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Cardiac Electrophysiology Review

ISSN: 1385-2264eISSN: 1573-725X
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Carlsberg Research Communications

ISSN: 0105-1938
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Catalysis Surveys from Japan

ISSN: 1384-6574eISSN: 1572-8803
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Central European Journal of Medicine

ISSN: 1895-1058eISSN: 1644-3640
JUFO Level 1

Central European Journal of Medicine (CEJMed) is an international journal presenting research results in all medical fields, with the aim of becoming the premier source of high quality research from Central and Eastern Europe. The CEJMed is peer-reviewed and is published quarterly in paper and electronic version. The language of the CEJMed is English. Offerings include research articles, rapid communications, critical reviews, case reports, letters to the editor, meta-analyses, commentaries, opinion pieces and book reviews.

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Central European Journal of Physics

ISSN: 1895-1082eISSN: 1644-3608
JUFO Level 1

The Central European Journal of Physics (CEJP) is an international journal that publishes research results in all fields of physics. The aim of this journal is to become the premier source of high quality research from Central and Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, contributions from other parts of the world are by no means excluded. Also, we assist researchers from Central and Eastern Europe and from other regions where English is not the mother tongue, e.g. native English speaking researchers improve the language of articles submitted to the CEJP. All authors receive very fast and comprehensive peer-review. Additionally, every published article is promoted to researchers working in the same field.The CEJP is peer-reviewed and is published monthly in paper and electronic version. The language of the CEJP is English.Distinguished physicists sit on the Editorial Board, e.g. Ingolf Lindau, John H. Weaver, Vladimir Zakharov (the former head of the Landau Institute) and Frank Wilczek (2004 Nobel Prize laureate). Profe

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Chemical Educator

ISSN: 1430-4171
JUFO Level 1
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Chemists' Section of the Cotton Oil Press

ISSN: 0095-9774
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Chesapeake Science

ISSN: 0009-3262
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Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology

ISSN: 1672-7118eISSN: 1993-5145
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Chinese Journal of Geochemistry

ISSN: 1000-9426eISSN: 1993-0364

The Chinese Journal of Geochemistry aims to provide a forum for a broad blend of english-language academic papers geochemistry, in order to promote rapid communication and exchange between Chinese and Western geochemists. The multidisciplinary character of this field will be apparent in the wide range of papers gathered from leading Chinese publications to appeal to academia and beyond. This publication bears the mission of introducing Chinese academic achievements to the world scene by demonstrating the unique features and special status of Chinese geochemical investigations. Topics include geochemistry, environmental geochemistry, ore deposits, petrology, cosmochemistry, tectono-geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, experimental geochemistry, organic geochemistry, mineralogy and mineral physics, rock and ore analysis, etc.

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Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology

ISSN: 1610-1979eISSN: 1613-9089

The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology is an international professional academic periodical on oncology, being co-edited by China and Germany. The Journal, with the authors from around world, especially from China, is dominated in introducing the clinical experience of diagnosis and treatment as well as leading scientific research archievement in the tumor domain, in addition to report basic theory researches which help instruct the clinical practice of oncology and closely connect with the discipline. All the manuscripts are published in English.

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Chirurgia degli Organi di Movimento

ISSN: 0009-4749eISSN: 1973-2538
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ISSN: 1827-5672
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Clean Products and Processes

ISSN: 1435-2974eISSN: 1436-722X
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Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research

ISSN: 1674-5361eISSN: 1868-324X
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Communications in Computer and Information Science

ISSN: 1865-0929
JUFO Level 1
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Communications in Mobile Computing

eISSN: 2192-1121

Communications in Mobile Computing - The Journal of Mobile User Experience (mUX) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen.Mobile user experience (mUX) encompasses a broad sweep of technology, social and business research - from new interaction techniques for mobile devices, through location-based applications, to mobile services in entertainment, advertising, retail and gaming. This is a field where studies are rapidly executed and lean prototypes are quickly built and explored with users to evaluate the potential for new services. We want to create a journal that brings research to the community quickly - enabling new ideas to get traction allowing researchers to share first-view thinking with their peers - but with the academic rigour of a peer-reviewed journal.ComC will accept short articles of 2-4 pages. These may be extended conference articles, or contain studies that build towards full journal articles.ComC operates an open peer review system. The identities of reviewers will be available to each other, to authors, and to readers of the journal.In keeping with the rapid publication nature of ComC., we aim to review all papers within 30 days.Topics Context aware devices and services. NFC communication. 3D interaction and AR. Social characteristics of mobile use and adoption. Social mobile gaming.  Multimodal interaction. Accessibility.  Location sharing.  Voice and sound user interfaces.  Navigation.  Mobile search experience.  Sensor-based experiences.  Enterprise mobile services.  Mobile imaging experiences.  Information visualisation.We expect that articles will address a range of, vertical and horizontal markets: Social gaming. Retail.  Location-sharing services.  Information discovery.  Learning.  Photography.  Healthcare.  Music.  News.  Automotive.  Energy.The format: short articles, rapid publication.

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Comparative Haematology International

ISSN: 0938-7714eISSN: 1433-2973
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Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics

ISSN: 0965-5425eISSN: 1555-6662
JUFO Level 1

Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics is a monthly journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). It contains the English translations of papers published in the Zhurnal Vychislitel’noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki, which was founded in 1961 by Academician A. A. Dorodnitsyn. The Journal includes surveys and original papers on computational mathematics, computational methods of mathematical physics, informatics, and other mathematical sciences.

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Computer Science - Research and Development

ISSN: 1865-2034eISSN: 1865-2042
JUFO Level 1

Computer Science – Research and Development (CSRD), formerly Informatik – Forschung und Entwicklung (IFE), is a quarterly international journal that publishes high-quality research and survey papers from the Software Engineering & Systems area and its adjacent disciplines, with inclusion of embedded systems, mobile systems, information systems, algorithm engineering, web engineering, ubiquitous computing, service-oriented architectures, model-driven architectures, process-oriented architectures and related topics. Also, contributions describing research in application areas as e.g. mechanical engineering, medical engineering and medical technology, traffic engineering and environmental technology are welcome. CSRD is oriented towards practical and also industrial applications since many developments in Computer Science, even those of a fundamental nature, are driven by practical considerations. Contributions from industry are very welcome. In general, two kinds of papers are published in CSRD: research papers presenting novel approaches and results, and survey papers summarizing current developments. CSRD continues the tradition of publishing special issues on selected topics in the field of Software Engineering & Systems. All papers are reviewed in a peer-review process. CSRD focuses on publishing in English while still accepting German papers for a transitional period.

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