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Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine

ISSN: 1232-1966eISSN: 1898-2263
JUFO Level 1

Diseases associated with agriculture, forestry, and food-industry, particularly those caused by biohazards (allergic and immunotoxic diseases, zoonoses): study of exposure, characterisation of agents, experimental models, epidemiological and clinical reports. Because of the similarity of the pathomechanisms, the editors are also interested in papers on biohazards causing diseases in other environments (sewage and waste handling, cotton industry, mouldy houses, etc.). Health effects of chemical pollutants in agricultural areas, including occupational and non-occupational effects of agricultural chemicals (pesticides, fertilizers) and effects of industrial disposal (heavy metals, sulphur, etc.) contaminating the atmosphere, soil and water. Work-related accidents and injuries in agriculture, forestry, and food-industry: incidence, causes, social aspects and prevention. Problems of occupational hygiene in agriculture, forestry and food-industry: study of exposure, epidemiology, prevention. Prevention of occupational diseases in agriculture, forestry and food-processing industry, including technical means to minimise occupational exposure to biohazards, problems of health and safety surveillance, health education of workers in specified areas, professional education of medical staff. Methods of monitoring biohazards in air, water, soil, products, etc., as well as proposals for standards and norms for these methods. Descriptions of occupational and non-occupational environmental factors of importance for human health and disease.

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Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research

ISSN: 1985-9899eISSN: 2536-0051
JUFO Level 1

Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research is an academic, open access, peer reviewed journal owned by Arabian Gulf University, which welcomes both theoretical and empirical submissions in natural resources sciences, medical sciences, biotechnology, computer science and applications, innovation, entrepreneurship, and management sciences, and educational sciences

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Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering

ISSN: 1932-2135eISSN: 1932-2143
JUFO Level 1
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Atmospheric Pollution Research

eISSN: 1309-1042
JUFO Level 1

Atmospheric Pollution Research (APR) is an international journal designed for the publication of articles on air pollution. Papers should present novel experimental results, theory and modeling of air pollution on local, regional, or global scales. Areas covered are research on inorganic, organic, and persistent organic air pollutants, air quality monitoring, air quality management, atmospheric dispersion and transport, air-surface (soil, water, and vegetation) exchange of pollutants, dry and wet deposition, indoor air quality, exposure assessment, health effects, satellite measurements, natural emissions, atmospheric chemistry, greenhouse gases, and effects on climate change.

Atmospheric Pollution Research publishes:

  • Research Papers, Technical Notes, and Short Communications
  • Critical Literature Reviews, mainly on new emerging areas of atmospheric science
  • Special issues on relevant topics
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ISSN: 0276-5055
JUFO Level 1
Publisher: J G Press, Inc.


ISSN: 1930-2126eISSN: 1930-2126
JUFO Level 1

BioResources is a peer-reviewed online journal devoted to the science and engineering of lignocellulosic materials, chemicals, and their applications for new uses and new capabilities. Articles can be searched on scholarly databases. An impact factor of 1.418 is listed in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports (ISI Web of Knowledge).

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ISSN: 1759-7269eISSN: 1759-7277
JUFO Level 1
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Biomass and Bioenergy

ISSN: 0961-9534eISSN: 1873-2909
JUFO Level 2

Biomass and Bioenergy is an international journal publishing original research papers and short communications, review articles and case studies on biological resources, chemical and biological processes, and biomass products for new renewable sources of energy and materials.The scope of the journal extends to the environmental, management and economic aspects of biomass and bioenergy.Key areas covered by the journal:• Biomass: sources, energy crop production processes, genetic improvements, composition. Please note that research on these biomass subjects must be linked directly to bioenergy generation.• Biological Residues: residues/rests from agricultural production, forestry and plantations (palm, sugar etc), processing industries, and municipal sources (MSW). Papers on the use of biomass residues through innovative processes/technological novelty and/or consideration of feedstock/system sustainability (or unsustainability) are welcomed. However waste treatment processes and pollution control or mitigation which are only tangentially related to bioenergy are not in the scope of the journal, as they are more suited to publications in the environmental arena. Papers that describe conventional waste streams (ie well described in existing literature) that do not empirically address 'new' added value from the process are not suitable for submission to the journal.• Bioenergy Processes: fermentations, thermochemical conversions, liquid and gaseous fuels, and petrochemical substitutes• Bioenergy Utilization: direct combustion, gasification, electricity production, chemical processes, and by-product remediation• Biomass and the Environment: carbon cycle, the net energy efficiency of bioenergy systems, assessment of sustainability, and biodiversity issues.The journal does not accept for review papers on the following subjects:• Performance of fuel combustion in engines• Technical aspects of first generation biofuels• Soil science papers with no direct linking to bioenergy generation• Isolation of yeast/bacterial strains• Purely analytical biochemistry derived studies that have no direct linking to bioenergy generationBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Bioresource Technology

ISSN: 0960-8524
JUFO Level 2

Bioresource Technology publishes original articles, review articles, case studies and short communications on the fundamentals, applications and management of bioresource technology.The journal's aim is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all the related areas of biomass, biological waste treatment, bioenergy, biotransformations and bioresource systems analysis, and technologies associated with conversion or production.Topics include:• Biofuels: liquid and gaseous biofuels production, modeling and economics• Bioprocesses and bioproducts: biocatalysis and fermentations• Biomass and feedstocks utilization: bioconversion of agro-industrial residues• Environmental protection: biological waste treatment• Thermochemical conversion of biomass: combustion, pyrolysis, gasification, catalysis.For more details, authors should consult the Subject Classifications in the Guide for Authors.The Journal does not consider articles dealing with crop cultivation, breeding and agronomy, plant extracts and enzymes, composites, marine organisms (except microorganisms and algae for bioprocesses), soil and air pollution, and performance of fuel combustion in engines.Bioresource Technology does not consider part papers.

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Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering

ISSN: 1673-9108

Compost Science and Utilization

ISSN: 1065-657XeISSN: 2326-2397
JUFO Level 1

A quarterly peer-reviewed journal focusing on management techniques to improve compost process control and product quality, with special emphasis on utilization of composted materials.Must reading for professionals seriously involved in the composting process — project managers; planners; researchers; consultants; municipal officials; and libraries.

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Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology

ISSN: 1064-3389eISSN: 1547-6537
JUFO Level 2

Understanding and assessing the myriad environmental problems that face society today and devising rational strategies and methods for their control are two of the major international challenges of our time. There is a global demand for pollution abatement, but adequate and appropriate measures for pollution control, pollution prevention, and remediation of past environmental degradation requires sound technical knowledge of the factors and processes involved. Environmental science is the complex and dynamic interaction of diverse scientific disciplines, including earth and agricultural sciences, chemistry, biology, medicine, and engineering, and the development of new disciplines such as environmental toxicology and risk assessment. This journal serves as an international forum for the critical review of current knowledge on the broad range of topics in environmental science. It addresses current problems of the day and the scientific basis for new pollution control technologies. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology provides comprehensive and timely reviews by the leading authorities in each subject area. Topics Covered * Waste and wastewater treatment * Fate and transport of contaminants * Bioremediation * Soil contamination * Wetland function and design * Waste reduction, recycling, and reuse * Air, soil, and water contaminant biogeochemistry * Risk assessment and management * Environmental toxicology and epidemiology Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry

eISSN: 2452-2236
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Dalton Transactions

eISSN: 1477-9234
JUFO Level 1

Dalton Transactions publishes high-quality original research, theoretical and computational studies that significantly advance the field of inorganic chemistry. Its scope includes organometallic, bioinorganic, medicinal inorganic, materials and nanomaterials, with applications including synthesis, catalysis, energy conversion/storage, electrical devices and medicine and sensors.

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EES Batteries

eISSN: 3033-4071

EES Batteries is a premier journal, publishing exceptional battery and energy storage focused research. Delivering the same influence and reputation for quality which researchers associate with companion journal Energy & Environmental Science, EES Batteries is strongly interdisciplinary, welcoming influential, high impact and quality research across all scientific disciplines including chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering, computational/theoretical studies, and policy.

Exceptional research of significant and notable interest to the batteries research communities is welcomed. This includes but is not limited to:

• New battery concepts, materials, and systems
• Battery electrochemistry
• Electrode materials and composites
• Battery interfaces and interphases
• Advanced characterization tools and techniques
• Modelling, simulation and theoretical studies
• AI empowered battery science, technologies, and applications
• System integrations and applications with batteries
• Battery manufacturing, recycling, and scalability
• Safety, stability, and performance optimization
• Policy work and technoeconomic analyses

Research related to batteries in conjunction with fuel cells, supercapacitors, or capacitors is also within the scope of the journal.

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EES Solar

eISSN: 3033-4063

EES Solar is a premier interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-impact research focused on solar energy and photovoltaics. Building on the reputation of companion journal Energy & Environmental Science for high quality and influence, EES Solar aims to be a leading publication for groundbreaking studies that span a wide range of scientific disciplines, all connected by the thread of solar. The journal welcomes studies and analyses at all scales, from groundbreaking fundamental advances to interdisciplinary research across chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering, theory, and policy and technoeconomic analyses, for advancing the field of solar energy. Research that utilizes green materials and sustainable practices, championing developments that minimize environmental impact while achieving high performance is particularly encouraged.

EES Solar is the home for exceptional research that pushes the boundaries of solar research and its applications. This includes, but is not limited to:
• Solar cell and photovoltaic research
• Solar fuels and artificial photosynthesis
• Photocatalysts for energy and environmental applications
• Photothermal and photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion
• Photonics
• Light-matter interaction and spectroscopy
• Photovoltaic system design, solar power systems, and integration
• Modelling, simulation, and theoretical studies including AI and machine learning
• Policy work and technoeconomic analyses

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Energy & Environmental Science

eISSN: 1754-5706
JUFO Level 3

Energy & Environmental Science is an international journal dedicated to publishing exceptionally important and high quality, agenda-setting research tackling the key global and societal challenges of ensuring the provision of energy and protecting our environment for the future. The scope is intentionally broad and the journal recognises the complexity of issues and challenges relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science. For work to be published it must be linked to the energy-environment nexus and be of significant general interest to our community-spanning readership. All scales of studies and analysis, from impactful fundamental advances, to interdisciplinary research across the (bio)chemical, (bio/geo)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines are welcomed.

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Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental

ISSN: 1413-4152eISSN: 1809-4457
JUFO Level 1

The publication of original technical and scientific contributions to do with areas of sanitation and environment as well as their interfaces.

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Environmental Engineering Science

ISSN: 1092-8758eISSN: 1557-9018
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Engineering Science is the essential interdisciplinary journal in its field, publishing state-of-the-art studies of innovative solutions to problems in air, water, and land contamination and waste disposal.This online Journal covers applications of new environmental engineering and scientific discoveries, policy issues, environmental economics, and sustainable development.Topics covered include: Brownfields Climate change Complex and adaptive systems Contaminant fate and transport Ecohydrology Ecological engineering Environmental risk assessment and management Environmental sensors Environmental terrorism Green technologies Industrial ecology Nanotechnology Natural attenuation Novel methods of pollution prevention and control Sustainability.

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Environmental Forensics

ISSN: 1527-5922eISSN: 1527-5930
JUFO Level 1

Environmental Forensics provides a forum for scientific investigations that address environmental contamination which is subject to law court, arbitration, public debate, or formal argumentation and is subject to the basic science that serves as underpinnings to those activities. Journal subject matter encompasses all aspects of contamination within the environmental media of air, water, soil and biota. The journal is an international, quarterly, peer-reviewed publication offering scientific studies that explore source, fate, transport, and human health and ecological effects of environmental contamination. Contamination is delineated in terms of chemical characterization, biological influence, responsible parties and legal consequences. Manuscripts dealing with a wide range of environmental issues and how they relate to the characterization and tracking of contamination will be accepted. Journal focus is on scientific and technical information, data, and critical analysis in the following areas; * Analytical Chemistry, including analytical techniques that provide definitive, quality results for analyses that are conducted to answer litigious environmental contamination questions * Geochemistry, including chemistry and physics of soil, water and air with respect to potential interactions with contamination * Atmospheric Chemistry, including occurrence, alteration, fate, transport and modeling of chemicals in the atmosphere * Microbiology, including all aspects of microbe-related transformation and alteration of contamination constituents * Environmental Fate Assessment, including partitioning and transformation of contaminant components between and within environmental media * Environmental Transport Assessment, including geologic, hydrogeologic, oceanographic and meteorologic integrated controls on the migration or movement of contamination. * Integrated Case Studies, employing environmental fate techniques described herein * Legal Considerations, including strategic considerations for environmental fate in litigation and arbitration, and regulatory statutes and actions Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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