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Economic Notes: Review of Banking, Finance and Monetary Economics

ISSN: 0391-5026eISSN: 1468-0300
JUFO Level 1
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Economic Outlook

ISSN: 0140-489XeISSN: 1468-0319
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Economic Policy

ISSN: 0266-4658eISSN: 1468-0327
JUFO Level 2

Economic Policy is celebrating 25 years at the forefront of economic policy debate. Over the two decades since its inception, Economic Policy has published some of the most cited studies anywhere in the world - on financial crises, deregulation, unions, the euro and other pressing international topics. Economic Policy features:

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Economic Record

ISSN: 0013-0249eISSN: 1475-4932
JUFO Level 1

Published on behalf of the Economic Society of Australia, the Economic Record is intended to act as a vehicle for the communication of advances in knowledge and understanding in economics. It publishes papers in the theoretical, applied and policy areas of economics and provides a forum for research on the Australian economy. It also publishes surveys in economics and book reviews to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge. Subscription to the Economic Record includes a special issue publishing selected papers from the National Conference of Economists.

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Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja

ISSN: 1331-677XeISSN: 1848-9664

Casopis "Ekonomska istraživanja" izrastao je iz casopisa "Gospodarstvo Istre, uslijed njegovog preoblikovanja i proširivanja tematskih podrucja obuhvata. "Gospodarstvo Istre" svojom je tematikom pokrivalo niz znacajnih gospodarskih problema i aktualnosti svojstvenih istarskog regiji u razdoblju od 1988. do 1997. godine.Uslijed sve zapaženije uloge te istaknutijih potreba za proširivanjem tematskih podrucja, casopis "Gospodarstvo Istre" mijenja naziv u "Ekonomska istraživanja" u okviru kojeg sve znacajnije mjesto pocinju zauzimati radovi koji svojom tematikom pokrivaju znanstvene aktualnosti iz šireg okruženja jugoistocne Europe.Prateci rastuci udio stranih autora, casopis proširuje uredništvo i tim recenzenata kojeg danas sacinjava niz strucnjaka iz relevantnih znanstvenih institucija u zemlji i inozemstvu osiguravajuci na taj nacin održanje kvalitete i prepoznatljivosti casopisa u široj znanstvenoj, gospodarskoj te cjelokupnoj društvenoj javnosti.

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Economic Systems

ISSN: 0939-3625
JUFO Level 1

Economic Systems is a refereed journal for the analysis of causes and consequences of the significant institutional variety prevailing among all developed, developing, emerging, and transition economies, as well as attempts at and proposals for their reform.The journal is open to micro and macro contributions, theoretical as well as empirical, the latter to analyze related topics against the background of country or region-specific experiences. This is to reflect the respective new orientation within the field of comparative economics: decades of development and transition experience in many countries have clearly demonstrated the importance of institutions and institutional change for the functioning of markets and the ways in which policies influence economic activity in general and economic growth in particular. However, we believe that institutional development is only one of the important factors in affecting domestic and global economies.Hence, Economic Systems strongly encourages submissions from all other fields, covering, but not limited to, a variety of aspects of financial and economic systems and development, including private and state banking; goods and services and financial markets; macro and micro policies and their effects; and global trade issues and exchange rate systems in all developed, developing, emerging, and transition economies. We are particularly interested in empirical papers with significant policy implications.

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Economic Systems Research

ISSN: 0953-5314eISSN: 1469-5758
JUFO Level 1

Economic Systems Research is a double blind peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the furtherance of theoretical and factual knowledge about economic systems, structures and processes, and their change through time and space, at the subnational, national and international level. The journal contains sensible, matter-of-fact tools and data for modelling, policy analysis, planning and decision making in large economic environments. It promotes understanding in economic thinking and between theoretical schools of East and West, North and South.Economic Systems Research is non-partisan, factual and problem-oriented. As the official journal of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA), it aims to serve as a vehicle of cross-cultural information and contact. Topics within the purview of the journal include linear and non-linear multisectoral models of structure and structural change and development, ecosystems and the treatment of depletable resources, environmental and strategic questions, life-cycle assessment, databases and databanks, large-scale computational methods and languages. The journal includes reviews of pertinent literature and special issues on new emerging areas of research in its field.Peer Review Policy:All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two anonymous referees (i.e. double-blind peer review).

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Economic Theory

ISSN: 0938-2259eISSN: 1432-0479
JUFO Level 2

Economic Theory provides an outlet for research in all areas of economics based on rigorous theoretical reasoning and on topics in mathematics that are supported by the analysis of economic problems. Published articles contribute to the understanding and solution of substantive economic problems. Among the topics addressed in the journal are classical and modern equilibrium theory, cooperative and non-cooperative game theory, macroeconomics, social choice and welfare, uncertainty and information, intertemporal economics (including dynamical systems), public economics, international and developmental economics, financial economics, money and banking, and industrial organization. In addition to original research articles, Economic Theory publishes surveys for particular areas of research that clearly set forth the basic underlying concepts and ideas, the essential technical apparatuses, and the central open questions.Officially cited as: Econ Theory

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Economic and Labour Relations Review

ISSN: 1035-3046
JUFO Level 1
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Economic and Social Review

ISSN: 0012-9984
JUFO Level 1


ISSN: 0013-0427eISSN: 1468-0335
JUFO Level 1

Economica is an international journal devoted to research in all branches of economics. Theoretical and empirical articles are welcome from all parts of the international research community. Economica is a leading economics journal, appearing high in the published citation rankings. In addition to the main papers which make up each issue, there is an extensive review section, covering a wide range of recently published titles at all levels. From time to time special issues on selected topics are published, and are available as either single back issues or, if published in the current year, are included in the annual subscription.

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Economics & Philosophy

ISSN: 0266-2671eISSN: 1474-0028
JUFO Level 2
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Economics Letters

ISSN: 0165-1765eISSN: 1873-7374
JUFO Level 1

Submission fee Economics Letters handles a submission fee of EUR 50 (reduced 30) USD 65 (40) Yen 6000 (4000). The reduced prices are for students. Submissions will only be considered after payment of the submission fee via SubmissionStart. After you submit your manuscript, you will receive an email regarding how to transfer your payment. The submission fee is non-refundable and a paper may be rejected by the Editors without being sent for review, should a paper be inconsistent with the Aims and Scope of the Journal as set out on the Journal website, or not adhere to the style requirements as outlined in the Guide for Authors. The submission fees are used to support journal related activities.Economics Letters aims to be a valuable addition to the specialist literature, offering quick dissemination and easy accessibility of new results, models and methods in all fields of economic research. All researchers are welcome to submit their articles to Economics Letters, and especially young researchers and advanced graduate students are encouraged to submit their articles.The "letter" format consists of concise communications, which are a vehicle to quickly communicate important pieces of new research. For instance, a theorist could submit to Economics Letters a thought-provoking example before the analysis is extended to a general theorem in a fully fledged paper that will go elsewhere. Similarly, an experimentalist or an empirical researcher could submit to Economics Letters some important preliminary results, where perhaps the threshold for robustness, thoroughness or completeness of the analysis is not as high as it would be for a complete paper. Comments or pedagogical notes are not suitable for transmission in this form.The following are important features of the "letter" format:Concise: Contributions are usually limited to 2,000 words (12 manuscript pages), allowing readers to determine their potential interest in a letter very quickly, and to digest a large amount of material in a usable form.Rapid: The fast review process and immediate online publication ensure a brief manuscript turnover time.Efficient: A quick way to stay up-to-date with developments in all areas of economics.Every submission to Economics Letters will be subject to a careful peer-review process. With few exceptions, in which submissions are sent back for small editorial revisions before acceptance, each paper will be either accepted as is or rejected. Detailed reports will not be provided; the reasons for the decision will be explained in a brief cover letter from the editor. Economics Letters aims to have a quick turnover time of up to two months between the submission and final decision.Economics Letters and Elsevier uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. Therefore, instances of plagiarism, fabricating or results, and other examples of ethics breach, when properly confirmed, are taken very seriously. The journal imposes a number of sanctions, which include, but are not limited to, a five-year submission ban, and notification to the author's department chair or relevant supervisor.

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Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment

ISSN: 2280-7659eISSN: 2280-7667

Economics and Politics

ISSN: 0954-1985eISSN: 1468-0343
JUFO Level 1
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Economics of Education Review

ISSN: 0272-7757eISSN: 1873-7382
JUFO Level 2

Starting with papers submitted March 1, 2014, the review process for articles submitted to the Economics of Education Review will no longer be double blind. Authors are requested to include a title page with authors' names and affiliation. Reviewers will continue to be anonymous.Economists concerned with human resources and local government finance, specialists in education finance and educational administrators need to be aware of the latest research in the economics of education. Economics of Education Review encourages the development of sound theoretical, empirical and policy research, demonstrating the role of economic analysis in the solution or improved understanding of educational problems and issues. The journal encourages the interaction of ideas, research methods and results between economists and other scholars interested in the economic dimensions of education.We are pleased to announce that a new electronic submission and handling system, EES, has been implemented for Economics of Education Review. This 'Elsevier Editorial System' is a web-based system with full online submission, review and status update capabilities. EES allows you to upload files directly from your computer. We strongly encourage all authors to use EES at the following URL when submitting papers to the journal: (First time users will need to register).Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy

ISSN: 2160-5882eISSN: 2160-5890
JUFO Level 1
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Economics of Transition and Institutional Change

eISSN: 2577-6983
JUFO Level 1

Economics of Transition publishes high-quality, refereed articles on the economics of structural transformation, institutional development, and growth. It presents innovative theoretical work and econometric analyses of the process of economic reform and its macroeconomic effects. The journal aims to promote new thinking on how institutions and institutional change can be analyzed and measured and how their impact on aggregate economic performance can be evaluated. In particular, the journal seeks original empirical and theoretical analysis of the experience of the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS, China and Vietnam, as well as enlightening studies of reform and institutional change in other emerging market environments, including India and those in Africa and Latin America. The journal publishes symposia and regular book reviews.

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ISSN: 0013-0613

Economy and Society

ISSN: 0308-5147eISSN: 1469-5766
JUFO Level 1

This radical interdisciplinary journal of theory and politics continues to be one of the most exciting and influential resources for scholars in the social sciences worldwide. As one of the field's leading scholarly refereed journals, Economy and Society plays a key role in promoting new debates and currents of social thought. For 38 years, the journal has explored the social sciences in the broadest interdisciplinary sense, in innovative articles from some of the world's leading sociologists and anthropologists, political scientists, legal theorists, philosophers, economists and other renowned scholars. In regular issues, and through issues devoted to special themes, Economy and Society covers questions ranging from economic governance to developments in the life sciences and beyond, and publishes major new work on current issues confronting progressive politics throughout Europe and the Americas, Africa, Australasia and the Pacific Rim. Peer Review Policy: All articles published in this journal have undergone internal editorial board scrutiny as well as external anonymous review.

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