• Indian Journal of Agronomy welcomes concise articles presenting original research data based on field experiments on all aspects of agronomy in different crops and related cropping systems.• The journal publishes only full length comprehensive articles based on new approaches/findings in English only.• Review articles are also considered but these are normally solicited by Editorial Board. However, the authors who wish to contribute a review on their own based on their standing in the relevant field may contact the Secretary or Chief Editor with a broad outline before submitting the manuscript.• The articles submitted for publication in the journal should contain data not older than 5 years on the date of receipt of article in the Society office. The period shall be reckoned from the following January or July after the completion of the field experimentation in rainy (Kharif) and winter (Rabi) seasons, respectively.• The articles submitted for publication should be exclusive for this journal and must not be submitted elsewhere during their consideration by the journal. These must not carry any material already published in the same or different forms.• The article should present a complete picture of the investigation made and should not be split into parts. However, in exceptional cases where a large volume of in-depth data are collected based on multi-season experimentation, the article can be split into two or three parts, with the same main title and a different subtitle in short. In such articles, proper continuity should be maintained in presentation of information, and all these articles should be submitted together at the same time.• Each article should be written in English correctly, clearly, objectively and concisely. All the statements made in the manuscript should be clear, unambiguous, and to the point.• There is no prescribed limit regarding the number of pages in case of full-length article, the completeness of the information is more important.• Articles should be suitably divided into the following sub-sections: ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, and REFERENCES.
The Indian Society for Plant Physiology sets up a platform for scientists and research workers dealing with the physiology of plants so as to facilitate the exchange of ideas and serve as a point of interaction.The journal publishes original research papers in the field of plant physiology and related subjects such as biochemistry, agronomy, soil science, horticulture, genetics, molecular biology and other cognate sciences that form the base of plant physiology.
Industrial Crops and Products, an International Journal, publishes academic and industrial research on industrial (non-food) crops and products, containing both crop-oriented and product-oriented research papers - a platform where agricultural research meets industrial R&D.For more information/suggestions/comments please contact AuthorSupport@elsevier.comBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
• Promote the use of knowledge and methods from the information processing technologies in the agriculture;
• Illustrate the experiences and publications of the institutes, universities and government, and also the profitable technologies on agriculture;
• Provide opportunities and platform for exchanging knowledge, strategies and experiences among the researchers in information processing worldwide;
• Promote and encourage interactions among agriculture Scientists, Meteorologists, Biologists (Pathologists/Entomologists) with IT Professionals and other stakeholders to develop and implement methods, techniques, tools, and issues related to information processing technology in agriculture;
• Create and promote expert groups for development of agro-meteorological databases, crop and livestock modelling and applications for development of crop performance based decision support system.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Smart Sensor and Wireless Sensor Network
• Remote Sensing
• Simulation, Optimization, Modeling and Automatic Control
• Decision Support Systems, Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelligence
• Computer Vision and Image Processing
• Inspection and Traceability for Food Quality
• Precision Agriculture and Intelligent Instrument
• The Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
• Big Data and Data Mining
Insect Science is an international journal, which publishes original peer-reviewed, research papers from any entomological discipline. The emphasis of the journal is on the adaptation and evolutionary biology of insects from their molecules to ecosystems including: ecology and IPM; behaviour and social biology; molecular biology; physiology, biochemistry and toxicology; genetics and development; and systematics and evolution. Reviews, special features, commentaries, book reviews, and proceedings of workshops and conferences are published in the journal.
IJARGE proposes and fosters discussion on the evolution and governance of agricultural resources, with emphasis on the implications that policy choices have on both the welfare of humans and the ecology of the planet. This perspective acknowledges the complexity of the agricultural sector as an interface between ecological and socio-economic processes operating in parallel over different space-time scales, as well as the reflexive characteristic of human systems.
The International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability ( IJAS ) is a cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the understanding of sustainability in agricultural and food systems. IJAS publishes both theoretical developments and critical appraisals of new evidence on what is not sustainable about current or past agricultural and food systems, as well as on transitions towards agricultural and rural sustainability at farm, community, regional, national and international levels, and through food supply chains. It is committed to clear and consistent use of language and logic, and the use of appropriate evidence to substantiate empirical statements.IJAS increases knowledge on what technologies and processes are contributing to agricultural sustainability, what policies, institutions and economic structures are preventing or promoting sustainability, and what relevant lessons should be learned.IJAS addresses agricultural sustainability directly and comprehensively. Papers published in the journal contribute to answering the questions: What makes agriculture more (or less) sustainable, how, and why?IJAS covers both theoretical as well as more technical topics, but does not include coverage of technical experimental findings, derived from field or laboratory based studies, unless they explicitly and comprehensively discuss the sustainability aspects of the research.Authors and researchers are strongly encouraged to take a look at previously published IJAS papers. Topics covered include: Agriculture-Environment Interactions Agriculture and Rural Economy Interactions Institutional and Policy Issues Technology Development Food and Consumer IssuesJournal news 2011 Impact Factor: 1.696. Ranked 7/57 in Agriculture, Multidisciplinary! ©2012 Thomson Reuters, 2011 Journal Citation Report®Related Articles Most read Most cited The top 100 questions of importance to the future of global agriculture International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability Sustainable intensification in African agriculture International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability Agricultural success from Africa: the case of fertilizer tree systems in southern Africa (Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe) International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability Trees, agroforestry and multifunctional agriculture in Cameroon International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability The emergence of urban agriculture: Sydney, Australia International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability More 1 The spread of Conservation Agriculture: justification, sustainability and uptake International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 2 The top 100 questions of importance to the future of global agriculture International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 3 Zooming-in zooming-out: a novel method to scale up local innovations and sustainable technologies International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 4 The power of video to trigger innovation: rice processing in central Benin International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 5 Agroforestry Tree Products (AFTPs): Targeting Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Livelihoods International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability MoreTake a look at our portfolio of Literature Journals with 7 days’ free access to more than 2 years’ worth of recent issues.STAR - Special Terms for Authors & Researchers.
International Journal of Agronomy is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of agronomy.
The International Journal of Fruit Science disseminates results of current research that are immediately applicable to the grower, extension agent, and educator in a useful, legitimate, and scientific format. The focus of the journal is on new technologies and innovative approaches to the management and marketing of all types of fruits. It provides practical and fundamental information necessary for the superior growth and quality of fruit crops.This journal examines fruit growing from a wide range of aspects, including: genetics and breeding pruning and training entomology, plant pathology, and weed science physiology and cultural practices marketing and economics fruit production, harvesting, and postharvest Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
International Journal of Pest Management publishes original research papers and reviews concerned with pest management in the broad sense, covering the control of pests (invertebrates, vertebrates and weeds) and diseases of plants, fungi and their products – including biological control, varietal and cultural control, chemical control and interference methods. The management of invasive species is of special interest. We also encourage submissions dealing with interactions of multiple pests such as arthropods and plant pathogens, pathogens and weeds or weeds and arthropods as well as those dealing with the indirect and direct effects of climate change on sustainable agricultural practices. The journal covers the following scientific topics: Population dynamics of pests in relation to management strategies. Assessment of pest or weed and disease damage characteristics / levels and associated yield loss; damage and economic thresholds; sampling and monitoring methods. Pest management systems including decision support and risk analyses. Analysis of farmers’ perceptions of pest management constraints or technologies and of economic benefits supporting studies of the efficacy of pest management at field- and farm-scale. The relationship of pest management to the wider aspects of farming systems and rural development policy. Pre and post-harvest pest management. Novel pest management approaches, technology, methods and techniques Non-target effects of pesticide use / of biological control introductions. Life-history strategies and evolution of pest organisms / biological control agents. Plant defense mechanism in the context of pest management. Environmental sustainability in relation to pest management practices.
The International Journal of Vegetable Science features innovative articles on all aspects of vegetable production, including growth regulation, pest management, sustainable production, harvesting, handling, storage, shipping, and final consumption. Researchers, practitioners, and academics present current findings on new crops and protected culture as well as traditional crops, examine marketing trends in the commercial vegetable industry, and address vital issues of concern to breeders, production managers, and processors working in all continents where vegetables are grown. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The scope of International Soil and Water Conservation Research includes research, strategies, and technologies for prediction, prevention, and protection of soil and water resources. It deals with identification, characterization, and modeling; dynamic monitoring and evaluation; assessment and management of conservation practice and creation and implementation of quality standards.
Examples of appropriate topical areas include (but are not limited to):
• Soil erosion and its control
• Watershed management
• Water resources assessment and management
• Nonpoint-source pollution
• Conservation models, tools, and technologies
• Conservation agricultural
• Soil health resources, indicators, assessment, and management
• Land degradation
• Sedimentation
• Sustainable development
• Literature review on topics related soil and water conservation research