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Modeling, Identification and Control

eISSN: 1890-1328
JUFO Level 1

Non-profit Journal: MIC is operated as a non-profit journal and the journal is to a large extent based on voluntary contributions from the editors and reviewers. Any income generated by the journal from author contributions and sponsors are only meant to cover the costs associated with running the journal. From 2009 the MIC articles are available for free download on the Internet, and MIC loses the income source from subscriptions. To compensate for this loss of income, MIC currently requires an author contribution of NOK 1000 per published article. Each author will receive a complimentary issue of the printed edition of MIC where the article appears. The publication fee will be adjusted annually to balance out the costs of running the journal.Review: Each submitted article will initially be reviewed by the editor and/or the editorial secretary. If the article passes the initial review, it will be reviewed in a second step by the closest discipline editor and two internationally recognised experts in the field. All reviews in MIC are anonymous and the journal strives to avoid any conflict of interest in the review process.

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