Critical Military Studies
Aims & Scope
Critical Military Studies provides a rigorous, innovative platform for interdisciplinary debate on the operation of military power. It encourages the interrogation and destabilization of often taken-for-granted categories related to the military, militarism and militarization. It especially welcomes original thinking on contradictions and tensions central to the ways in which military institutions and military power work, how such tensions are reproduced within different societies and geopolitical arenas, and within and beyond academic discourse. Contributions on experiences of militarization among groups and individuals, and in hitherto underexplored, perhaps even seemingly ‘non-military’ settings are also encouraged. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double-blind peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. The Journal also includes a non-peer reviewed section, Encounters, showcasing multidisciplinary forms of critique such as film and photography, and engaging with policy debates and activism.
We particularly encourage submissions on:
- The contributions of critical analysis to military studies
- Comparative and cross-national accounts of militaries, militarism and militarization
- Social, political, cultural and economic forms of authoritarianism, militarism and militarization
- Race, Empire and Postcolonialism in military studies
- Gendered and queer analyses
- Disability and embodiment, including critical studies of military mental health and resilience
- Legacies of military occupation
- Geographies and landscapes of militarism and military activities
- Military strategy (including counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism)
- Military atrocities
- Militias, paramilitary groups and private militarised security
- Child soldiers and military youth programs
- Military-industrial-complex
- Conscientious objection, war resistance and peace movements
- Disaster relief, military humanitarianism, peacekeeping and reconstruction
- Military education and cadets
- Military families
- Social relations in military bases and base towns
- Science, technology and medicine in militaries and militarism
- Representation and the cultural (re)production of war, violence and militarism
- The challenges and opportunities of critical engagement and collaboration with military personnel
- Veterans and ex-combatants
- New and critical methodologies in critical military studies
Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review offers its readers up-to-date research findings, emerging trends, and cutting-edge perspectives concerning East Asian history and culture from scholars in both English-speaking and Asian language-speaking academic communities.
Cultural & Social History is published on behalf of the Social History Society (SHS). Members receive the journal as part of their membership package. To join the Society, please download an application form on the Society's website and follow the instructions provided.If you are an existing member and have any questions regarding your membership, renewals, change of address, contact the Society's secretary Linda Persson.
Dead Sea Discoveries is an international journal dedicated to the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and associated literature. The journal is primarily devoted to the discussion of the significance of the finds in the Judean Desert for Biblical Studies, and the study of early Jewish and Christian history. Dead Sea Discoveries has established itself as an invaluable resource for the subject both in the private collections of professors and scholars as well as in the major research libraries of the world.