EJES presents work of the highest quality in English literature, linguistics and cultural studies from the multidisciplinary and multicultural perspective that characterises the study of English in Europe. The aim of the journal is to publish substantial scholarly and critical interventions in a fast-developing field and thereby itself to influence the agenda in its disciplines. A research journal, written by and for specialists from all parts of the disciplinary spectrum of English Studies in Europe and beyond, EJES is also addressed to academics interested in the dialogical and plurivocal development of their subject and are interested in innovative work outside their own area of expertise. To this end, it also offers non-specialists examples of recent approaches and new ways of conceiving and engaging the field of English studies. The journal places a high premium on readability, discussion of controversial issues, and the inclusion of a wide range of disciplinary, cultural and theoretical perspectives. EJES appears three times a year. Individual issues are devoted to specific themes, proposed by guest editors, and designed to attract cutting-edge research from across and between the disciplines that make up English Studies in Europe and beyond. A substantial book review section keeps readers informed about new publications in the field, particularly where these challenge existing assumptions or offer to make a difference to the practice of the discipline. 'The cause is Europe . . . The cause is also English Studies in the broadest sense of that term . . . Moreover, the cause is debate.' (Editorial, EJES 1.1) Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
ERR Prize for Best Article 2010 Announced The European Romantic Review publishes innovative scholarship on the literature and culture of Europe, Great Britain and the Americas during the period 1760-1840. Topics range from the scientific and psychological interests of German and English authors through the political and social reverberations of the French Revolution to the philosophical and ecological implications of Anglo-American nature writing. Selected papers from the annual conference of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism appear in one of the six issues published each year. Essays published in ERR will be considered for an annual award co-sponsored by ERR and NASSR. Book reviews are commissioned for two of the six annual issues represent a cross section of concerns in Romantic Era studies and call attention to important new titles and editions from major university and academic presses. Book reviews are distinguished by their depth of analysis, acquainting readers with the substance and significance of current criticism and scholarship in the field. The winner of this year's ERR Best Article prize is: Hadley J. Mozer, Flagler College, St Augustine, USA, for the article ''Ozymandias,' or De Casibus Lord Byron: Literary Celebrity on the Rocks' which appeared in ERR volume 21, number 6. Read this article for free here. Click here to see a list of previous prize winners Peer Review Policy The articles in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
The first issue of Exemplaria, with an article by Jacques Le Goff, was published in 1989. Since then the journal has established itself as one of the most consistently interesting and challenging periodicals devoted to Medieval and Renaissance studies. Providing a forum for different terminologies and different approaches, it has included symposia and special issues on teaching Chaucer, women, history and literature, rhetoric, medieval noise, and Jewish medieval studies and literary theory. The Times Literary Supplement said of Exemplaria that 'it breaks into new territory, while never compromising on scholarly quality'.
Extrapolation was founded in 1959 by Thomas D. Clareson and was the first journal to publish academic work on science fiction and fantasy. It continues to be a leading, peer-reviewed, international journal in that specialized genre in the literature of popular culture. It welcomes papers on all areas of speculative culture, including print, film, television, comic books and video games, and particularly encourages papers which consider popular texts within their larger cultural context. The journal publishes a wide variety of critical approaches including but not limited to literary criticism, utopian studies, genre criticism, feminist theory, critical race studies, queer theory, and postcolonial theory. Extrapolation promotes innovative work which considers the place of speculative texts in contemporary culture. It is interested in promoting dialogue among scholars working within a number of traditions and in encouraging the serious study of popular culture.
Fabula is an international medium of discussion for all issues relevant to historical and comparative folk narrative research. The journal contains eight sections: articles, shorter contributions, research and conference reports, information, reviews, bibliographical notes, books received, announcements of the ISFNR. The article section deals with the study of popular narrative tradition in its various forms (folktales, legends, jokes and anecdotes, exempla, fables, ballads, pictorial media, contemporary genres) and with the interrelationship between oral and literary traditions. Interest focuses on Europe and its spheres of influence, which does, however, not exclude contributions from other cultural areas.
Since its foundation in 1965, Forum for Modern Language Studies has published articles on all aspects of literary and linguistic studies, from the Middle Ages to the present day. The journal sets out to reflect the essential pluralism of modern language and literature studies and to provide a forum for worldwide scholarly discussion. Each annual volume normally includes two thematic issues.
French Studies is published on behalf of the Society for French Studies. The journal publishes articles and reviews spanning all areas of the subject, including language and linguistics (historical and contemporary), all periods and aspects of literature in France and the French-speaking world, thought and the history of ideas, cultural studies, film, and critical theory.
French Studies Bulletin: A Quarterly Supplement is published on behalf of the Society of French Studies by Oxford University Press. It is the sister journal to French Studies and appears four times a year (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter). It publishes short articles (no more than 2,000 words) in English or French on topics spanning all areas of the subject -- language and linguistics (historical and contemporary); all aspects and periods of French/Francophone literature; French thought and the history of ideas; cultural studies; film; politics and critical theory – and on topical issues and debates.
Frontiers of Literature in China seeks to provide a forum for a broad blend of peer-reviewed academic papers of literature in order to promote communication and exchanges between litterateurs in China and abroad. It will reflect the enormous advances made in China in the field of literature in recent years. In addition, this journal also bears the mission of introducing the academic achievements on Chinese literature research to the world. The coverage will include the following main branches of literature, both theoretical and applied: ancient Chinese literature, modern Chinese literature and contemporary Chinese literature.