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ISSN: 1797-9137eISSN: 1797-9129
JUFO Level 1
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International Journal of Conflict and Violence

ISSN: 1864-1385eISSN: 1864-1385
JUFO Level 1

The IJCV is a forum for scientific exchange and public dissemination of up-to-date scientific knowledge on conflict and violence. The IJCV is peer reviewed, open access and included in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI).The subjects on which we concentrate—conflict and violence—have always been a concern in many areas of academic life. Consequently, the journal encompasses contributions from a wide range of disciplines including sociology, political science, education, social psychology, criminology, ethnology, history, political philosophy, urban studies, economics, and the study of religions.The IJCV is published twice a year, in spring and in autumn. In order to promote debate on questions that often tend to be unfairly marginalized, each issue begins with a focus section featuring contributions addressing a selected field of topical interest. Examples are given below. These subjects are announced in advance on our website and in calls for papers. Each issue of the journal also contains an open section to provide a platform for general contributions on conflict and violence. Identical criteria of scientific eligibility apply to both sections.The topics we address will include e. g.:*terrorism*anti-semitism*hate crimes*prejudice*discrimination*human rights*the exercise and experience of violence*inter-group violence*conflicts over religious symbols* women and violence*violence against the aged*youth violence*language conflicts*ethnic wars*conflict mediation*evaluation of anti-violence programsContributions should include empirical findings and/or advances in theory.While the findings published in the IJCV are mainly generated by researchers, the journal’s target readership also includes other interested members of civil society and state and government institutions.Dissemination of knowledge is undergoing rapid change, and the inadequacies of conventional printed media for communication within the scientific community and beyond its borders are rapidly becoming apparent. Conventional printing and distribution of a journal consumes scarce financial and human resources and restricts access to subscribers only. We believe that open access electronic publication is the best response to the demand for swift, open, and free dissemination of knowledge as a common good.Though originating from Europe, IJCV’s scope is global. In a polyglot world, language barriers are serious obstacles to communication. Until now, many non-English speaking authors in the field of conflict and violence research—despite closely following the international publications and often studying similar phenomena in different national settings—have been unable to convey their own findings to the international scientific community and have been confined to national readerships. We wish to give our forum the widest possible impact and accessibility so, recognizing that English has become the medium of international communication in almost all humanities and sciences, we publish articles in English only. We will—within our available means—provide editing and translation assistance for qualified contributions, in order to avoid putting at a disadvantage those who are not native speakers of English. Please contact the editors for details.

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Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Biologie - Biologie Lehren und Lernen

eISSN: 2627-7255