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Revue d'Histoire du Theatre

ISSN: 1291-2530
JUFO Level 1

Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France

ISSN: 0035-2411
JUFO Level 3

Fonde´e en 1894, la Revue publie tous les deux mois un ensemble d'articles et d'informations indispensable a` tous ceux qui travaillent sur la litte´rature franc¸aise du XVe sie`cle a` nos jours. Les articles privile´gient les apports nouveaux sur le plan des connaissances objectives : biographies des e´crivains, histoire de l'e´dition des œuvres, de leur re´ception, de leur interpre´tation, e´tudes de sources, histoire des genres, des formes, des the`mes et des motifs. La Revue publie de nombreux ine´dits. Une partie importante de chaque nume´ro est constitue´e par des comptes rendus d'e´dition et d'ouvrages critiques re´cents, qui offrent un panorama tre`s large de la recherche actuelle. Un nume´ro est consacre´ chaque anne´e a` une bibliographie comple`te de la recherche sur la litte´rature franc¸aise (production de l'anne´e pre´ce´dente) e´labore´e en collaboration avec la Bibliothe`que nationale de France. Un re´seau mondial de correspondants assure la solidite´ d'une information vraiment internationale. Attentive au caracte`re exhaustif de la documentation et a` la clarte´ du propos, la RHLF se de´finit par le souci d'une rigueur emprunte´e aux me´thodes de l'Histoire et par le projet de pre´server l'unite´ de la litte´rature franc¸aise comme objet scientifique, unite´ souvent menace´e par des spe´cialisations trop e´troites. Cette revue est publie´e par la Socie´te´ d'histoire litte´raire de la France.

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Revue de Philologie de Litterature et d Histoire Anciennes

ISSN: 0035-1652
JUFO Level 3

Revue des Etudes Juives

ISSN: 0484-8616
JUFO Level 1
Publisher: Peeters Press

Revue des Etudes Slaves

ISSN: 0080-2557
JUFO Level 1

Revue des Langues Romanes

ISSN: 0223-3711
JUFO Level 1

Rhetoric Review

ISSN: 0735-0198eISSN: 1532-7981
JUFO Level 1

Rhetoric Review (RR), a scholarly interdisciplinary journal of rhetoric, publishes in all areas of rhetoric and writing and provides a professional forum for its readers to consider and discuss current topics and issues. The journal publishes manuscripts that explore the breadth and depth of the discipline, including history, theory, writing, praxis, philosophy, professional writing, rhetorical criticism, cultural studies, multiple literacies, technology, literature, public address, graduate education, and professional issues. Rhetoric Review also invites readers to contribute to the Burkean Parlor, a discourse forum for discussion of Rhetoric Review's published articles, as well as professional issues. Essay reviews, commissioned by the editor, are included as a regular feature. Peer Review Policy: All articles published in Rhetoric Review undergo double-blind peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Rilce: Revista de Filología Hispánica

ISSN: 0213-2370eISSN: 2174-0917
JUFO Level 2
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Rivista degli Studi Orientali

ISSN: 0392-4866eISSN: 1724-1863
JUFO Level 1

Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale

ISSN: 0035-6085eISSN: 1724-062X
JUFO Level 2

Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate

ISSN: 0391-2108
JUFO Level 1

Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa

ISSN: 0035-6573eISSN: 2035-7583
JUFO Level 1

Romance Philology

ISSN: 0035-8002eISSN: 2295-9017
JUFO Level 2
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Romance Quarterly

ISSN: 0883-1157eISSN: 1940-3216
JUFO Level 2

Lorca and Baudelaire, Chr233;tien de Troyes and Borges. The articles in Romance Quarterly provide insight into classic and contemporary works of literature originating in the Romance languages. The journal publishes historical and interpretative articles primarily on French and Spanish literature but also on Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, and Brazilian literature. Romance Quarterly contains critical essays and book reviews, mostly in English but also in Romance languages, by scholars from universities all over the world. Romance Quarterly belongs in every department and library of Romance languages. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Romance Studies

ISSN: 0263-9904eISSN: 1745-8153
JUFO Level 1

Romance Studies, founded in 1982 by Valerie Minogue and Brian Nelson, is an international, fully refereed journal devoted to the study of the Romance literatures and cultures. With a distinguished advisory panel representative of leading research across the disciplines, the journal is a forum for both established scholars and new researchers worldwide. The editors offer constructive criticism where appropriate and advise young scholars and new contributors on the effective presentation of their material. A single, broadly-defined theme provides the focus for most issues whilst articles on other subjects are also invited. The journal encourages new theoretical engagements and is open to the full range of comparative and interdisciplinary approaches.Romance Studies publishes articles written in English, French, Italian and Spanish.

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Romanica Cracoviensia

ISSN: 1732-8705eISSN: 2084-3917
JUFO Level 1
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Romanische Forschungen

ISSN: 0035-8126eISSN: 1864-0737
JUFO Level 3

Romanische Forschungen is one of the oldest German academic journals dedicated to the study of the Romance languages, their literatures, and cultures from all periods. Its editors and editorial board emphasize the interrelatedness of linguistics and literary studies and encourage the submission of articles and reviews with a focus on the Romance world as a whole. Romanische Forschungen publishes in all the major Romance languages, German and English.Die Romanischen Forschungen sind eine der ältesten deutschen Fachzeitschriften. Ihr Gegenstand sind die romanischen Sprachen, Literaturen und Kulturen von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Herausgeber und Beirat pflegen die Verbindung von Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft und bevorzugen Beiträge und Rezensionen mit einer gesamtromanischen Fragestellung. Die Publikationssprachen sind außer allen romanischen Sprachen das Deutsche und Englische.

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ISSN: 1354-991XeISSN: 1750-0192
JUFO Level 1

Romanticism is the journal of Romantic culture and criticism. The only major international scholarly publication of its kind edited and published in Britain, Romanticism offers a much-needed forum for the flourishing diversity of Romantic studies today. Focusing on the period 1750-1850, it publishes critical, historical, textual and bibliographical essays and notes prepared to the highest scholarly standards, reflecting the full range of current methodological and theoretical debate. With its extensive book review section, Romanticism constitutes a vital new arena for scholarly debate in this liveliest field of literary studies.

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ISSN: 0048-8593eISSN: 1957-7958
JUFO Level 2


ISSN: 1857-2685