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ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation

ISSN: 2167-8375eISSN: 2167-8383
JUFO Level 1
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AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis

ISSN: 1863-8171eISSN: 1863-818X
JUFO Level 1

AStA - Advances in Statistical Analysis, a journal of the German Statistical Society, is published quarterly and presents original contributions on statistical methods and applications and review articles.AStA - Advances in Statistical Analysis has three designated sections: Statistical Applications:The Statistical Application section provides a forum for innovative use of statistical modeling and analysis techniques in a wide range of application areas. Traditionally, economic and social science are at home at AStA, but submissions with other fields of application such as technology, engineering or ecology are also strongly encouraged. Statistical Methodology:The Statistical Methodology section publishes original articles on statistical theory and methodological developments. The contributions should provide novel material. Articles on probability or formal methods are welcome if they take a statistical or practical problem as a starting point. Statistical Reviews:The Statistical Review section welcomes

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AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv

ISSN: 1863-8155eISSN: 1863-8163

Das Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistische Archiv ist eine Zeitschrift der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft. Sie versteht sich als zentrales deutschsprachiges Organ für die Publikation wirtschafts- und sozialstatistischer Arbeiten. Diese behandeln substantielle Fragestellungen der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften mit einer Methodik, die Konzepte der klassischen Wirtschaftsstatistik mit modernen mathematisch geprägten statistischen Ansätzen verbindet. Publiziert werden methodisch fundierte, problem-orientierte Arbeiten. Im Vordergrund stehen Themen, die für eine breitere wissenschaftliche und auch außerwissenschaftliche Öffentlichkeit von Interesse sind. Nicht das mathematische Niveau ist für die Qualität einer Arbeit ausschlaggebend, sondern Originalität, substanzwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinn sowie die ökonomische oder gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Relevanz. Dies setzt nicht zwingend einen hohen Grad mathematischer Abstraktion voraus. Andererseits kann eine konkrete praktische Fragestellung schnell auf ein vergleichsweise hohes mathematisches Niveau führen. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Lesbarkeit der publizierten Beiträge gelegt. Das Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistische Archiv will die Lücke schließen zwischen der Vielzahl rein methodisch orientierter meist englischsprachiger statistischer Fachzeitschriften und der allgemeinen deutschsprachigen Presse, insbesondere der Wirtschaftspresse. Publiziert werden Aufsätze,

• die statistische Probleme aus dem Bereich von Volks- und Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere der Finanzwirtschaft, sowie aus dem Bereich der Sozialwissenschaften behandeln,

• die wissenschaftliche Analysen von wirtschafts-, sozial- und bevölkerungsstatistischen Problemen liefern,

• in denen politische, institutionelle oder organisatorische Aspekte oder Qualitätsstandards der öffentlichen Statistik erörtert werden,

• in denen, die Rolle der Statistik in der Gesellschaft thematisiert wird,

• welche die Beziehungen zwischen Produzenten, Nutzern und Auskunft-gebenden einer Statistik untersuchen,

• die ethische Fragen der Statistik sowie Probleme des Datenschutzes behandeln,

• in denen Fragen diskutiert werden, welche den Berufsstand der Statistiker betreffen, insbesondere solche der statistischen Ausbildung,

• die einen Überblick bieten über den Forschungsstand in Teilgebieten der Statistik,

• die offene Fragen der statistisch-methodischen Forschung aufwerfen.

Ziel des Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistischen Archivs ist es, ein wissenschaftliches Forum zu schaffen, das der gewachsenen gesellschaftlichen und politischen Bedeutung der Statistik angemessen Ausdruck verleiht.

Offiziell zitiert als: AStA Wirtsch Sozialstat Arch

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Advances in Applied Probability

ISSN: 0001-8678eISSN: 1475-6064
JUFO Level 2
Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Society or Institution: Applied Probability Trust
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Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques

ISSN: 0246-0203
JUFO Level 2

As of 2008 no longer published by Elsevier.

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Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D

ISSN: 2308-5827eISSN: 2308-5835
JUFO Level 1

Annals of Mathematics

ISSN: 0003-486X
JUFO Level 3

ISSN 0003-486X · EMIS Electronic EditionEdited by:Charles Fefferman, Princeton UniversityPhillip Griffiths, The Institute for Advanced StudyRobert MacPherson, The Institute for Advanced StudyJohn N. Mather, Princeton UniversityPeter Sarnak, Princeton UniversityAndrew Wiles, Princeton UniversityThe Annals of Mathematics is published bimonthly with the cooperation of Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study. Founded in 1884 by Ormond Stone of the University of Virginia, the journal was transferred in 1899 to Harvard University, and in 1911 to Princeton University. Since 1933, the Annals has been edited jointly by Princeton University and The Institute for Advanced Study.

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Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics

ISSN: 0020-3157eISSN: 1572-9052
JUFO Level 1

Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (AISM) provides an international forum for communication among statisticians and research workers. The journal seeks to advance the field of statistics, enabling people to better manage and cope with uncertainties. It focuses on findings that have the potential to significantly enhance the practice of statistics. AISM features high quality papers across the broad spectrum of statistics. In particular, the journal emphasizes papers that (a) establish new application areas, (b) present new procedures and algorithms, (c) develop unifying theories, (d) analyze and improve existing procedures and theories, and (e) communicate empirical findings supported by real data. In addition to papers by professional statisticians, the journal welcomes contributions from authors in related fields.Officially cited as: Ann Inst Stat Math

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Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application

ISSN: 2326-8298eISSN: 2326-831X
JUFO Level 1
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Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics

ISSN: 1369-1473eISSN: 1467-842X
JUFO Level 1

Visit the editors page The Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics publishes original articles in the following categories: Applications: Papers demonstrate the application of statistical methods to problems faced by users of statistics. A particular focus is the application of newly developed statistical methodology to real data and the demonstration of better use of established statistical methodology in an area of application. Theory & Methods: Papers make a substantive and original contribution to the theory and methodology of statistics, econometrics or probability. A special focus is given to papers motivated by, and illustrated with, real data. Reviews: Papers give an overview of a current area of statistical research which consolidate and reconcile existing knowledge and make judgements about the most promising directions for future work. Historical and General Interest: Papers discuss the history of statistics in Australia and New Zealand, the role of statistical organisations in private and government institutions and the analysis of datasets of general interest.

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Austrian Journal of Statistics

ISSN: 1026-597X
JUFO Level 1

Bernoulli - Journal of the Bernoulli Society

ISSN: 1350-7265
JUFO Level 2

The ISI is unmatched in its global reach among statisticians and those interested in the field of statistics. We are also an association that links national statistical societies, with special focus on the societies in developing regions of the world. A majority of the world's central bureaus of statistics are represented within the ISI network. Our influence within the international statistical community is supported by the seven ISI Sections, each of them specialise in a particular area of statistics, and the ISI Committees, which are active interest groups.The ISI is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation and has consultative status by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1949. Officially, the ISI was established in 1885, though the initial international gatherings of statisticians started earlier - back in 1853. Therefore, we are one of the oldest scientific associations still active throughout the world today.

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ISSN: 0303-2647
JUFO Level 1

BioSystems encourages experimental, computational, and theoretical articles that link biology, evolutionary thinking, and the information processing sciences. The link areas form a circle that encompasses the fundamental nature of biological information processing, computational modeling of complex biological systems, evolutionary models of computation, the application of biological principles to the design of novel computing systems, and the use of biomolecular materials to synthesize artificial systems that capture essential principles of natural biological information processing.The categories and topics listed below are examples, the editors will be happy to comment on the relevance of other topics:Molecular EvolutionSelf-organizing and self-replicating systemsOrigins and evolution of the genetic mechanismBiological Information ProcessingMolecular recognitionCellular controlNeuromolecular computingBiological adaptabilityMolecular computing technologiesEvolutionary SystemsStochastic evolutionary algorithmsEvolutionary optimizationSimulation of genetic and ecological systemsApplications (neural nets, machine learning, robotics)Please bookmark this page as: more information/suggestions/comments please contact

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eISSN: 1367-4811
JUFO Level 3

The leading journal in its field, Bioinformatics publishes the highest quality scientific papers and review articles of interest to academic and industrial researchers. Its main focus is on new developments in genome bioinformatics and computational biology. Two distinct sections within the journal - Discovery Notes and Application Notes- focus on shorter papers; the former reporting biologically interesting discoveries using computational methods, the latter exploring the applications used for experiments.

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Biometrical Journal

ISSN: 0323-3847eISSN: 1521-4036
JUFO Level 1

Aims and Scope Biometrical Journalpublishes papers on statistical methods and their applications in life sciences including medicine. environmental sciences and agriculture. Methodological developments should be motivated by an interesting and relevant problem from these areas. Ideally the manuscript should include a description of the problem and a section detailing the application of the new methodology to the problem. Case studies. review articles and letters to the editors are also welcome. Papers containing only extensive mathematical theory are not suitable for publication inBiometrical Journal. The Editors are supporting reproducible research. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit computer code and data sets used to illustrate new methods. These will be published as supporting information on the journal"s webpage once the paper was accepted for publication. Highlights in 2010 Special issue:Hans van Houwelingen. 40 Years in Biostatistics Highlights in 2011 Special issue: Clinical Epidemiology and Individualized Medicine. Please download the Flyer for more information! ISI Impact Factor: 1.208* * Thomson Reuters Citation Report 2009 ISSN: 0323-3847 (print). 1521-4036 (online) Volume 52. 6 Issues in 2010. How to cite:To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science). please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Biom. J.' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).

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ISSN: 0006-341XeISSN: 1541-0420
JUFO Level 2

Published on behalf of the International Biometric Society, Biometrics emphasizes the role of statistics and mathematics in the biosciences. Its objectives are to promote and extend the use of statistical and mathematical methods in the principal disciplines of biosciences by reporting on the development and application of these methods. A centerpiece of most Biometrics articles is scientific application that sets scientific or policy objectives, motivates methods development, and demonstrates the operations of new methods.

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ISSN: 0006-3444eISSN: 1464-3510
JUFO Level 3

Biometrika is primarily a journal of statistics in which emphasis is placed on papers containing original theoretical contributions of direct or potential value in applications. From time to time, papers in bordering fields are also published.Biometrika is produced by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Biometrika Trust.

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ISSN: 1465-4644eISSN: 1468-4357
JUFO Level 2

Among the important scientific developments of the 20th century is the explosive growth in statistical reasoning and methods for application to studies of human health. Examples include developments in likelihood methods for inference. epidemiologic statistics. clinical trials. survival analysis. and statistical genetics. Substantive problems in public health and biomedical research have fueled the development of statistical methods. which in turn have improved our ability to draw valid inferences from data. The objective ofBiostatisticsis to advance statistical science and its application to problems of human health and disease. with the ultimate goal of advancing the public"s health. FREE highly downloaded articlesfrom Biometrika and Biostatistics.

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British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology

ISSN: 0007-1102eISSN: 2044-8317
JUFO Level 1

The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology publishes articles relating to areas of psychology which have a greater mathematical or statistical aspect of their argument than is usually acceptable to other journals including: • mathematical .

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Canadian Journal of Statistics

ISSN: 0319-5724eISSN: 1708-945X
JUFO Level 1

Aims and Scope The Canadian Journal of Statistics is the official journal of the Statistical Society of Canada. It has a reputation internationally as an excellent journal. The editorial board is comprised of statistical scientists with applied, computational, methodological, theoretical and probabilistic interests. Their role is to ensure that the journal continues to provide an international forum for the discipline of Statistics. The journal seeks papers making broad points of interest to many readers, whereas papers making important points of more specific interest are better placed in more specialized journals. The levels of innovation and impact are key in the evaluation of submitted manuscripts. Papers should have an introduction which is accessible to a broad audience and makes a compelling case that an important problem is being tackled. Papers developing new methods should typically include real-data examples, as a route to establishing relevance and applicability. Appendices should be used for technical arguments, so that the main body of the paper is easy to follow. More details of the journal's current editorial policies appear in an Editorial in the March 2007 issue

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