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Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics

ISSN: 1422-6928eISSN: 1422-6952
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics (JMFM) is a forum for the publication of high-quality peer-reviewed papers on the mathematical theory of fluid mechanics, with special regards to the Navier-Stokes equations. As an important part of that, the journal encourages papers dealing with mathematical aspects of computational theory, as well as with applications in science and engineering. The journal also publishes in related areas of mathematics that have a direct bearing on the mathematical theory of fluid mechanics. All papers will be characterized by originality and mathematical rigor.
Bibliographic Data
J. Math. Fluid Mech.
First published in 1999
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
approx. 150 pages per issue
Format: 19.3 x 26 cm
ISSN 1422-6928 (print)
ISSN 1422-6952 (electronic)AMS Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 0.58 (2011)

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NTM Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine

ISSN: 0036-6978eISSN: 1420-9144
JUFO Level 1

NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin ist die größte Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsgeschichte im deutschen Sprachraum. Sie erscheint viermal jährlich und enthält eine Mischung aus unterschiedlichen Textgattungen (Artikel, Fundstücke, Forum, Rezensionen). Die Zeitschrift wurde 1960 von Gerhard Harig und Alexander Mette in Leipzig gegründet und erscheint seit 2008 mit neuem Gesicht und neuer Redaktion.
NTM wird heute von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik e.V. (DGGMNT) herausgegeben (

Sonderpreis und freier Zugang zur elektronischen Version der Zeitschrift für DGGMNT-Mitglieder (Freischaltung des persönlichen Zuganges zur elektronischen Version von NTM für DGGMNT-Mitglieder durch Email mit Angabe der Postadresse an )

Doppelt anonymes Begutachtungsverfahren

Es werden insbesondere Beiträge veröffentlicht, die an neuere theoretische und methodische Ansätze und Debatten anknüpfen

Neben der Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, der Technik und der Medizin sind auch Beiträge zur Geschichte der Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften willkommen

Publikationssprachen: Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch

NTM Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine is the largest and most comprehensive journal for history of science in the German-speaking world. It appears four times a year, each issue containing a mix of articles such as original research contributions, expository papers, and reviews. It was founded in 1960 by Gerhard Harig and Alexander Mette at Leipzig.
In 2008, under new editorial direction, it was given an expanded scope and a more modern design. NTM is published under the auspices of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und, Technik e.V. (DGGMNT) (

Substantial price reduction and free access to the electronic version of NTM for DGGMNT members (individual free access for DGGMNT members to the electronic version of NTM can be activated by sending an email with the postal address to )

Double-blind review system

The journal focuses on recent theoretical and methodological approaches and discussions

Contributions to the history of science, technology, and medicine, but also to the history of the social sciences and the humanities are welcome

Publication languages: German, English, and French

Zuerst erschienen 1960 / first published in 1960
Namensänderung ab 1.1.2008 / renamed in 2008
1 Volumen pro Jahr, 4 Hefte pro Volumen / 1 vol. per year, 4 issues per volume
ca. 500 Seiten pro Volumen / 500 pages per volume
Format: 15.5 x 23.5 cm
ISSN 0036-6978 (print)
ISSN 1420-9144 (electronic).

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Physics in Perspective

ISSN: 1422-6944eISSN: 1422-6960
JUFO Level 1

Physics in Perspective seeks to bridge the gulf between physicists and non-physicists through historical and philosophical studies that typically display the unpredictable as well as the cross-disciplinary interplay of observation, experiment, and theory that has occurred over extended periods of time in academic, governmental, and industrial settings and in allied disciplines such as astrophysics, chemical physics, and geophysics. The journal also publishes first-person accounts by physicists of significant contributions they have made, biographical articles, book reviews, and guided tours of historical sites in cities throughout the world. It strives to make all articles understandable to a broad spectrum of readers – scientists, teachers, students, and the public at large.

Bibliographic Data
Phys. Perspect.
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
approx. 120 pages per issue
Format: 15.5 x 23.5cm
ISSN 1422-6944 (print)
ISSN 1422-6960 (electronic)

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ISSN: 1385-1292eISSN: 1572-9281
JUFO Level 1

The purpose of Positivity is to provide an outlet for high quality original research in all areas of analysis and its applications to other disciplines having a clear and substantive link to the general theme of positivity. Specifically, articles that illustrate applications of positivity to other disciplines - including but not limited to - economics, engineering, life sciences, physics and statistical decision theory are welcome.The scope of Positivity is to publish original papers in all areas of mathematics and its applications that are influenced by positivity concepts. This includes the following areas.ordered topological vector spaces (including Banach lattices and ordered Banach spaces)positive and order bounded operators (including spectral theory, operator equations, ergodic theory, approximation theory and interpolation theory)Banach spaces (including their geometry, unconditional and symmetric structures, non-commutative function spaces and asymptotic theory)C and other operator algebras (especial

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Pure and Applied Geophysics

ISSN: 0033-4553eISSN: 1420-9136
JUFO Level 1

pure and applied geophysics (pageoph), a continuation of the journal 'Geofisica pura e applicata', publishes original scientific contributions in the fields of solid Earth, atmospheric and oceanic sciences. Regular and special issues feature thought-provoking reports on active areas of current research and state-of-the-art surveys.

Bibliographic Data
Pure Appl. Geophys.
First published in 1939 (formerly Geofisica pura e applicata)
1 volume per year, 12 issues per volume
Format: 19.3 x 26 cm
ISSN 0033-4553 (print)
ISSN 1420-9136 (electronic)

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Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems

ISSN: 1575-5460eISSN: 1662-3592

Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (QTDS) publishes high-quality peer-reviewed research articles on the theory and applications of discrete and continuous dynamical systems. The journal addresses mathematicians as well as engineers, physicists, and other scientists who use dynamical systems as valuable research tools.
Bibliographic Data
Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst.
1 volume per year, 2 issues per volume
approx. 360 pages per volume
Format: 15.5 x 23.5 cm
ISSN 1575-5460 (print)
ISSN 1662-3592 (electronic) AMS Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 0.17 (2011)

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Results in Mathematics

ISSN: 1422-6383eISSN: 1420-9012

Results in Mathematics (RM) publishes mainly research papers in all fields of pure and applied mathematics. In addition, it publishes summaries of any mathematical field and surveys of any mathematical subject provided they are designed to advance some recent mathematical development.
Bibliographic Data
Results. Math.
First published in 1978
2 volumes per year, 4 issues per volume
approx. 400 pages per volume
Format: 15.5 x 23.5 cm
ISSN 1422-6383 (print)
ISSN 1422-9012 (electronic)AMS Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 0.29 (2011)

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Selecta Mathematica (New Series)

ISSN: 1022-1824eISSN: 1420-9020
JUFO Level 2

Selecta Mathematica, New Series  is a peer-reviewed journal addressed to a wide mathematical audience. It accepts well-written high quality papers in all areas of pure mathematics, and selected areas of applied mathematics. The journal especially encourages submission of papers which have the potential of opening new perspectives.

Bibliograpic Data
Sel. Math. New Ser.
First published in 1981
Renamed in 1995
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
approx. 800 pages per volume
Format: 15.5 x 23.5 cm
ISSN 1022-1824 (print)
ISSN 1420-9020 (electronic)AMS Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 0.95 (2011)

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Swiss Journal of Geosciences

ISSN: 1661-8726eISSN: 1661-8734
JUFO Level 1

The Swiss Journal of Geosciences is an international fully Open Access peer-reviewed journal and publishes original research and review articles, with a particular focus on the evolution of the Tethys realm and the Alpine/Himalayan orogen. By consolidating the former Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae and Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology, this international journal covers all disciplines of the solid Earth Sciences, including their practical applications.

The journal gives preference to articles that are of wide interest to the international research community, while at the same time recognising the importance of documenting high-quality geoscientific data in a regional context, including the occasional publication of maps.

Thematic "Special Issues” such as the “Alpine Workshop Special Issues” are published at irregular intervals. Contact us if you have a proposal for a Special Issue.

The Swiss Journal of Geosciences has editorial waivers available for outstanding contributions and review articles from researchers who lack funding for fully OA publication. Members of the Swiss Geological Society benefit from a reduced APC fee of EUR 800.

An international editorial team as well as guest editors guarantee that all regular articles as well as articles in Special Issues are peer-reviewed and meet the highest standards.

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Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

ISSN: 1664-2376eISSN: 1664-2384
JUFO Level 1

Swiss Journal of Palaeontology is an international fully Open Access peer-reviewed journal publishing original research and review articles of interest to the international community in the field of palaeontology. Manuscripts with palaeontological analyses comprising global data are equally welcome as such that document high-quality palaeontological data in a regional context. The diversity of published articles is reflected by the members of our editorial board.

We welcome contributions of all fields of palaeontology including alpha taxonomy & systematics, palaeobiology, palaeobiodiversity, palaeoenvironmemt, biostratigraphy, conservation palaeontology, palaeontological methodolgy, etc. including palaeontological studies employing up-to-date methods such as CT- or synchrotron-scanning, geochemical analyses and complex phylogenetic analyses.

The Swiss Journal of Palaeontology publishes Special Issues and also longer articles. Contact us if you have a proposal for special issues and proceedings volumes.

The Commission for the Swiss Journal of Palaeontology has funds available for outstanding contributions and review articles from researchers who lack funding for fully OA publication.

An international editorial team as well as guest editors guarantee that the thematic issues as well as all articles in regular issues are peer-reviewed and meet the highest standards.

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Transformation Groups

ISSN: 1083-4362eISSN: 1531-586X
JUFO Level 1

Transformation Groups will only accept research articles containing new results, complete proofs and an abstract. Topics include: Lie groups and Lie algebras; Lie transformation groups and holomorphic transformation groups; Algebraic groups; Invariant theory; Geometry and topology of homogeneous spaces; Discrete subgroups of Lie groups; Quantum groups and enveloping algebras; Group aspects of conformal field theory; Kac-Moody groups and algebras; Lie supergroups and superalgebras. Transformation Groups will also publish surveys, written by order of the Editorial Board

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