The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics publishes high quality empirical, analytical, methodologic papers, focusing on the application of health and economic research and policy analysis in mental health. The Journal publishes also high quality perspective articles, including articles that examine mental health policies and reforms, discuss the financing and organization of services for mental disorders, evaluate the application to mental disorders of the research methods aimed to assess treatment costs and health outcomes assessment. It offers an international forum to enable the different participants in mental health policy and economics - psychiatrists involved in research and care and other mental health workers, health services researchers, health economists, policy makers, public and private health providers, advocacy groups, and the pharmaceutical industry - to share common information in a common language. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics also serves as a point of reference for governmental and international organisations and will develop an international group of informed readers, who will in turn be able to disseminate policy information to local organisations. The overall aim is to improve mental health policy, planning and delivery in all countries on an interdisciplinary research basis for the benefit of patients with mental and addictive disorders.