Viral Immunology is a peer-reviewed journal centralizing on the growing body of research in viral immunology, with papers on clinical, veterinary, and laboratory research. This journal is essential for virologists, immunologists, microbiologists, infectious disease specialists, research and development scientists, epidemiologists, veterinary researchers, and other professionals who need to be kept up to date on all aspects of viral immunology. Topics covered include: • Human and animal viral immunology • Research and development of viral vaccines, including field trials • Immunological characterization of viral components • Virus-based immunological diseases, including autoimmune syndromes • Pathogenic mechanisms • Viral diagnostics • Tumor and cancer immunology with virus as the primary factor • Viral immunology methods .
The only peer-reviewed journal to focus on the zebrafish, which has many valuable features as a model organism for study of vertebrate development. Due to its prolific reproduction and the external development of the transparent embryo, the zebrafish is a prime model for genetic and developmental studies, as well as research in toxicology and genomics. While genetically more distant from humans, the vertebrate zebrafish nevertheless has comparable organs and tissues, such as heart, kidney, pancreas, bones, and cartilage.Demand for zebrafish at National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been fast growing as word spreads that the tiny, black-striped creature makes an excellent supplement and, in some cases, alternative to lab mice for research. Zebrafish also includes research with other aquarium species such as medaka, Fugu, and Xiphophorus.