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ACS Applied Electronic Materials

eISSN: 2637-6113
JUFO Level 1

ACS Applied Electronic Materials is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of electronic materials. The journal is devoted to reports of new and original experimental and theoretical research of an applied nature that integrate knowledge in the areas of materials science, engineering, optics, physics, and chemistry into important applications of electronic materials. Sample research topics that span the journal's scope are inorganic, organic, ionic, and polymeric materials with properties that include conducting, semiconducting, superconducting, insulating, dielectric, magnetic, optoelectronic, piezoelectric, ferroelectric, and thermoelectric.
Example applications include:
• Diodes and transistors
• Memory devices and memristors
• Energy storage
• Optoelectronic devices
• Spintronic devices
• Photonic & plasmonic devices
• Molecular devices
• Flexible devices
• Sensors/detectors and Quantum detectors
• Quantum computing
• Soft actuators
• Electromechanical systems
• Bioelectronics
• Neuromorphic system
• Solid-state battery and supercapacitor
• Power devices
• Subthreshhold electronics
• Theory, modeling, and simulation of electronic materials
• Micro/nano-electronic fabrication and
• Other novel preparation and characterization of electronic materials and devices

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ACS Applied Optical Materials

ISSN: 2771-9855eISSN: 2771-9855
JUFO Level 1

ACS Applied Optical Materials is an international and interdisciplinary forum to publish original experimental and theoretical, including simulation and modeling, research in optical materials, complementing the ACS Applied Materials portfolio. With a focus on innovative applications, ACS Applied Optical Materials also complements and expands the scope of existing ACS publications that focus on fundamental aspects of the interaction between light and matter in materials science. 

The scope of ACS Applied Optical Materials includes high quality research of an applied nature that integrates knowledge in materials science, chemistry, physics, optical science, and engineering.

Examples of materials and applications that fit the scope of the journal include:


  • Photonic Crystals
  • Disordered and amorphous photonic materials
  • Structured Colored Materials
  • Phosphors
  • Fluorophores and light-emitting and absorbing materials
  • Metamaterials
  • Semiconductors and Heterostructured materials
  • Low-dimensional Quantum Confined Materials, Quantum dots, wells, and rods
  • Light-Manipulating Micro- and Nanostructures
  • 2-D Materials
  • Carbon materials and Organic Functional Materials
  • Plasmonic materials
  • Photochromes and Electrochromes
  • Up-conversion and Down-conversion Materials
  • MOFs, COFs and HOFs as Optical Materials
  • Perovskites
  • Solar Absorbers and Concentrators


  • LEDs, OLEDs, OLETs and Optically Switchable OLEDs
  • Lasers and Non-Linear Optics
  • Confinement and waveguiding
  • Quantum photonic applications
  • Photochromics and Electrochromics
  • Bio-inspired Optical Materials and Devices
  • Imaging and Bioimaging
  • Detectors, switches and Sensors
  • Optoelectronics, THz Optoelectronics
  • Optical computing and Data Storage
  • Stealth and Chameleon
  • Optical Encryption and Security, Optical Communications
  • Holography, Anti-Forgery, and Physically Unclonable Functions
  • QD electroluminescence
  • Photoluminescent materials and devices
  • Optics in AR, VR, XR systems
  • Color science and applications

Manuscripts that are essentially reporting data or applications of data are, in general, not suitable for publication in ACS Applied Optical Materials. All manuscripts are subject to critical, anonymous peer review. It is to be understood that the final decision relating to a manuscript's suitability rests solely with the Editor.

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ACS Photonics

eISSN: 2330-4022
JUFO Level 2

ACS Photonics is an interdisciplinary forum to communicate on the latest advances in the field of photonics, all the way from basic research to applied research and technology. Embracing the transversality of photonics, it connects scientists and technologists from a broad scientific spectrum, at the interface between physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. It also aims at bridging the gap between the academic and industrial worlds.


The first goal of ACS Photonics is to publish original and timely research which addresses important questions in the field of photonics. Novelty, high technical quality, significance, potential impact, and readability are among the main criteria considered for acceptance.


Areas targeted by the journal include the following:

  • Nanophotonics, including plasmonics and polaritonics, optical metamaterials and metasurfaces
  • Optical materials, including quantum/topological materials, 2D materials and phase change materials
  • AI for photonics (e.g., inverse design) and photonics for AI (e.g., optical computing)
  • Integrated photonics
  • Light sources including new classes of lasing devices and LED with improved performance and new integration strategies
  • Photodetection including new device principles, device physics and device architectures
  • Nonlinear optics
  • Quantum photonics
  • Photonics-based wearables
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Photonics for energy, including photonic enhancement to solar energy harvesting, waste heat harvesting (thermophotovoltaics), and wireless photonic energy transmission
  • Biophotonics, advanced optical imaging, photonics-based biosensing
  • Optical trapping and optical manipulation
  • Optomechanics
  • Fundamentals of light-matter interaction
  • Electron-beam spectroscopies and ultrafast electron microscopy
  • Terahertz Photonics, including devices, imaging and spectroscopy
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Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering And Materials

ISSN: 2052-5192eISSN: 2052-5206
JUFO Level 1

Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materialspublishes scientific articles related to the structural science of compounds and materials in the widest sense. Knowledge of the arrangements of atoms, including their temporal variations and dependencies on temperature and pressure, is often the key to understanding physical and chemical phenomena and is crucial for the design of new materials and supramolecular devices. Acta Crystallographica B is the forum for the publication of such contributions. Scientific developments based on experimental studies as well as those based on theoretical approaches, including crystal-structure prediction, structure-property relations and the use of databases of crystal structures, are published.

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Advanced Nano Research

eISSN: 2581-5164

Advanced Optical Materials

ISSN: 2195-1071eISSN: 2195-1071
JUFO Level 2

Advanced Optical Materials is an international, interdisciplinary forum for peer-reviewed papers on materials science which focuses on all aspects of light-matter interactions. Advanced Optical Materials was published as a special focus section integrated in Advanced Materials in 2012 and launched as a journal at the start of 2013. In 2018 Advanced Optical Materials received an Impact Factor of 7.43 which is a 8% increase compared to the 2017 value.

The scope of Advanced Optical Materials is dedicated to breakthrough discoveries and fundamental research in photonics, plasmonics, metamaterials, and more. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the topics covered in Advanced Optical Materials:

  • Photonic crystals
  • Nonlinear optics
  • Optical nanostructures
  • Optoelectronics
  • Optical devices, detectors & sensors
  • Holography
  • Opto-acoustic materials
  • Optical data storage
  • Micro/nano resonators
  • Optical waveguides

Advanced Optical Materials contains an attractive mix of Communications, Full papers, Review Articles and Progress Reports with the same article specifications as Advanced Materials. For more information please see

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Advanced Optical Technologies

ISSN: 2192-8576eISSN: 2192-8584
JUFO Level 1
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Advances in Optics and Photonics

ISSN: 1943-8206
JUFO Level 3
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Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy

ISSN: 0066-4103
JUFO Level 1

Edited by: Graham A.

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Applied Magnetic Resonance

ISSN: 0937-9347eISSN: 1613-7507
JUFO Level 1

Applied Magnetic Resonance provides an international forum for the application of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, geochemistry, ecology, engineering, and related fields. The contents include articles with a strong emphasis on new applications, and on new experimental methods. Additional features include book reviews and Letters to the Editor.

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Applied Optics

ISSN: 1559-128XeISSN: 2155-3165
JUFO Level 1

Applied Optics is OSA's most widely read journal, a must for everyone in the optics field. Published three times each month, Applied Optics reports significant optics applications from optical testing and instrumentation to medical optics...from holography to optical neural networks...from lidar and remote sensing to laser materials processing. Each issue contains content from three divisions of editorial scope: Optical Technology; Information Processing; and Lasers, Photonics, and Environmental Optics. Authors in these fields are encouraged to submit their manuscripts to Applied Optics for quality, peer-reviewed, widely distributed publication.

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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

ISSN: 1024-8560eISSN: 2070-0393
JUFO Level 1
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Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables

ISSN: 0092-640XeISSN: 1090-2090
JUFO Level 1

Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables presents compilations of experimental and theoretical information in atomic physics, nuclear physics, and closely related fields. The journal is devoted to the publication of tables and graphs of general usefulness to researchers in both basic and applied areas. Extensive and comprehensive compilations of experimental and theoretical results are featured.Research Areas include:• Collision processes• Energy levels• Interaction cross-sections• Penetration of charged particles through matter• Spectroscopy• Transition probabilities• Wavefunctions• X raysBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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eISSN: 2218-2004

experimental and theoretical atomic and nuclear physics, nuclear energy, interactions and constituents of atoms and nuclei, photon interactions, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance

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Biomedical Optics Express

eISSN: 2156-7085
JUFO Level 1
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ISSN: 1439-4235eISSN: 1439-7641
JUFO Level 1

ChemPhysChem is one of the leading chemistry/physics interdisciplinary journals (ISI Impact Factor (2009: 3.453) for physical chemistry and chemical physics. ChemPhysChem is an international source for important primary and critical secondary information across the whole field of physical chemistry and chemical physics. It integrates this wide and flourishing field ranging from Solid State and Soft-Matter Research, Electro- and Photochemistry, Femtochemistry and Nanotechnology, Complex Systems, Single-Molecule Research, Clusters and Colloids, Catalysis and Surface Science, Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry, Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry , and many more topics.

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Chemical Science

eISSN: 2041-6539
JUFO Level 3

Home to exceptional research and thought-provoking ideas. Open and free, for authors and readers. Chemical Science is the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the home for world-leading, interdisciplinary research from every aspect of the chemical sciences. As a multidisciplinary chemistry journal, our broad scope covers: analytical science and techniques; bioinorganic chemistry; biomaterials; biophysical chemistry; catalysis; chemical biology; chemical engineering; crystal engineering; energy conversion and storage; environmental, sustainable and green chemistry; inorganic chemistry; inorganic materials; main group chemistry; medicinal chemistry; nanoscience; organic chemistry; organic materials; physical chemistry; polymers; porous materials; supramolecular chemistry; and theoretical and computational chemistry.

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Chinese Optics

ISSN: 2095-1531

Chinese Optics Letters

ISSN: 1671-7694
JUFO Level 1

Chinese Optics Letters (COL), considered to be one of the most important journals in optics in China, has been published since January 2003. Before 2003, this journal is available as the Chinese Journal of Laser B, which is also a core journal in the fields of lasers and optics. The first issue of this journal appeared in 1982.COL is published monthly by the Chinese Optics Letters Manuscript Office and is sponsored by the Chinese Optical Society, undertaken by the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is distributed by the Optical Society of America outside of the Chinese mainland.COL is one of the leading Chinese journals for optics in China. The purpose of COL is to promote the generation, application, and archiving of knowledge in optics and to disseminate it worldwide. Its subject coverage includes Fiber Optics and Optical Communications, Lasers and Laser Optics, Nonlinear Optics, Image Processing, Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology, Integrated Optics, Materials, Quantum Optics, and Ultrafast Optics.COL reports on the latest developments and achievements in all fields of optics. The average time to publication from receipt of the paper to publication is about six months.COL has reported a large number of creative, important, and exciting results. Most of the papers published in COL are indexed by the main indexing systems of the world such as SCI-E, EI, and CA. COL is also the core source periodical of the Chinese Science Citation Database and the Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database.

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Current Optics and Photonics

ISSN: 2508-7266eISSN: 2508-7274
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