A unique blend of theoretical knowledge and managerial relevance, IJQRM deals with aspects of business improvements and manufacturing services, helping to raise standards in product and service quality.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment (IJSA) is a quarterly scientific journal that publishes original articles related to all aspects of personnel selection, staffing, and assessment in organizations. Using an effective combination of academic research with professional-led best practice, IJSA aims to develop new knowledge and understanding in these important areas of work psychology and contemporary workforce management. Led by an international editorial board of academics and practitioners, IJSA continues to lead and develop personnel staffing research and practice and is the only established publication with a selection and assessment focus. Its growing importance in personnel management and among human resource management and work psychology researchers is highlighted by its consistently improving ranking in the ISI Journal Citation Reports.Each issue also includes an Information Exchange section consisting of:.
Six Sigma is a statistics-based, process-focused, data-driven strategy and methodology, coupled with management concepts and lean tools, that aims to improve the quality of process outputs. Six Sigma seeks to identify the causes of failures and minimize variability in key industrial processes in areas, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and service. IJSSCA aims to publish original research that strengthens the current theoretical base and suggests potential for the advancement of industrial practice.
International Journal of Strategic Property Management is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal which publishes original research papers. The journal provides a forum for discussion and debate relating to all areas of strategic property management. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: asset management, facilities management, property policy, budgeting and financial controls, enhancing residential property value, marketing and leasing, risk management, real estate valuation and investment, innovations in residential management, housing finance, sustainability and housing development, applications of information technologies in property management, mathematical methods in property management, international comparisons and developments, theoretical and conceptual frameworks for strategic property management, etc. All submissions are subject to review by two independent referees.
This Journal is established with a view to cater to increased awareness for high quality research in the seamless integration of heterogeneous technologies to formulate bankable solutions to the emergent complex engineering problems.Assurance engineering could be thought of as relating to the provision of higher confidence in the reliable and secure implementation of a system’s critical characteristic features through the espousal of a holistic approach by using a wide variety of cross disciplinary tools and techniques. Successful realization of sustainable and dependable products, systems and services involves an extensive adoption of Reliability, Quality, Safety and Risk related procedures for achieving high assurancelevels of performance: also pivotal are the management issues related to risk and uncertainty that govern the practical constraints encountered in their deployment. It is our intention to provide a platform for the modeling and analysis of large engineering systems, among the other aforementioned allied goals of systems assurance engineering, leading to the enforcement of performance enhancement measures. Achieving a fine balance between theory and practice is the primary focus. The Journal only publishes high quality papers that have passed the rigorous peer review procedure of an archival scientific Journal. The aim is an increasing number of submissions, wide circulation and a high impact factor.
The objectives of IJTM are to develop, promote and coordinate the science and practice of technology management. It also aims to help professionals working in the field, engineering and business educators and policy-makers to contribute, to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work. The international dimension is emphasised in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating technological change and changes in the global economy.
Today's businesses have become extremely complex. For a variety of reasons such as globalisation, the pressures of competitive forces have enhanced product changes, supercharged by shortening product and technology development lifecycles. Managing value chains in such a highly dynamic economic environment has become critical for survival and growth of organisations. IJVCM has been established to reflect and explore the issues and developments of value chain technology and management.
International Journal of the Legal Profession is an academic journal addressing the organization, structure, management and infrastructure of the legal professions of the common law and civil law world.International Journal of the Legal Profession encompasses studies of the work, work practices, skills and ethics of the legal profession as well as the internal management of law firms and chambers. It also considers the methods and extent of provision of legal services. A range of socio-legal information is included involving inter-disciplinary interest from academic and professional lawyers, economists, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists and business academics interested in the world of law and lawyers.Major changes are occurring in the legal professions of America, Europe and Australasia. The profession has become much more open for study and accountability to the public and to government. Academic interest has grown over recent years and study of the legal profession is now well respected and represented within law departments. Scholars have begun to view law as an interesting area of study and lawyers, without any internal methodology for assessing and measuring their work or value, have welcomed the outside interest.International Journal of the Legal Profession considers these issues at an academic level, but also provides strategic solutions emanating from its literature. It is therefore of interest to theorists within law firms as well as academiaPeer Review Policy:All articles have undergone anonymous double-blind review by two or more reviewers. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Visit The International Journal on Media Management's Facebook page here and become a fan! The International Journal on Media Management provides a global examination of the fields of media and telecommunications management, with a strong emphasis on management issues. The goal of the journal is to offer a close analysis of new industry structures, organizational forms, and critical competencies in the changing media environment. The journal serves as a forum for discussion, bringing together academics and industry figures to explore the transition from "classic" to "new" media and to identify the factors that will determine organizational and economic success in a fast-changing and converging environment.The International Journal on Media Management embraces a wide and rich array of media related issues and focuses on the changes in this field evoked by rapid technical developments and convergence in the media industry and communications.Peer Review Policy:All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and double-blind peer review.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The International Labour Review is the world's leading multidisciplinary journal of labour market institutions and economics. Its aim is to advance academic research and inform policy debate and decision-making in these fields by bringing together the original thinking of lawyers, economists, sociologists, political scientists and industrial relations specialists on a broad range of labour market policy and social protection concerns. The International Labour Review also features concise reports on current developments considered to be of particular interest to those working in these fields and reviews of recent major publications. It is committed to an editorial policy that combines accessibility with rigorous, insightful analysis and the highest scholarly standards: every article is independently and confidentially refereed (for information on the submission of manuscripts, see inside back cover).