The Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials aims to publish theoretical and applied researches on materials, products and structures that incorporate cement. The journal is a forum for discussion of research on manufacture, hydration and performance of cement-based materials; novel experimental techniques; the latest analytical and modelling methods; the examination and the diagnosis of real cement and concrete structures; and the potential for improved cement-based materials.
The Journal of Sustainable Forestry provides a linkage of silviculture and the underlying biology: tree physiology, morphology, and genetics. As such, it elucidates the scientific principles and techniques of controlling, protecting, and restoring the regeneration, composition, and growth of natural forest vegetation as well as plantations, agroforestry, and silvo-pastoral systems. The scope of the Journal of Sustainable Forestry is broad. It encompasses topics from biotechnology, physiology, silviculture, wood science, economics, and forest management. New research pertaining to enhancing the sustainability of forests is considered and encouraged, including papers at the molecular, cellular, whole tree, and forest level. Research results dealing with above- and below-ground perspectives are also published in the journal. The journal focuses not only on the sustainability of forests as providers of fuel and lumber, but integrative aspects of agroforestry and sustainable agriculture insofar as forest crops are concerned. Issues that are addressed include: sustainable forestry in the less-developed countries effects of gaseous pollutants and acid rain on tree production and growth water use efficiency increased resistance to low and high temperature stress strategies for forest adaptation to global climate change the role of organic biostimulants in sustainable forestry and agricultureWhile there are journals that deal individually with these various disciplines, the Journal of Sustainable Forestry brings them together and puts them in one forum. The articles focus on new and integrative approaches to the topic and emphasize diversity, creativity, and innovation. It is indeed a welcome publication for both academics and forest managers.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is a monthly (aiming to be more frequent), online, open access, free access, peer-reviewed journal on wildlife, conservation, taxonomy, ecology and all aspects contributing to the science and action thereof. The objective of JoTT is to publish timely, articles of importance for promoting conservation and encouraging wildlife studies in the biodiversity-rich countries of the world. The lag time after final acceptance of manuscripts from January 2009 will be two months or less depending on the completeness (in content and format) of submissions by authors and timely returns of the galley proofs.JoTT is not restricted to taxa (phyla, groups, families, orders, species, subspecies, varieties, forms or populations) that are threatened with extinction as defined by the IUCN Red List. The term “threatened” is used broadly to include all forms of taxa and their ecosystems, with the premise that the natural world today is threatened and therefore its taxa. Taxa could be threatened in several different ways and not only in their status in the wild. Lack of knowledge about a species or subspecies or a population is a threat as priorities could be compromised due to deficiency in data. Taxa scientifically described for the first time are under threat from data deficiency in their distribution, status, ecological needs, etc. Any taxon could be under threat in a location due to the changes in habitat or quality. Ecological changes, changes in land use, socio-economic changes, human influenced changes, alien introduced species, wrong reintroduction practices, new emerging diseases, social and political unrest, improperly planned national and international wildlife and conservation legislations, constant changes in taxonomy, global climate change, and other factors that keep our environment and ecosystems in a constant flux can have widespread or localized impacts on taxa. In some instances even the so-called “Least Concern” species could be impacted locally or widely due to the above factors.The Journal of Threatened Taxa is global in its coverage and is a direct progression from eight years of experience with Zoos’ Print Journal (ZPJ), whose coverage was South Asia. The objectives of JoTT are very similar to that of ZPJ with respect to the subject areas covered. Once manuscripts are reviewed and finally accepted and the authors have submitted all relevant files, attachments and documents, including the final galley proof, publication lag time will be kept to a maximum of two months.The categories of articles published in JoTT include Papers, Communications, Reviews, Notes, Opinions, Book Reviews and Comments. Contents include:Content:Conservation, Wildlife, Taxonomy, Zoo, Botanic Gardens, Veterinary, Ecology, Biology, Biogeography, Ethology, Natural History, History of Natural History, Biography, Bibliography on fauna, flora and fungi.The following contents are desirable, but not exclusive:1. Conservation of wild flora, fauna or fungi, issues, techniques, tools, legislation, assessments.2. Population studies, management, genetics, biology.3. Threats to wild populations or habitats, factors, management.4. Conservation actions, management actions, reviews.5. Biodiversity inventories, range extensions, new records, checklists.6. Taxonomy, new descriptions, taxonomic reviews.7. Behaviour (wild or zoo), plant-animal interactions.8. Ecological research on wild flora, fauna and fungi.9. Veterinary research in zoo and wild, findings, reviews.10. Welfare issues of scientific nature11. Trade, effects, legislation, issues, economics.12. Observation studies, informal sightings13. History of natural history, zoo and botanic garden history, biography.14. Education techniques, comparative tools of education, education as related to conservation, zoos, botanic gardens, aquaria15. Letters, short communications on current conservation, welfare, trade, legislation issues.16. Scientific contributions from zoos and botanic gardens.
Now published twenty-four times per year, this authoritative journal features strictly refereed original research in the field of environmental toxicology in general as well as in special interest fields such as target organ toxicities, immunotoxicology, risk assessment, carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, ecotoxicology, environmental factors affecting health, and aquatic toxicology. Emphasis is on the toxicological effects of natural and anthropogenic environmental pollutants and their action on both intact organisms and in vitro systems. Increased attention is being placed on the results of epidemiological studies of select groups of workers in exposed populations. To facilitate the timely publication of short articles, the journal has added a new Rapid Communications section, keeping readers on top of important new developments in the field, as they happen. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health: Part B has been instituted to provide a quarterly outlet for in-depth critical reviews, both commissioned and unsolicited, which complement the original research published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. In keeping with the original scope, Part B will focus on environmental toxicology in general as well as on special interest fields such as: * target organ toxicities; * immunotoxicology; * risk assessment; * carcinogenesis and mutagenesis; * ecotoxicology and aquatic toxicology; * environmental factors affecting health. Emphasis will be on the toxicological effects of natural and anthropogenic environmental pollutants and their action on both intact organisms and in vitro systems. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The journal aims to cover transport and health issues in all countries. Three particular aims of the journal are: to promote dialogue between the two research communities it serves; to improve the quality of data and the appropriate use of data; and to encourage transfer of research into practice.
Transport and Health Study Group (THSG)
JTH is formally affiliated with the Transport and Health Study Group (THSG). However, JTH is a scientific journal, and manuscripts submitted to JTH will therefore be considered on two factors - their scientific quality and the relevance of their content - and not on whether the study's findings conflict with current THSG policy. As the THSG prides itself on promoting evidence-based policies, there will be occasions when such policy needs to be reviewed because of emerging evidence.
JTEP is international both in terms of authors and readership. Since it first appeared, more than 650 papers have been published from Europe, North America, the Pacific Rim/Australasia, Africa, Asia, and South America. This international variety is also reflected in the readership.Published three times a year, the journal covers all modes of transport and a wide variety of economic themes, including: Passenger Transport, Freight Transport, Shipping, Aviation, Transport Infrastructure, Environment & Energy, Traffic, Planning and Policy, Safety, Costs & Pricing, Competition, Evaluation, Productivity, Demand & Elasticities, Service Quality, Economies of Scale, Economics Regulation and Choice.
A major resurgence has occurred in transport geography in the wake of political and policy changes, huge transport infrastructure projects and responses to urban traffic congestion. The Journal of Transport Geography provides a central focus for developments in this rapidly expanding sub-discipline. The aim is to bring together contributions from the major strands of current transport geography research:• Transport policy practice and analysis, especially the impacts of deregulation, privatization and subsidy control• Infrastructure impact on trip making, the spatial economy and regional development• Technological innovation in transport and telecommunications and global and regional economic integration• The growing mobility gap between rich and poor and differential accessibility to jobs and services• Transport, environment and energy• Travel, recreation and tourism• Spatial and behavioural aspects of modelling transport demand• Methodological developments• The role and utility of Geographical Information Systems in transport research.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Please follow the link below to access Volume 35. Number 2 : www.interscience.wiley.
The Journal of Vegetation Science publishes papers on all aspects of vegetation science, with particular emphasis on papers that develop new concepts or methods, test theory, identify general patterns, or that are otherwise likely to interest a broad readership. Papers may focus on any aspect of vegetation science, e.g. community structure (including community assembly and plant functional types), biodiversity (including species richness and composition), spatial patterns (including plant geography and landscape ecology), temporal changes (including demography, community dynamics and palaeoecology) and processes (including ecophysiology), provided the focus is on increasing our understanding of plant communities. The Journal publishes papers on the ecology of a single species only if it plays a key role in structuring plant communities. Papers that apply ecological concepts, theories and methods to the vegetation management and papers on vegetation survey can be directed to our associate journal, Applied Vegetation Science.
Journal of Water and Climate Change is an Open Access journal that publishes novel peer-reviewed research and practitioner papers on all aspects of water science, technology, management and innovation in response to climate change, with emphasis on reduction of energy usage. Review papers are particularly encouraged.