Society for the History of Mathematics and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

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ISSN: 0103-636XeISSN: 1980-4415

The objective of BOLEMA journal is to disseminate scientific knowledge in Mathematics Education and related fields. The content can include results of empirical research, essays, and other standard forms in this domain of knowledge.

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Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche

ISSN: 0392-4432eISSN: 1724-1650
JUFO Level 1
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Confluentes Mathematici

ISSN: 1793-7442eISSN: 1793-7434
JUFO Level 1
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Digital Discovery

eISSN: 2635-098X
JUFO Level 1

Digital Discovery welcomes both experimental and computational work on all topics related to the acceleration of discovery such as screening, robotics, databases and advanced data analytics, broadly defined, but anchored in chemistry. The journal welcomes Artificial intelligence and data science methodologies for chemical, materials science, biochemical, biomedical or biophysical sciences including Computer-assisted retrosynthesis, Generative models for scientific design, Machine learning classification and regression models, Modern molecular, materials, and biological representations, Methods for Bayesian optimization and design of experiments, Advances and applications of interpretable models, Image recognition, Natural language processing, Literature mining tools, Advanced data workflows, Advances in robotics for science, Experimental control software, Databases, New robotic setups, New automated sensors, Novel synthetic methodologies and workflows, High-throughput computational science, Directed or accelerated evolution, DNA Encoded Library Technology, Cryptochemistry, and Blockchain-enabled science.

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Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation

ISSN: 2035-6803eISSN: 2035-6803

Educacion Matematica

ISSN: 0187-8298eISSN: 2448-8089

Empirical Economics

ISSN: 0377-7332eISSN: 1435-8921
JUFO Level 1

Empirical Economics publishes high quality papers using econometric or statistical methods to fill the gap between economic theory and observed data. Papers explore such topics as estimation of established relationships between economic variables, testing of hypotheses derived from economic theory, treatment effect estimation, policy evaluation, simulation, forecasting, as well as econometric methods and measurement.Empirical Economics emphasizes the replicability of empirical results, and authors are expected to make their data available for readers who might wish to replicate published work. The journal publishes replication studies that report on both positive and negative aspects of previously published results in the literature. Officially cited as: Empir EconNow listed with ISI.

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Evolutionary Intelligence

ISSN: 1864-5909eISSN: 1864-5917
JUFO Level 1

Evolutionary Intelligence is an international journal devoted to the publication and dissemination of theoretical and practical aspects of the use of population-based search for artificial intelligence. Techniques of interest include evolving rule-based systems, evolving artificial neural networks, evolving fuzzy systems, evolving Bayesian and statistical approaches, artificial immune systems, and hybrid systems which combine evolutionary computation with other A.I. techniques in general. The journal contains research papers, review articles, short notes and letters to the editor. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, memory, vision, planning, knowledge representation and construction, robotics, neuroscience, language, development and learning, and all aspects of cognitive science. Papers describing applications in areas such as data mining, adaptive control, medical and bio-informatics, games and multi-media, agent-based computing and modelling, complex systems, and chemical and biological systems are also welcomed. The journal intends to capture and archive the advancement in the field of evolutionary intelligence in a timely manner and in one place.

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For the Learning of Mathematics

ISSN: 0228-0671
JUFO Level 1

Frontiers of Mathematics

ISSN: 2731-8648eISSN: 2731-8656

Frontiers of Mathematics in China reports on recent advances in the field of mathematics. It covers all the main branches of mathematics, both pure and applied, presenting core areas, such as geometry, algebra, and number theory, as well as applied areas, such as statistics, numerical analysis, and mathematical biology.In addition, the journal features papers in developing and promising fields as well as papers showing the interaction between different fields of mathematics, or the interaction between mathematics and science and engineering. The journal shall be an ideal platform for mathematical researchers, investigators and even strategists who want to know more about the rapid, strong and substantial mathematical achievements in China.

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Homology, Homotopy and Applications

ISSN: 1532-0073eISSN: 1532-0081
JUFO Level 1

Homology, Homotopy and Applications is a refereed journal which publishes high-quality papers in the general area of homotopy theory and algebraic topology, as well as applications of the ideas and results in this area. This means applications in the broadest possible sense, i.e. applications to other parts of mathematics such as number theory and algebraic geometry, as well as to areas outside of mathematics, such as computer science, physics, and statistics. Homotopy theory is also intended to be interpreted broadly, including algebraic K-theory, model categories, homotopy theory of varieties, etc. We particularly encourage innovative papers which point the way toward new applications of the subject.

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International Journal of Game Theory

ISSN: 0020-7276eISSN: 1432-1270
JUFO Level 1

International Journal of Game Theory is devoted to game theory and its applications. It publishes original research making significant contributions from a methodological, conceptual or mathematical point of view. Survey articles may also be considered if especially useful for the field. Officially cited as: Int J Game Theory

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International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology

ISSN: 0020-739XeISSN: 1464-5211
JUFO Level 1

Mathematics is pervading every study and technique in our modern world, bringing ever more sharply into focus the responsibilities laid upon those whose task it is to teach it. Most prominent among these is the difficulty of presenting an interdisciplinary approach so that one professional group may benefit from the experience of others. The International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology provides a medium by which a wide range of experience in mathematical education can be presented, assimilated and eventually adapted to everyday needs in schools, colleges, polytechnics, universities, industry and commerce. Contributions will be welcomed from lecturers, teachers and users of mathematics at all levels on the contents of syllabuses and methods of presentation. Increasing use of technology is being made in the teaching, learning, assessment and presentation of mathematics today; original and interesting contributions in this rapidly developing area will be especially welcome. Mathematical models arising from real situations, the use of computers, new teaching aids and techniques also form an important feature. Discussion will be encouraged on methods of widening applications throughout science and technology. The need for communication between teacher and user will be emphasized and reports of relevant conferences and meetings will be included. A novel feature of the journal is the Classroom Notes section. This section is for shorter articles, which are often just new ideas for the mathematics teacher to use in teaching. ReadershipMathematicians and mathematics educators in schools, colleges, and universities.All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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