Filozofska istra?ivanja, published from 1980, is the main relevant philosophical journal in Croatia which is published on regular basis. It finds its main thematic framework within the field of philosophy, but also in its related fields. In a journal, published quarterly (four times a year), great number of foreign and Croatian authors contribute, mainly on regular basis. As a rule, every particular issue of Filozofska istra?ivanja has a main Thematic unit/bloc, then Studies (including only original papers), Review articles, Papers from scientific meetings and symposia, Book Reviews, as well as Notes and news from philosophical life in Croatia and abroad. Every article in Filozofska istra?ivanja has a summary on English, German or French. .
Synthesis philosophica publishes articles from all philosophical and philosophy related disciplines within the thematic and appropriate as the standard columns (studies, surveys and reviews ...). The texts are published in English, German and French. The journal is published twice a year. Each article passes review process where reviewers have no information about the author of the text.