A leading journal in its field, and the primary source of communication across the many disciplines it serves, the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law focuses on the initiation, formulation, and implementation of health policy and analyzes the relations between government and health--past, present, and future.
Peer-reviewed, open-access journal on different areas of public health from health system to environmental health. Published in association with College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University.
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy publishes scientifi c research on health services from a wide variety of disciplines and rigorous health care policy analysis. The Journal also engages in, and responds to, current scientifi c, methodological and policy debates in health care. We aim both to refl ect current concerns and to contribute to setting the agenda.
La Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad resulta imprescindible para conocer los últimos avances y las revisiones más destacadas en el ámbito de la calidad asistencial tanto en atención primaria como en el ámbito hospitalario. Sus páginas ofrecen contenidos relacionados con cualquier aspecto de la investigación en el campo de la salud pública y la administración sanitaria.6 NÚMEROS AL AÑOPara más información, consulte http://www.elsevier.es/calasis
Journal of Infection Prevention is the professional publication of the Infection Prevention Society. The aim of the journal is to advance the evidence base in infection prevention and control, and to provide a publishing platform for all health professionals interested in this field of practice. The journal is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed publication containing a wide range of articles: Original primary research studies, Qualitative and quantitative studies, Reviews of the evidence on various topics, Practice development project reports, Guidelines for practice, Case studies, Overviews of infectious diseases and their causative organisms, Audit and surveillance studies/projects and Outbreak reports.
The journal offers the breadth of outlook required to promote health science education, research and professional practice.
Unique features distinguishing this journal:
Health SA Gesondheid - Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences explores issues and posits solutions to current challenges existing in health care from an interdisciplinary perspective within Africa and other developing countries, including but not limited to:
• improvement of health safety and service delivery
• management and measurement of health services
• evaluation and assessment of health care needs
• prevention of ill health and health-affecting behaviours
• promotion of healthy lifestyles
• health security, economics, policy and regulations.
The journal has a strong regional focus (South Africa) with abstracts published in English. It offers a nurturing environment for young and novice researchers to showcase their work whilst upholding the standards of health science education, research and professional practice.
After publication in Health SA Gesondheid, the complete text of each article is deposited immediately and permanently archived in major bibliographic databases:
• Sabinet
• African Journals Online
• African Index Medicus
• Open J-Gate
• GALE, CENGAGE Learning
• ProQuest
• Google Scholar
• Elsevier SJR Scopus
• Directory of Open Access Journals
• EBSCO Host
• ScienceDirect
Submissions in English (full article) will be accepted.
JME's mission is to provide ethical, unbiased and rapid publication of quality content that is validated by rigorous peer review. JME's aim is to serve the information needs of the pharmacoeconomics and healthcare research community, to help translate research advances into patient care and be a leader in transparency/disclosure by facilitating a collaborative and honest approach to publication. The Journal of Medical Economics publishes high-quality economic assessments of novel therapeutic and device interventions for an international audience. These include: economic analyses (in the form of cost minimization, cost effectiveness, cost utility, cost benefits, cost consequence, cost of illness, burden of disease) health economics methodology discussions on policy issues resource utilization studies disease management modelling studies meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials, outcomes and clinical trials data JME also specializes in the publication of studies that determine the effectiveness of medical treatment, involving measurements of therapeutic and/or preventative outcomes. Methods employed in the studies commonly involve sets of patients with comparable clinical characteristics and include measurements of mortality, morbidity and patient-reported outcomes (including the patient’s quality of life, functional status and satisfaction with healthcare). Read More: http://informahealthcare.com/page/jme/Description.
Journal of Medical Ethics is a leading international journal that reflects the whole field of medical ethics. The journal seeks to promote ethical reflection and conduct in scientific research and medical practice. It features original articles on ethical aspects of health care, as well as case conferences, book reviews, editorials, correspondence, news and notes. To ensure international relevance JME has Editorial Board members from all around the world including the US, Europe, Australasia and Far East.Subscribers to the Journal of Medical Ethics also receive Medical Humanities journal at no extra cost. JME is the official journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics.
Journal of Medical Humanities publishes original papers that reflect its enlarged focus on interdisciplinary inquiry in medicine and medical education. Such inquiry can emerge in the following ways: (1) from the medical humanities, which includes literature, history, philosophy, and bioethics as well as those areas of the social and behavioral sciences that have strong humanistic traditions: (2) from cultural studies, a multidisciplinary activity involving the humanities: women's, African-American, and other critical studies: media studies and popular culture: and sociology and anthropology, which can be used to examine medical institutions, practice and education with a special focus on relations of power: and (3) from pedagogical perspectives that elucidate what and how knowledge is made and valued in medicine, how that knowledge is expressed and transmitted, and the ideological basis of medical education.
Journal of Medical Screening is concerned with all aspects of medical screening, particularly the publication of research that advances screening theory and practice. The journal aims to increase awareness of the principles of screening (quantitative and statistical aspects), screening techniques and procedures and methodologies from all specialties. An essential subscription for physicians, clinicians and academics with an interest in screening, epidemiology and public health.
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice (JMHTEP) highlights critical issues in educating and developing a skilled, healthy and committed mental health workforce.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (formerly known as Southern Med Review) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal. It provides a platform for researchers to disseminate empirical research findings, with the aim that people everywhere have access to the medicines they need and use them rationally.Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice encompasses all aspects of pharmacy whether clinical, social, administrative or economic, and provides a platform to researchers, academics and practitioners from around the world to share new evidence, concerns and perspectives.
The Journal of Public Health Management and Practice provides practical information applicable to the design and implementation of public health programs. It is peer-reviewed and written by leading public health researchers and practitioners from local, state, and federal public health agencies. With the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, you'll explore the everyday challenges of public health and you'll get hands-on, step-by-step solutions public health professionals across the country are using. Topics include: Immunizations, Bioterrorism Preparedness, Mass Media Smoking Prevention Strategies, Public Health Performance Standards, and Public Health Finance.JPHMP is offered to members of the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) at a reduced rate.
The Journal of Public Health Policy (JPHP) will continue its 25 year tradition: an accessible source of scholarly articles on the epidemiologic and social foundations of public health policy, rigorously edited, and progressive.JPHP aims to create a more inclusive public health policy dialogue, within nations and among them. It broadens public health policy debates beyond the 'health system' to examine all forces and environments that impinge on the health of populations. It provides an exciting platform for airing controversy and framing policy debates - honing policies to solve new problems and unresolved old ones.JPHP welcomes unsolicited original scientific and policy contributions on all public health topics. New authors are particularly encouraged to enter debates about how to improve the health of populations and reduce health disparities.