Kew Bulletin is an international peer-reviewed journal for the taxonomy, systematics and conservation of vascular plants and fungi. Papers on conservation, evolution, palynology, cytology, anatomy, biogeography and phytochemistry are considered, where relevant to taxonomy and systematics. Review papers on topics appropriate to the journal are invited. The journal is richly illustrated with line drawings and photographs, and also features a Book Review and Notices section. Four parts (c. 640 pp) are published each year.
LINDBERGIA – A journal opposing the tracheophytocentric conception of the world! Our job is to reveal the biological complexity of bryophytes and lichens.LINDBERGIA is a journal issued by the Nordic Bryological Society and the Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society. Bryologists and lichenologists from all countries are invited to publish original research from any field of bryology and lichenology. All manuscripts are reviewed.LINDBERGIA appears with 1 volume annually. LINDBERGIA is produced at the Oikos Editorial Office in cooperation with the journals Oikos, J. Avian Biol., Ecography, Nordic Journal of Botany, Web Ecology and the monograph series Ecological Bulletins. .
Molecular Breeding is an international journal focused on applications of plant molecular biology: research most likely leading to practical applications with demonstrable benefits for farmers, the seed and processing industries, the environment and the consumer in both the industrialized and the developing world. Papers chosen for publication contribute to the understanding and progress of modern plant breeding, encompassing the scientific disciplines of molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, physiology, pathology, plant breeding and ecology, among others. Topics include contemporary methods of molecular genetics and genomic analysis, structural and functional genomics in crops, proteomics and metabolic profiling, abiotic stress and field evaluation of transgenic crops containing particular traits. The journal also publishes short communications, papers describing novel methods and review papers. All submissions are subject to peer review, ensuring the highest scientific standards.
Molecular Omics publishes high-quality research from across the -omics sciences that provide significant new insight into important chemical or biological problems. Topics covered by Molecular Omics include, but are not limited to, proteomics, genomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, glycomics, metabolomics, microbiomics, sequencing technologies and bioinformatic research. Molecular Omics articles report research that significantly increases understanding or demonstrates clear functional benefits, supported by experimental validation or a novel data analytic approach. Topics include, but are not limited to: -omics studies to gain mechanistic insight into biological processes; -omics studies for clinical applications with experimental validation, such as finding biomarkers for diagnostics or potential new drug targets; -omics studies looking at the sub-cellular make-up of cells – for example, the subcellular localisation of certain proteins or post-translational modifications or new imaging techniques; studies presenting new methods and tools to support omics studies, including new spectroscopic/chromatographic techniques, chip-based/array technologies and new classification/data analysis techniques.
Molecular Plant is a recently founded international journal that publishes significant findings in plant biology, focusing broadly on cellular biology, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, development, and evolution.The journal features a strong international editorial board and is set to become a top-tier journal in the field, using rigorous review to limit the journal to papers that provide novel insights of high impact. The editors particularly encourage submissions of original research that is highly novel but not necessarily fully-developed. Contributions may comprise Research Articles, Review Articles, Methods, Editorials, and Commentaries.To set the standard for its future, most of the papers published in Molecular Plant's first two years were commissioned by editorial members and published in Special Issues on particularly exciting and important topics in current plant biology. Now that the journal's standard has been established, Molecular Plant now receives large numbers of high-quality unsolicited submissions, which have been published under the heading 'Topics of General Interest' since May 2009.The journal is steadily increasing the proportion of regular submissions published. Plant biology authors are strongly encouraged to submit their best work to the journal. Every effort is made to ensure papers are fully reviewed within four weeks and that all accepted papers are published online in their final format within four weeks of arrival of the finished manuscript at the publisher.Assessment by the China Association for Science and Technology of ‘top journals in China’ (in 2010) rated Molecular Plant one of seven A-class journals. .
MYCOLOGIA publishes papers on all aspects of the fungi, including lichens. Subjects appropriate to the journal are physiology and biochemistry, ecology, pathology, development and morphology, systematics, cell biology and ultrastructure, genetics, molecular biology, evolution, applied aspects, and new techniques. Publication in MYCOLOGIA is for both members and nonmembers of the Mycological Society of America. Papers appropriate for the journal are:(i) regular articles reporting original research(ii) notes or brief articles reporting research or new techniques(iii) invited papers(iv) reviews, and minireviews.