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Analytical Letters

ISSN: 0003-2719eISSN: 1532-236X
JUFO Level 1

Analytical Letters is an international medium for the rapid publication of original research papers, accelerated articles, or mini-reviews on important developments in all areas of analytical chemistry, including electrochemistry, mass spectrometry, separations, and spectroscopy. Papers are welcomed that consider fundamental developments, new or improved instrumentation and sensors, and applications of analytical chemistry in all areas that include biological and clinical science, engineering and instrumentation science, environmental chemistry and analysis, geochemistry, materials science, nanotechnology, and physics.

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Annals of Laboratory Medicine

ISSN: 2234-3806eISSN: 2234-3814
JUFO Level 1


ISSN: 1360-8185eISSN: 1573-675X
JUFO Level 1

Apoptosis is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the rapid publication of innovative basic and clinically-oriented investigations into programmed cell death. It aims to stimulate research on the basis of mechanisms of apoptosis and on its role in various human disease processes including: cancer, autoimmune disease, viral infection, AIDS, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, osteoporosis and ageing. The editors intend to encourage the development of clinical therapies against apoptosis-related diseases.

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Biochemia Medica

ISSN: 1330-0962eISSN: 1846-7482
JUFO Level 1

Hrcak is the central portal of Croatian scientific journals. Hrcak offers the access to the journals following the Open Access Initiative (more about Hrcak in Croatian only). About Hrcak (in Croatian only) • for end users. Hrcak stat: Journals: 259 Issues: 4911 Articles without full text: 4469 Articles with full text: 64518This portal is supported by the Ministry of Science Education and Sports, developed and mainteined by the University Computing Centre and was initiated by the Croatian Information and Documentation Society. The Hrcak project team is responsible for the portal's overall design and functionality as well as data security. Responsibility for the journals' content and the accuracy of data therein lies with the respective journal editors.For all technical questions concerning the Hrcak portal please contact the hrcak team . Questions concerning a journal or its editors should be directed to the journal directly. For contact information, please refer to the respective journal's web page.

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Biochimica Clinica

ISSN: 0393-0564eISSN: 0392-7091

Biological Trace Element Research

ISSN: 0163-4984eISSN: 1559-0720
JUFO Level 1

Biological Trace Element Research provides a much-needed central forum for the emergent, interdisciplinary field of research on the biological, environmental, and biomedical roles of trace elements. Rather than confine itself to biochemistry, the journal emphasizes the integrative aspects of trace metal research in all appropriate fields, publishing human and animal nutritional studies devoted to the fundamental chemistry and biochemistry at issue as well as to the elucidation of the relevant aspects of preventive medicine, epidemiology, clinical chemistry, agriculture, endocrinology, animal science, pharmacology, microbiology, toxicology, virology, marine biology, sensory physiology, developmental biology, and related fields.

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Biomarker Insights

eISSN: 1177-2719
JUFO Level 1
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Biomarker Research

eISSN: 2050-7771
JUFO Level 1

drug discovery, imaging, therapeutic intervention, personalised medicine

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Biomarkers in Medicine

ISSN: 1752-0363eISSN: 1752-0371
JUFO Level 1

Biomarkers in Medicine is a peer-reviewed, rapid publication journal delivering commentary and analysis on the advances in our understanding of biomarkers and their potential and actual applications in medicine. The journal facilitates translation of our research knowledge into the clinic to increase the effectiveness of medical practice. As the scientific rationale and regulatory acceptance for biomarkers in medicine and in drug development become more fully established, Biomarkers in Medicine provides the platform for all players in this increasingly vital area to communicate and debate all issues relating to the potential utility and applications.

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British Journal of Biomedical Science

eISSN: 0967-4845

poisoning and infection control biomedical scientists are the foundation of modern healthcare. Biomedical scientists work in partnership with doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to perform many different roles in NHS laboratories. Without biomedical scientists the diagnosis of disease, the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment, and research into the causes and cures of disease would not be possible.Doctors treat their patients based on results of the vital tests and investigations that diagnose often serious and life threatening illnesses such as cancer, AIDS or diabetes. Without biomedical scientists departments such as Accident & Emergency and operating theatres could not properly function. The many roles of support by biomedical scientists for A & E and theatre surgery includes tests for emergency blood transfusions and blood grouping as well as tests on samples from patients who have overdosed on unknown substances, or may have leukaemia or are suspected of having a heart attack.The work of a biomedical scientist must be accurate and efficient because patients' lives may depend on their skills. They are continually increasing their knowledge as laboratory techniques develop and research transforms the cutting edge of science and medicine. Scientists learn to work with computers, sophisticated automated equipment, microscopes and other hi-tech laboratory equipment. They employ a wide range of complex modern techniques to perform their.

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Chemical Biology Letters

eISSN: 2347-9825

Chemical Science

eISSN: 2041-6539
JUFO Level 3

Home to exceptional research and thought-provoking ideas. Open and free, for authors and readers. Chemical Science is the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the home for world-leading, interdisciplinary research from every aspect of the chemical sciences. As a multidisciplinary chemistry journal, our broad scope covers: analytical science and techniques; bioinorganic chemistry; biomaterials; biophysical chemistry; catalysis; chemical biology; chemical engineering; crystal engineering; energy conversion and storage; environmental, sustainable and green chemistry; inorganic chemistry; inorganic materials; main group chemistry; medicinal chemistry; nanoscience; organic chemistry; organic materials; physical chemistry; polymers; porous materials; supramolecular chemistry; and theoretical and computational chemistry.

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Clinica Chimica Acta

ISSN: 0009-8981eISSN: 1873-3492
JUFO Level 1
Clinica Chimica Acta is a high quality journal which publishes original Research Communications in the field of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, defined as the diagnostic application of chemistry, biochemistry, immunochemistry, biochemical aspects of hematology, toxicology, and molecular biology to the study of human disease in body fluids and cells.

The objective of the journal is to publish novel information leading to a better understanding of biological mechanisms of human diseases, their prevention, diagnosis, and patient management. Reports of an applied clinical character are also welcome. Papers concerned with normal metabolic processes or with constituents of normal cells or body fluids, such as reports of experimental or clinical studies in animals, are only considered when they are clearly and directly relevant to human disease. Evaluation of commercial products have a low priority for publication, unless they are novel or represent a technological breakthrough. Studies dealing with effects of drugs and natural products and studies dealing with the redox status in various diseases are not within the journal's scope. Development and evaluation of novel analytical methodologies where applicable to diagnostic clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, including point-of-care testing, and topics on laboratory management and informatics will also be considered.

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Clinical Chemistry

ISSN: 0009-9147eISSN: 1530-8561
JUFO Level 3

Clinical Chemistry is the leading international journal of clinical laboratory science, providing 2,000 pages per year of peer-reviewed papers that advance the science of the field.Clinical Chemistry is an archival research journal that is required reading for professional working in the following areas: * Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine and Test Utilization * Molecular Diagnostics and Genetics * Hemostasis and Thrombosis * Enzymes and Protein Markers * Lipids, Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors * Drug Monitoring and Toxicology * Hematology * Endocrinology and Metabolism * Automation and Analytical Techniques * Laboratory Management * General Clinical Chemistry * Clinical Immunology * Nutrition * Pediatric Clinical Chemistry.

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Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine

ISSN: 1434-6621eISSN: 1437-4331
JUFO Level 1

CCLM is the official journal of the Association of Clinical Biochemists in Ireland (ACBI), the Belgian Society of Clinical Chemistry (BVKC/SBCC), the German United Society of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL), the Greek Society of Clinical Chemistry-Clinical Biochemistry (GSCC-CB), the Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology (SIBioC), the Slovenian Association for Clinical Chemistry and the Spanish Society for Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology (SEQC).

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Clinics in Laboratory Medicine

ISSN: 0272-2712eISSN: 1557-9832
JUFO Level 1

Clinics in Laboratory Medicine updates those practicing in the field of clinical pathology on the latest trends in clinical laboratory management, providing a sound basis for creating and working in a highly effective clinical laboratory. Published quarterly—in March, June, September, and December—each issue offers state-of-the-art reviews on a single topic in pathology, including quality control in lab testing, coagulation, clinical microbiology, toxicology testing, clinical cytogenetics, mass spectrometry, blood transfusion, and much more.

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Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences

ISSN: 1040-8363eISSN: 1549-781X
JUFO Level 1

Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences publishes review articles in all areas of clinical laboratory science (including clinical biochemistry, clinical hematology, clinical microbiology, pathology, transfusion medicine, genetics, and immunology). Our aim is to meet the needs of, and build a bridge between, two constituencies: to allow clinical scientists to broaden their primary knowledge base to include the vocabulary, concepts, and information from the various fields of medicine that they require to perform their work; and to allow laboratory physicians to keep pace with the rapid developments taking place in scientific disciplines that directly impact their daily activities. The editorial staff strive to ensure the inclusion of sufficient introductory background material in each article to allow a non-specialist reader to understand the text that follows.Reviews are generally solicited from international experts on the advice of members of the Editorial Advisory Board. However, other authors are encouraged to submit outlines of proposed reviews to the Editor-in-Chief for consideration, following which a formal invitation may be issued. Primary authors are encouraged to recruit collaborators to help in forging a representative consensus and comprehensive coverage of the selected topic. The adjective “Critical” implies a balanced synthesis of results and conclusions that are frequently contradictory and controversial. A single expert, whose name appears under the names of the authors, is assigned the task of refereeing the paper. This open process promotes a fairer review than may be the case when the identity of the referee is concealed by the mask of anonymity. The emphasis upon “Sciences” generally disqualifies topics of a professional nature (such as instrumentation, quality assurance, and methodology) unless they are based upon novel scientific concepts.The scope of the journal includes the clinical laboratory aspects of:*Diagnosis, monitoring, prognosis, and management of disease*Detection and prevention of disease among apparently healthy persons *Biochemistry of disease *Genetics of disease*Immunobiology of disease *Markers of disease *CancerRead More:

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Current Bioinformatics

ISSN: 1574-8936
JUFO Level 1

Current Bioinformatics aims to publish all the latest and outstanding developments in bioinformatics. Each issue contains a series of timely, in-depth reviews, drug clinical trial studies and guest edited thematic issues written by leaders in the field, covering a wide range of the integration of biology with computer and information science.

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Current Biomarker Findings

eISSN: 2230-2492
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Current Chemical Biology

ISSN: 1872-3136
JUFO Level 1

Current Chemical Biology aims to publish full-length and mini reviews as well as research papers on exciting new developments at the chemistry-biology interface, covering topics relating to Chemical Synthesis, Science at Chemistry-Biology Interface and Chemical Mechanisms of Biological Systems.

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