Communication Theory is an international forum publishing high quality, original research into the theoretical development of communication from across a wide array of disciplines, such as communication studies, sociology, psychology, political science, cultural and gender studies, philosophy, linguistics, and literature. A journal of the International Communication Association (ICA), Communication Theory especially welcomes work in the following areas of research, all of them components of ICA: Communication and Technology, Communication Law and Policy, Ethnicity and Race in Communication, Feminist Scholarship, Global Communication and Social Change, Health Communication, Information Systems, Instructional/Developmental Communication, Intercultural Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Journalism Studies, Language and Social Interaction, Mass Communication, Organizational Communication, Philosophy of Communication, Political Communication, Popular Communication, Public Relations, Visual Communication Studies, Children, Adolescents and the Media, Communication History, Game Studies, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies, and Intergroup Communication. The journal aims to be inclusive in theoretical approaches insofar as these pertain to communication theory. Communication Theory Electronic Office - click here to submit or review a paper for the journal.
Human Communication Research concentrates on presenting the best empirical work in the area of human communication. The journal works to advance understanding of human symbolic processes with a strong emphasis on theory-driven research, the development of new theoretical models in communication, and the development of innovative methods for observing and measuring communication behavior. The journal has a broad social-science focus and as important applications to scholars in psychology, sociology, linguistics, and anthropology, as well as areas of communication studies. Human Communication Research is one of the official journals of the prestigious International Communication Association and is read by more than 3,500 of its members. It is a top-ranked communication studies journal and one of the top ten journals in the field of human communication. Major topic areas for the journal include language and social interaction, nonverbal communication, interpersonal communication, organizational communication and new technologies, mass communication, health communication, intercultural communication, and developmental issues in communication.
The Journal of Communication is the flagship journal of the International Communication Association and an essential publication for all communications specialists and policy makers. The Journal of Communication concentrates on communication research, practice, policy, and theory, bringing to its readers the latest, broadest, and most important findings in the field of communication studies. Journal of Communication also features an extensive book review section, and the symposia of selected studies on current issues. JoC publishes the best available scholarship on all aspects of communication. Since the journal seeks to be a general forum for communication scholarship, it is especially interested in research whose significance crosses disciplinary and sub-field boundaries.
The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC) is a web-based, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Its focus is social science research on computer-mediated communication via the Internet, the World Wide Web, and wireless technologies. Within that general purview, the journal is broadly interdisciplinary, publishing work by scholars in communication, business, education, political science, sociology, media studies, information science, and other disciplines. Acceptable formats for submission include original research articles, meta-analyses of prior research, synthesizing literature surveys, and proposals for special issues. JCMC is available online only. JCMC is one of the oldest web-based Internet studies journals in existence, having been published quarterly continuously since June 1995. The journal was started by Margaret McLaughlin and Sheizaf Rafaeli in response to the growth of CMC scholarship in the early- to mid-1990s. The founding editors had the vision to make JCMC an open-access, online journal. This, combined with high quality standards, proved to be a recipe for success: today JCMC is widely read and cited by CMC scholars around the world. In 2004, JCMC became an official journal of the International Communication Association. JCMC Electronic Office - click here to submit or review a paper for the journal.