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Knowledge-Based Systems

ISSN: 0950-7051eISSN: 1872-7409
JUFO Level 2

Knowledge-Based Systems is an international, interdisciplinary and applications-oriented journal. This journal focuses on systems that use knowledge-based (KB) techniques to support human decision-making, learning and action; emphases the practical significance of such KB-systems; its computer development and usage; covers the implementation of such KB-systems: design process, models and methods, software tools, decision-support mechanisms, user interactions, organizational issues, knowledge acquisition and representation, and system architectures.

This journal's current leading topics are but not limited to:

• Big data techniques and methodologies, data-driven information systems, and knowledge acquisition
• Cognitive interaction and intelligent human interfaces
• Recommender systems and E-service personalization
• Intelligent decision support systems, prediction systems and warning systems
• Computational and artificial intelligence based systems and uncertain information processes
• Swarm intelligence and evolutionary computing
• Knowledge engineering, machine learning-based systems and web semantics

The journal also welcomes papers describing novel applications of knowledge based systems in any human endeavor: ranging from financial technology to engineering to health science or any other domain impacted by Artificial Intelligence technologies and its associated techniques and systems.

To further the state of the art, Knowledge Based Systems now also reviews and publishes software and code through its new Software Publication format to disseminate these important born digital knowledge elements.

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We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

Please see our for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Law, Probability & Risk

ISSN: 1470-8396eISSN: 1470-840X
JUFO Level 1
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Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing

ISSN: 1865-1348
JUFO Level 1

MIS Quarterly

ISSN: 0276-7783
JUFO Level 3

JSTOR is a not–for–profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive of over one thousand academic journals and other scholarly content. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. Welcome.

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MIT Sloan Management Review

ISSN: 1532-9194
JUFO Level 2

Management Accounting Research

ISSN: 1044-5005eISSN: 1096-1224
JUFO Level 3
Management Accounting Research aims to serve as a vehicle for publishing original scholarly work in the field of management accounting. The Journal welcomes original research papers using archival, case, experimental, field, survey or any other relevant empirical method, as well as analytical modelling, framework or thought pieces, substantive review articles, and shorter papers such as comments or research notes subject to peer review. The Journal provides an international forum for the dissemination of original scholarly contributions drawing on any relevant source discipline suitable to examine and elicit novel implications for management accounting practices or systems in use in any type of organization globally.

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

Please see our for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Management Decision

ISSN: 0025-1747eISSN: 1758-6070
JUFO Level 1

A leading business science journal with the distinction of being the oldest and longest-running scholarly publication focused specifically on the area of management.

Management Learning

ISSN: 1350-5076eISSN: 1461-7307
JUFO Level 2

Management Learning is a fully peer-reviewed international quarterly journal that publishes original research and review articles on learning and knowing in management and organizations. Management Learning addresses fundamental issues in management and organizational learning and to advance theory and practice through publication of creative enquiry. The Journal is: inclusive, innovative, international and integrative.

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Management Science

ISSN: 0025-1909eISSN: 1526-5501
JUFO Level 3

Management Science is a scholarly journal that publishes scientific research on the practice of management. Within our scope are all aspects of management related to strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, information technology, and organizations as well as all functional areas of business, such as accounting, finance, marketing, and operations. We include studies on organizational, managerial, and individual decision making, from both normative and descriptive perspectives. Our articles are primarily based on the foundational disciplines of economics, mathematics, psychology, sociology, and statistics, and we encourage cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the diversity of the management science professions. Our interest extends to managerial issues in diverse organizational forms, such as for-profit and nonprofit firms, private and public sector institutions, and formal and informal networks of individuals. We welcome both empirical (field or lab) and theoretical contributions.

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Managerial and Decision Economics

ISSN: 0143-6570eISSN: 1099-1468
JUFO Level 1
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Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

ISSN: 1523-4614eISSN: 1526-5498
JUFO Level 3

M&SOM is the INFORMS journal for operations management (OM). The purpose of the journal is to publish high-impact manuscripts that report relevant research on important problems in operations management. This research can be prescriptive or descriptive, but in either case the intent of the research is to develop enduring knowledge that can lead to more efficient and effective processes for the creation and delivery of goods and services.

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Mathematical Methods of Operations Research

ISSN: 1432-2994eISSN: 1432-5217
JUFO Level 1

This journal is jointly sponsored by Gesellschaft fuer Operations Research (The German OR Society) and the Nederlands Genootschap voor Besliskunde (The Dutch OR Society). It features contributions to mathematics, statistics, and computer science that have special relevance to operations research. The journal publishes theoretical and applied papers with substantial mathematical interest in the areas of mathematical programming, continuous and discrete and combinatorial optimization, stochastic models, Markov decision processes and stochastic programming, dynamic programming, control theory, game theory, graphs and networks, queueing systems, inventory and reliability. The journal also covers mathematical methods and applications in economics, business administration, finance, and engineering. In addition, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research includes a special section devoted to review papers on mathematical methods and models in interesting fields of operations research and related optimization theory

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Mathematical Methods of Statistics

ISSN: 1066-5307eISSN: 1934-8045
JUFO Level 1

The journal is dedicated to the mathematical foundations of statistical theory. It primarily publishes research papers with complete proofs and, occasionally, survey papers on particular fields of statistics. Papers dealing with applications of statistics are also published if they contain new theoretical developments to the underlying statistical methods. The journal provides an outlet for research in advanced statistical methodology and for studies where such methodology is effectively used or which stimulate its further development.

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Mathematical Social Sciences

ISSN: 0165-4896eISSN: 1879-3118
JUFO Level 1

The international, interdisciplinary journal Mathematical Social Sciences publishes original research articles, survey papers, short notes and book reviews. The journal emphasizes the unity of mathematical modelling in economics, psychology, political sciences, sociology and other social sciences.Topics of particular interest include the fundamental aspects of choice, information, and preferences (decision science) and of interaction (game theory and economic theory), the measurement of utility, welfare and inequality, the formal theories of justice and implementation, voting rules, cooperative games, fair division, cost allocation, bargaining, matching, social networks, and evolutionary and other dynamics models.Papers published by the journal are mathematically rigorous but no bounds, from above or from below, limits their technical level. All mathematical techniques may be used. The articles should be self-contained and readable by social scientists trained in mathematics.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Mathematics and Financial Economics

ISSN: 1862-9679eISSN: 1862-9660
JUFO Level 1

The primary objective of the journal is to provide a forum for work in finance which expresses economic ideas using formal mathematical reasoning. The work should have real economic content and the mathematical reasoning should be new and correct.

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Mathematics of Operations Research

ISSN: 0364-765XeISSN: 1526-5471
JUFO Level 3

The following institutions are supporting MOR in various ways: The Technion, IBM Research Division, Alfred Renyi Institute, Tel Aviv University, Stanford University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Washington.

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ISSN: 0026-1335eISSN: 1435-926X
JUFO Level 1

Metrika is an international journal in the field of theoretical and applied statistics. The journal publishes original research papers that explore mathematical statistics and statistical methods. Papers emphasize new developments in theoretical statistics and the applicability of proposed statistical methods and results. Each issue of Metrika also contains a section of book reviews.Officially cited as: Metrika

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Military Operations Research

ISSN: 0275-5823
JUFO Level 1

Naval Research Logistics

ISSN: 0028-1441eISSN: 1520-6750
JUFO Level 1
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Network Security

ISSN: 1353-4858

The new look Network Security is devoted to solving your network security problems in system-specific detail, now with even more news, information and solutions to your network security problems.Subscribe today and identify the threats to your networks immediately!Every month Network Security covers:• Worldwide news - the latest in LAN/WAN vulnerabilities and solutions, virus detection and data recovery, international developments, recent company mergers to reinforce network security solutions• Regular industry columns - the inside view from our board of experts• Authoritative news and analysis on the major networks and their operations and the impact on your organization• In-depth technical feature articles - practical advice and guidance on key management concerns plus critical evaluations of technical issues and industry trends• Regular case studies, legal brief and Cybernet features, highlights from recent conferences, book reviews and a comprehensive calendar of eventsNetwork Security provides vital information for:• Network and Telecommunications Managers• Planners• Analysts and Operations Managers• Computer and Information Security Managers• Systems Administrators• IS Management• Manufacturers, suppliers, and resellers of networking hardware and software• Technical Planning Management for Carriers

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