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Journal of Operational Risk

ISSN: 1744-6740eISSN: 1755-2710
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Place Management and Development

ISSN: 1753-8335eISSN: 1753-8343
JUFO Level 1

The official journal of the Institute of Place Management, JPMD brings together high-quality research from multiple disciplines on the subject of place making.

Journal of Productivity Analysis

ISSN: 0895-562XeISSN: 1573-0441
JUFO Level 2

The Journal of Productivity Analysis publishes theoretical and applied research addressing the measurement, analysis, and improvement of productivity. The journal’s empirical research papers apply theory and techniques to the measurement of productivity and set forth implications for managerial strategies and public policy to enhance productivity.The journal’s broad scope spans economics, management sciences, operations research, and business and public administration. A partial list of topics includes productivity theory, organizational design, index number theory, and related foundations of productivity analysis. The journal also publishes research on computational methods employed in productivity analysis and empirical research based on data at all levels of aggregation.Officially cited as: J Prod Anal

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Journal of Public Policy & Marketing

eISSN: 0743-9156
JUFO Level 2
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Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship

ISSN: 1471-5201eISSN: 1471-521X
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (JRME) publishes research that contributes to our developing knowledge of entrepreneurial and small business marketing.

Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management

ISSN: 1476-6930eISSN: 1477-657X
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship

ISSN: 0827-6331eISSN: 2169-2610
JUFO Level 1

Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship is a double-blind reviewed and scholarly Journal dedicated to publishing in English and French original and outstanding studies that improve knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship and small business management and, eventually, shape these fields of research.

Studies published might be theoretical pieces, qualitative and quantitative empirical work, and/or case studies. Given that the objective of the Journal is to push the boundaries of current entrepreneurial and small business management thoughts, case studies to be published in JSBE must have a theoretical perspective. The onus of proving the theoretical contribution of the case lies on the author who, to this end, can introduce the case with a short text of 250-500 words. The theoretical contribution can be related to the fact that the case challenges the existing theory or highlights it better. Consequently, cases and teaching notes that are written just for a didactic purpose as an illustration of a theory in classroom will not fit to being published in the JSBE .
Studies published in the JSBE can be from and based on Canada or other countries of the world. They can cover topics related to matters such as: 
A. Start-up and resource gathering for an SME
  • Starting, buying and selling an SME
  • Financing, funding, banking, venture capital, audit and accounting in SMEs
  • Entrepreneur characteristics, leadership and work-life balance
  • Identification of business opportunities, business incubators and mentorship
  • Support services to entrepreneurship and SMEs
B. Functional management and growth of an SME
  • Sales and marketing in SMEs
  • Human resource management in SMEs
  • Operation management in SMEs
  • Innovation, knowledge management, learning and fast growth in SMEs
  • New technologies, Internet, and communication in SMEs
  • Regulation and taxes for SMEs
  • Growth of SMEs

C. Strategic management and change in an SME
  • Strategic Management in SMEs
  • International entrepreneurship and SME internationalization
  • Networks, alliances and relationships with government and large enterprises
  • Managing change in an uncertain and changing environment
  • Factors of success and failure in SME and entrepreneurial firms

D. New trends in entrepreneurship and SME management
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Gender and female entrepreneurship
  • Indigenous entrepreneurship
  • Ethnic/diaspora/immigrant entrepreneurship
  • Youth and student entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship in emerging/transition markets
  • Franchises, sport, health, consulting and other emerging types of SMEs
  • Corporate entrepreneurship

E. Special topics in entrepreneurship and SME management
  • Family-based business
  • Social responsibility, environmental protection, governance, and ethics in SMEs
  • SMEs and regional, urban, rural, and national development
  • Entrepreneurship education
  • Epistemology, general theory development, and methods of research in entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • Entrepreneurship and sustainable development


Peer Review Statement

Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes high quality, original research. All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.


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Journal of Social Entrepreneurship

ISSN: 1942-0676eISSN: 1942-0684
JUFO Level 1

This exciting new Journal will focus on social entrepreneurship and social innovation across a range of sectors and cultural settings. There will be three key criteria behind the Journal. Firstly, sociality: by which is meant strategic primacy being given to a clearly defined social purpose or public benefit that can be identified by organisational type (eg charity, co-operative), output (a normatively defined public benefit), or sector (eg health, education). This includes a range of public benefit externalities including positive environmental and sustainability impacts.Secondly, innovation: by which is meant conventional notions of entrepreneurial bricolage or Schumpeterian disruptive, systematic change supplied to social or economic systems. To date, much of social entrepreneurship scholarship has emerged from business schools and has - as a consequence - tended to focus on organisational, strategic, and financial issues. The perspective has largely been to use business models to explore social innovation, and particularly, social enterprise (social entrepreneurship that moves towards self-funding). The approach has largely been 'what can social entrepreneurship learn from business perspectives'. This is an important part of the scholarly picture, but the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship will have a far broader remit. The vision for the Journal is as a high quality, multi-disciplinary publication that embraces and encourages work on social entrepreneurship from a range of scholarly perspectives beyond - but including - business and management and which accepts that social entrepreneurship has much to offer in its own right to business, and the third and public sectors. Primary amongst these disciplines will be: social policy and political science; anthropology; sociology; not-for-profit management; finance; organizational theory; strategy; social geography; (development) economics; ethics and moral philosophy; and social psychology. However, the Journal will be open to work in any scholarly tradition with the twin caveats that the work is squarely focused on social entrepreneurship, as defined above, and that it is high quality. Thirdly, market-orientation: by which is meant, not only conventional economic market strategies (as in the case of social enterprises), but a wider sense of placing social entrepreneurship in a broader competitive landscape of funding, outputs, accountability and legitimacy, all focused on a relentless effort to improve performance and increase social impact. The Journal will be rigorously international in scope both in terms of its unit of analysis and its scholarly contributors. Social entrepreneurship is a truly global phenomenon and the Journal will recognise its culturally different manifestations across countries as well as explore key contrasts. Finally, the Journal will be unprescriptive with respect to methodology, accepting qualitative and quantitative work equally on merit. However, in order to build the academic credibility of social entrepreneurship going forward, there is currently a need to move away from both descriptive case studies and individual 'hero' accounts of social entrepreneurs, so the Journal will actively look to support both more theory-inflected work and broader empirical studies. This definition of social entrepreneurship includes both for and not-for-profit organisations, as well as public sector bodies, though it excludes all organisations whose primary purpose is profit-maximisation, irrespective of whether they also aim to do social good (this falls under quite the seperate heading of Corporate Social Responsibility which will not feature in the journal). Examples of Bottom of the Pyramid innovation will be considered for publication where the focal organisation aims first at social or environmental value creation by using a for-profit model. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of South Asian Development

ISSN: 0973-1741eISSN: 0973-1733
JUFO Level 1
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Journal of Strategy and Management

ISSN: 1755-425XeISSN: 1755-4268
JUFO Level 1

JSMA is an international journal dedicated to improving the existing knowledge and understanding of strategy development and implementation globally in private and public organizations.

Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment

ISSN: 2043-0795eISSN: 2043-0809
JUFO Level 1

The Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment is a quarterly journal publishing peer-reviewed articles on radical and reformist initiatives for social responsiveness in global financial markets. The Journal specifically focuses on environmental, developmental, social and governance principles as formulated in the financial markets, managed investment, banking, micro-finance, project finance and philanthropy.
The Journal develops the understanding of sustainable investment theory and practice by providing a venue for in-depth discussion and offering a range of accessible, impartial perspectives for researchers and professionals.
The use of sustainable principles has become a major movement in finance. Investment institutions in the major centres are required to disclose how environmental, developmental, social and governance factors are used in portfolio construction. Guidelines issued by the Chartered Financial Analysts Institute, and initiatives such as the Equator Principles, the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, and the Carbon Disclosure Project, all suggest a shift of institutional thinking. While these initiatives intersect with and reflect wider commitments including understanding environmental management, corporate governance and social equity, they also reflect unease about the ways globalised financial markets have managed attendant risks.
Such concerns have been met by research from a number of conventionally unrelated fields. By presenting the latest research from a wide range of research directions, the Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment furthers knowledge of the institutional and policy connections needed to progress the goals of sustainability.
The Journal is supported by an editorial board of leading researchers and professionals in sustainable finance.

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Journal of World Business

ISSN: 1090-9516eISSN: 1878-5573
JUFO Level 3

The Journal of World Business is a premier journal in the field of international business that publishes manuscripts that are broad in scope and integrates contributions from various disciplines. These manuscripts should be targeted at developing new ways of thinking about global issues and problems facing the professional practitioner as well as the academic researcher. With specifically designated senior editors who recognize the importance of contributions from Europe, Australia, the Far East, and the Americas, JWB seeks to attract manuscripts in the following areas: Business Strategy, Global Leadership, Human Resources Management, Social Responsibility, Corporate ethics, Sustainability, and Management & Entrepreneurship.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

ISSN: 0092-0703eISSN: 1552-7824
JUFO Level 3

The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) is devoted to the study and improvement of marketing and serves as a vital link between scholarly research and practice by publishing research-based articles in the substantive domain of marketing.

Manuscripts submitted for publication consideration in JAMS are judged on the basis of their potential contribution to the advancement of the science and/or practice of marketing. In order for a manuscript to be published in JAMS it must, at the minimum, meet the following criteria:

Focus on a substantive issue in the domain of marketingOffer fundamentally new insights that advance the fieldBe literature-based and scholarlyDemonstrate conceptual rigorProvide evidence of methodological rigor, if an empirical piece

JAMS is committed to providing authors with:

Timely and constructive reviewsSpecific and extensive directions (when necessary) for revising a manuscriptA decision to either accept or reject a manuscript as early as possible in the review process

The JAMS Editorial Office makes a concerted effort to ensure manuscript turnaround in fewer than 40 days. However, because JAMS is committed to ensuring that reviews are fair, informed, objective, and constructive, there may be occasional instances in which the turnaround time is longer.

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Journal of the Textile Association

ISSN: 0368-4636

Jurnal Pengurusan

ISSN: 0127-2713

Knitting International

ISSN: 0266-8394

Knowledge Management Research and Practice

ISSN: 1477-8238eISSN: 1477-8246
JUFO Level 1

Knowledge management is a term that has worked its way into the mainstream of both academic and business arenas since it was first coined in the 1980s. Interest has increased rapidly during the last decade and shows no signs of abating. The current state of the knowledge management field is that it encompasses four overlapping areas:*Managing knowledge (creating/acquiring, sharing, retaining, storing, using, updating, retiring)*Organisational learning*Intellectual capital*Knowledge economicsWithin (and across) these, knowledge management has to address issues relating to technology, people, culture and systems.Perhaps as a consequence of this diversity, the knowledge management literature is at present fragmented. Many of the most influential articles on knowledge management appear in journals in fields as diverse as information systems, general management, strategy, organisational sociology or human resources. The literature also often, somewhat misleadingly, presents the subject as split. Current examples of these "splits", which should rather be debates, include those between the "codification" and "collaboration" schools of thought, and between "Western" (meaning North American) and "Eastern" (meaning Japanese) approaches. The intention for this journal is not only to accommodate these and other perspectives, but also to seek common ground between them.

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ISSN: 0019-7416eISSN: 1973-8137

LBS Journal of Management & Research

ISSN: 0972-8031eISSN: 0974-1852

LBS Journal of Management & Research is bi-annual peer reviewed journal welcoming high-quality original contributions on different functional areas of management.

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Latin American Business Review

ISSN: 1097-8526eISSN: 1528-6932

Latin American Business Review is a quarterly, refereed journal which facilitates the exchange of information and new ideas between academics, business practitioners, public policymakers, and those in the international development community. Special features of the journal will keep you current on various teaching, research, and information sources. These activities all focus on the business and economic environment of the diverse and dynamic countries of the Americas.As an individual--researcher, business professional, expert advisor, or part of a professional group or institution--concerned with policymaking and influencing business development, you'll find articles in Latin American Business Review of direct interest and utility. You'll find a wide variety of articles in the Review, including research papers, both theoretical and empirical in nature; works in business and public policy; short survey articles; and case studies, both comparative and focusing on single countries. Articles are interdisciplinary, addressing such varied issues as: business development management regional integration microenterprises industry studies cross-cultural studies trade policy financial markets Articles in Latin American Business Review are published in English; however, each article's abstract appears in English, in Spanish, and in Portuguese. Special features of the Review include reviews of current books and other journals of interest. For those teaching in either executive education programs or at the university level, a special feature is the discussion of useful and current sources of information for classroom use as well as a review of current business cases. To facilitate research, the journal reviews and keeps you abreast of the various data sources available and other information on the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) as well as sources of research funding opportunities.Latin American Business Review is a publication of the COPPEAD Graduate School of Business, Federal University of Rio de Janiero (UFRJ); The Graduate School of Business Administration and Leadership (EGADE), Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM); and Ahlers Center for International Business, University of San Diego.Peer Review Policy: All research articles in Latin American Business Review have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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