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IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine

ISSN: 1070-9932eISSN: 1558-223X
JUFO Level 2

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine is a unique technology publication which is peer-reviewed, readable and substantive.  The Magazine is a forum for articles which fall between the academic and theoretical orientation of scholarly journals and vendor sponsored trade publications.  IEEE Transactions on Robotics and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering publish advances in theory and experiment that underpin the science of robotics and automation.  The Magazine complements these publications and seeks to present new scientific results to the practicing engineer through a focus on working systems and emphasizing creative solutions to real-world problems and highlighting implementation details. The Magazine publishes regular technical articles that undergo a peer review process overseen by the Magazine's associate editors; special issues on important and emerging topics in which all articles are fully reviewed but managed by guest editors; tutorial articles written by leading experts in their field; and regular columns on topics including education, industry news, IEEE RAS news, technical and regional activity and a calendar of events.

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IEEE Transactions on Haptics

ISSN: 1939-1412eISSN: 2329-4051
JUFO Level 2

IEEE Transactions on Haptics (ToH) is a scholarly archival journal that addresses the science, technology and applications associated with information acquisition and object manipulation through touch. Haptic interactions relevant to this journal include all aspects of manual exploration and manipulation of objects by humans, machines and interactions between the two, performed in real, virtual, teleoperated or networked environments. Research areas of relevance to this publication include, but are not limited to, the following topics: Human haptic and multi-sensory perception and action, Aspects of motor control that explicitly pertain to human haptics, Haptic interactions via passive or active tools and machines, Devices that sense, enable, or create haptic interactions locally or at a distance, Haptic rendering and its association with graphic and auditory rendering in virtual reality, Algorithms, controls, and dynamics of haptic devices, users, and interactions between the two, Human-machine performance and safety with haptic feedback, Haptics in the context of human-computer interactions, Systems and networks using haptic devices and interactions, including multi-modal feedback, Application of the above, for example in areas such as education, rehabilitation, medicine, computer-aided design, skills training, computer games, driver controls, simulation and visualization.

Please be sure to visit the ToH Taxonomy List.

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