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ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation

ISSN: 1868-596XeISSN: 1868-8551
JUFO Level 1

Aims and Scope: ALTEX, edited by the Swiss Society ALTEX Edition is the official journal of CAAT (Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA), EUSAAT (European Society for Alternatives to Animal testing) and T4 (transatlantic think tank of toxicology, Baltimore, Konstanz, Utrecht). ALTEX, issued by the Swiss society ALTEX Edition, is the official journal of ASCCT, the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology, CAAT, the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing at the Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, USA, CAAT-Europe the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing Europe at the University of Konstanz, Germany, EUSAAT, the European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing, t4, the transatlantic think tank of toxicology (Baltimore, Utrecht, Konstanz) and the Doerenkamp chairs in Germany, India, The Netherlands, Switzerland and USA. ALTEX publishes original articles, short communications, reviews, as well as news and comments, meeting reports and book reviews. ALTEX is devoted to the publication of research on the development and promotion of alternatives to animal experiments according to the 3R concept of Russell and Burch: Replace, Reduce, and Refine. Animal experiments are defined as all experimental procedures involving the use of animals in testing, research and education or to obtain tissues, organs, and other animal-derived products which may cause pain or distress to animals. ALTEX further publishes manuscripts on the bioethics of the complex relationship between humans and animals. Articles published in ALTEX must express a basic concern for the dignity of living creatures and the recognition of animals as our partners. All articles are judged according to stringent scientific standards. Manuscripts submitted to , ALTEX are evaluated by two reviewers. The evaluation takes into account the scientific merit of a manuscript and its contribution to animal welfare and the 3R principle. Please visit for further information. Copyright: Society ALTEX Edition, Kuesnacht, Zurich

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ISSN: 1869-4950eISSN: 2698-9921
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