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Rentgenologiya i Radiologiya

ISSN: 0486-400X

Reports in Medical Imaging

eISSN: 1179-1586
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Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy

ISSN: 1507-1367

Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy is an interdisciplinary bimonthly journal, publishing original contributions in clinical oncology and radiotherapy, as well as in radiotherapy physics, techniques and radiotherapy equipment.Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy is a journal of the Polish Society of Radiation Oncology, the Czech Society of Radiation Oncology, the Hungarian Society for Radiation Oncology, the Slovenian Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, the Polish Study Group of Head and Neck Cancer, the Guild of Bulgarian Radiotherapists and the Greater Poland Cancer Centre, affiliated with the Spanish Society of Radiotherapy and Oncology, the Portuguese Society of Radiotherapy–Oncology, the Romanian Society of Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology, the Latin American Association for Radiation Oncology and the Grupo Oncólogico Catalan Occitano.Wersja pierwotna czasopisma jest wersja internetowa.

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Revista Chilena de Radiología

ISSN: 0717-201XeISSN: 0717-9308
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Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular

eISSN: 2253-654X
JUFO Level 1

El Órgano de Expresión Oficial de la Sociedad es la única revista de la especialidad editada en español, aprobada por la National Library of Medicine de EE.UU e incluida en Index Medicus/Medline. Sus contenidos abarcan tanto las facetas docentes como científicas en todos los ámbitos de la medicina nuclear.

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Revista de Senología y Patología Mamaria

eISSN: 0214-1582
La Revista de Senología y Patología Mamaria tiene como objetivo principal la publicación de estudios científicos relevantes así como de contenidos educativos en español o en inglés, relacionados con las disciplinas que se integran en el estudio y el tratamiento de la Senología y de la Patología Mamaria. Asimismo, la Revista pretende acoger actuaciones consenso y de debate científico en Senología y Patología Mamaria.

Los campos de interés de la Revista de Senología y Patología Mamaria incluyen todos aquellos que posibilitan un enfoque multidisciplinar en el diagnóstico y en el tratamiento en la Senología y la Patología Mamaria, tanto en su vertiente investigadora clínica o translacional, como en la educativa. Se promoverá la publicación de manuscritos que integren las áreas de conocimiento de Anatomía Patológica, Cirugía, Epidemiología y Salud Pública, Ginecología, Medicina Nuclear, Oncología Médica, Psicología, Oncología Radioterápica y Radiología.

Revista de Senología y Patología Mamaria aims primarily to publish important scientific studies and educational material in Spanish or English related to the disciplines involved in the study and treatment of breast disease. Likewise, the journal aims to report consensus initiatives and scientific debates in Senology and Breast Pathology.

The journal's fields of interest include all areas that contribute to a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of breast disease, both in clinical or translational research and in education. The journal promotes the publication of manuscripts on the topics of Pathology, Surgery, Epidemiology and Public Health, Gynecology, Nuclear Medicine, Medical Oncology, Psychology, Radiation Oncology, and Radiology.

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Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology

eISSN: 2222-7415

Röfo. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren

ISSN: 1438-9029
JUFO Level 1

Die notfallmäßige und elektive Implantation von membranüberzogenen Stents stellt eine minimal invasive und effektive Methode zur Behandlung iatrogener, arterieller Gefäßverletzungen dar. Dies belegt eine Studie, die Effektivität und Sicherheit membranüberzogener Stents bei der Behandlung von iatrogenen Arterienverletzungen evaluierte. Dazu wurden 31 Implantationen eines membranüberzogenen Stents zur Behandlung iatrogener und traumatischer arterieller Verletzungen zwischen 03/1998 und 12/2009 beurteilt.

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ISSN: 1357-714XeISSN: 1369-1643
JUFO Level 1

Sarcoma is dedicated to publishing papers covering all aspects of connective tissue oncology research. It brings together work from scientists and clinicians carrying out a broad range of research in this field, including the basic sciences, molecular biology and pathology and the clinical sciences of epidemiology, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. High-quality papers concerning the entire range of bone and soft tissue sarcomas in both adults and children, including Kaposi's sarcoma, are published as well as preclinical and animal studies.This journal provides a central forum for the description of advances in diagnosis, assessment and treatment of this rarely seen, but often mismanaged, group of patients. It is of interest to all those working with bone and soft tissue tumours, including medical, surgical and paediatric oncologists, radiotherapists, pathologists and research scientists.

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Seminars in Interventional Radiology

ISSN: 0739-9529eISSN: 1098-8963
JUFO Level 1

Seminars in Interventional Radiology is a quarterly review journal that publishes topic-specific issues in the field of radiology and related sub-specialties.

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Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology

ISSN: 1089-7860eISSN: 1098-898X
JUFO Level 1

Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology is a review journal that is devoted to musculoskeletal and associated imaging techniques. The journal's topical issues encompass a broad spectrum of radiological imaging including body MRI imaging, cross sectional radiology, ultrasound and biomechanics. The journal also covers advanced imaging techniques of metabolic bone disease and other areas like the foot and ankle, wrist, spine and other extremities.The journal's content is suitable for both the practicing radiologist as well as residents in training.2011 Topics Include:Non Neoplastic Bone Marrow Disorders, ESSR 2011 - Apostolos KarantanasTropical Infections MSK System - Wilfred Peh.

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Seminars in Nuclear Medicine

ISSN: 0001-2998eISSN: 1558-4623
JUFO Level 1

Seminars in Nuclear Medicine is a timely source for new concepts and techniques in nuclear medicine. The clinically oriented articles provide a reference for those involved in the performance and interpretation of nuclear medicine procedures. The contributing authors represent many of the recognized authorities from around the world.2012 Topics, Volume 42, Issues 1-6:JanuaryPlanar Imaging in the Age of SPECTMarchFunctional Studies of the Gastrointestinal TractMayTheranosticsJulyLow-Sensitivity FDG-PET StudiesSeptemberRadiation Oncology and Nuclear MedicineNovemberBrain Imaging UpdateBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Seminars in Radiation Oncology

ISSN: 1053-4296eISSN: 1532-9461
JUFO Level 1

Each issue of Seminars in Radiation Oncology is compiled by a guest editor to address a specific topic in the specialty, presenting definitive information on areas of rapid change and development. A significant number of articles report new scientific information. Topics covered include tumor biology, diagnosis, medical and surgical management of the patient, and new technologies.Seminars in Radiation Oncology has an Impact Factor of 4.312 and is ranked 10th of 90 journals in Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging category and 38th of 141 in Oncology category on the 2009 Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters.2011 Topics: Volume 21, Issues 1-4JanuaryEarly Stage Breast CancerLori Pierce, MDAprilMetabolic and Functional Imaging with Radiation TherapyJames M. Balter, PhDJulyRectal CancerBrian Czito, MD, and Christopher Willett, MDOctoberLiver Tumors (primary and metastatic)Laura Dawson, MD

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Seminars in Roentgenology

ISSN: 0037-198XeISSN: 1558-4658
JUFO Level 1

Seminars in Roentgenology is designed primarily for the practicing radiologist and for the resident. Each quarterly issue compiled by a leading guest editor covers a single topic of current importance. The clinical, pathological, and roentgenologic aspects are emphasized, while research and techniques are discussed insofar as they provide documentation and clarification of the subject under discussion. This Seminars series is of interest to radiologists, sonographers, and radiologic technicians.2012 Topics, Volume 47, Issues 1-4:JanuaryPediatric Imaging Update, Part IAprilPediatric Imaging Update, Part IIJulyCardiac ImagingOctoberImaging of TraumaBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI

ISSN: 0887-2171eISSN: 1558-5034
JUFO Level 1

Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI is directed to all physicians involved in the performance and interpretation of ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging procedures. It is a timely source for the publication of new concepts and research findings directly applicable to day-to-day clinical practice. The articles describe the performance of various procedures together with the authors' approach to problems of interpretation. Each issue is devoted to one topic and all papers are by invitation only.2012 Topics, Volume 32, Issues 1-6:FebruaryImaging in Pregnancy and the Postpartum StateAprilThyroid ParathyroidJuneImaging of the AortaAugustErrors and Malpractice in RadiologyOctoberENT Emergencies IIDecemberThe Pulmonary VasculatureBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Sensors & Diagnostics

eISSN: 2635-0998

Sensors & Diagnostics is a gold open access journal focused on high-impact, innovative sensing work. The journal welcomes high-quality studies reporting innovative materials, novel detection principles, and/or significant development of known devices. All work must be of significant interest to the community, and, where relevant, must show in situ or real-life sample testing. Topics include Biosensors (intracellular sensors, cell chips); Chemical sensors (electronic, electromagnetic, optical, mechanical, thermal, gas sensors, single molecule sensors, arrays & multiplexing); Physical and physiological sensors; Integrated, wearable and/or implantable sensors; Microfluidic devices (lab-on-a-chip, micro total analysis systems); Sensor and sensor-array chemometrics; Molecular diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction (PCR), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), lateral flow assay (LFA), loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)); Scanning based diagnostics (mammography/mastography, positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)); and Digital health and data management.

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Skeletal Radiology

ISSN: 0364-2348eISSN: 1432-2161
JUFO Level 1

Skeletal Radiology provides a forum for the dissemination of current knowledge and information dealing with disorders of the musculoskeletal system including the spine. While emphasizing the radiological aspects of the many varied skeletal abnormalities, the journal also adopts an interdisciplinary approach, reflecting the membership of the International Skeletal Society. Thus, the anatomical, pathological, physiological, clinical, metabolic and epidemiological aspects of the many entities affecting the skeleton receive appropriate consideration. This is the official Journal of the International Skeletal Society.

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South African Journal of Radiology

ISSN: 1027-202XeISSN: 2078-6778
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Surgery Research and Practice

ISSN: 2356-7759eISSN: 2356-6124
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Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy

ISSN: 0930-1038eISSN: 1279-8517
JUFO Level 1

The application of anatomical research to clinical problems requires selectivity in choosing from numerous publications. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, the first international journal of Clinical anatomy operates in the spirit that meaningful progress remains to be made. Each issue includes: Original papers, review articles, articles on the anatomical bases of medical, surgical and radiological techniques, articles of normal radiologic anatomy, brief reviews of anatomical publications of clinical interest.Particular attention is given to high quality illustrations, which are indispensable for a better understanding of anatomical problems.Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy is a journal written by anatomists for clinicians with a special interest in anatomy.

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