Landscape and Urban Planning is an international journal aimed at advancing conceptual, scientific, and applied understandings of landscape in order to promote sustainable solutions for landscape change. Landscapes are visible and integrative social-ecological systems with variable spatial and temporal dimensions. They have expressive aesthetic, natural, and cultural qualities that are perceived and valued by people in multiple ways and invite actions resulting in landscape change. Landscapes are increasingly urban in nature and ecologically and culturally sensitive to changes at local through global scales. Multiple disciplines and perspectives are required to understand landscapes and align social and ecological values to ensure the sustainability of landscapes. The journal is based on the premise that landscape science linked to planning and design can provide mutually supportive outcomes for people and nature.Landscape science brings landscape ecology and urban ecology together with other disciplines and cross-disciplinary fields to identify patterns and understand social-ecological processes influencing landscape change. Landscape planning brings landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, landscape and ecological engineering, and other practice-oriented fields to bear in processes for identifying problems and analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating desirable alternatives for landscape change. Landscape design brings plans, designs, management prescriptions, policies and other activities and form-giving products to bear in effecting landscape change. The implementation of landscape planning and design also generates new patterns of evidence and hypotheses for further research, providing an integral link with landscape science and encouraging transdisciplinary collaborations to build robust knowledge and problem solving capacity.
Leisure Sciences presents scientific inquiries into the study of leisure, recreation, parks, travel, and tourism from a social science perspective. Articles cover the social and psychological aspects of leisure, planning for leisure environments, leisure gerontology, travel and tourism behavior, leisure economics, and urban leisure delivery systems. Also published are methodological notes and philosophical and policy treatises, calendars of research meetings and conferences, announcements, and book reviews. The interdisciplinary diversity of topics makes this international forum for leisure research of special interest to academicians, consultants, students, bureaucrats, and practitioners involved in research, teaching, planning, management, administration, and promotion. Peer Review Policy: All submitted manuscripts to Leisure Sciences have undergone initial editorial screening, peer review, and anonymous refereeing. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Manuscripts in the following areas are being considered:
CURRENTLY NO ARTICLE PROCESSING FEESLife Sciences, Society and Policy, formerly Genomics, Society and Policy, is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal devoted to fostering responsible innovation and sustainable development by providing an academic forum for engaged scholarship, interdisciplinary research, critical reflection and informed discussion concerning the ethical, social and legal dimensions of the life sciences, resulting in insights, tools and recommendations for civil society, policy, industry and education. Its aim is to analyze and assess the interrelatedness of emerging life sciences, society and policy.EDITORS IN CHIEFRuth Chadwick, Cardiff University, Wales, UKHub Zwart, Radboud University Nijmegen, The NetherlandsEDITORIAL BOARDVilhjálmur Arnason, University of Iceland, Iceland Massimiano Bucchi, Science and Technology University of Trento, Italy Anne Cambon-Thomsen, INSERM, France Jean-Jacques Cassiman, University of Leuven, Belgium David Castle, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Donald Chalmers, University of Tasmania, Australia Ellen W Clayton, Vanderbilt University, United States of America Harold Coward, University of Victoria, Canada Abdallah S Daar, University of Toronto, Canada John Dupré, University of Exeter, United Kingdom Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway Juergen Hampel, University of Stuttgart, Germany Jane Kaye, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Bartha Maria Knoppers, McGill University, Canada Mairi Levitt, Lancaster University, United Kingdom Darryl Macer, Eubios Ethics Institute, Thailand Ruth McNally, Lancaster University, United Kingdom Rouven Porz, Bern University Hospital, Switzerland Christoph Rehmann-Sutter ,, University of Lübeck, Germany Emanuelle Rial-Sebagg, INSERM, France Søren Riis, Roskilde University, Denmark Arie Rip, University of Twente, The Netherlands Margit Suttrop, University of Tartu, Estonia Henk ten Have, Duquesne University, United States of America Gert-Jan van Ommen, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands Fern Wickson, University of Tromsø, Norway Brian Wynne, Lancaster University, United Kingdom Steve Yearley, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Xiaomei Zhai, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China
Limnology is a scientific journal published three times a year, in January, April, and August, by Springer in association with the Japanese Society of Limnology. The editors welcome original scientific contributions on physical, chemical, biological, or related research, including environmental issues, on any aspect of theoretical or applied limnology. The journal publishes research papers, notes, review articles, Asia/Oceania reports, and comments.  The aims and scope of Limnology are to publish scientific and/or technical papers in limnology, to serve as a platform for information dissemination among scientists and practitioners, to enhance international links, and to contribute to the development of linmology, especially in Asia and Oceania.
Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability is a refereed journal which focuses on local environmental, justice and sustainability policy, politics and action. It is a forum for the examination, evaluation and discussion of the environmental, social and economic policies and strategies which will be needed in the move towards "Just Sustainability" at local, national and global levels.Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability is written by and for academics and practitioners. It is a central purpose of the journal to develop an understanding of local sustainability based both on critical research and practical experience.Peer Review StatementAll research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two referees.Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science PublicationsTaylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Mammal Review covers all aspects of mammalian biology and ecology. We particularly welcome hypothesis-driven analytical and systematic reviews of current theoretical and applied research on mammals, meta-analyses, practical assessments of techniques for studying mammals and large-scale considerations of the status, conservation and management of mammals. As well as reviews, comments, in which authors respond to papers in Mammal Review, and short communications, in which original research or important new methods are described, are published. Authors may consult the Editor-in-Chief about potential contributions or submit unsolicited papers. The journal is the official scientific periodical of the Mammal Society.
Management of Environmental Quality is an international forum designed to examine factors that impact the environment, their consequences, and how to manage them.
Marine & Freshwater Research is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes original and significant research from all aquatic environments and subject areas. Subject areas include biology and ecology, fisheries science, biogeochemistry, physiology, genetics, biogeography and phylogeography, hydrology, oceanography, toxicology, and aquatic ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling. Environments range from groundwaters, wetlands and streams to estuaries, rocky shores, coral reefs, and the open ocean.Papers that address broad conceptual questions, are interdisciplinary and of wide interest, and that consider further implications and management applications are especially encouraged, given the Journal´s broad scope. Specialist papers at the forefront of their field are also welcome as long as their context is clearly stated. Descriptive papers are published if they are placed in an appropriate conceptual setting and have global relevance. However, papers that are purely taxonomic, parochial, describe preliminary or incremental results, or simply present data without context will not be considered.Research can be presented as Full Papers, Reviews, Short Communications, or Comments and Replies. Groups of authors with ideas for a series of 3-7 related papers that might be packaged as part of a single issue as a Special Feature should directly contact the Editor with a proposal. Key and invited papers from conferences are also published as Special Issues comprising a full volume of Marine & Freshwater Research.
Marine Biodiversity Records is a rapid peer-reviewed, online publication that complements the long-established Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Marine Biodiversity Records has been launched in response to the changing marine and coastal environment and an increasing demand for the documentation of marine organisms in locations where they have not formerly been recorded, as well as of species loss from habitats. Marine Biodiversity Records therefore welcomes original research articles which document and review changes in geographical ranges of marine species, including the effects of the introduction of novel or alien species to marine ecosystems, and of taxonomic studies relevant to these changes.